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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Makoto (Persona) Breast Expansion and Butt Expansion, Futa Junko (Danganronpa), and Sexual Content

On the pursuit of someone claiming to be the Ultimate Despair, Makoto Njijima follows a suspect into a subway train. Upon finding none other than Junko Enoshima, her body and mind change to satisfy both of their rising libidos.

This is a commission for Magnaking on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/magnaking

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Rush hour traffic in Shibuya acted as both a blessing and a curse for Makoto as she kept her red eyes alert for signs of her target. Her white dress shirt and black vest made it easy for her to blend in with the crowd, working with the red and black skirt around her hips to make her appear as nothing more than an average high school senior. Reaching up to keep her bob cut of brown hair in place, she cursed to herself about how hard it was going to be to find the Phantom Thieves’ next target. That was when she saw her.

   Standing out like a sore thumb amongst the mob of people was a woman with her strawberry blonde hair styled into the shape of twin pigtails. Upon seeing the pair of bear-shaped hair clips that resembled the graffiti she had seen adorning the walls of Mementos, Makoto began to push her way through the crowd. Trying her best to keep up, she tried to take in every detail of the woman’s appearance from her pair of black and white ties, her black cardigan, extremely short red skirt, and pair of black, high heeled boots. Managing to follow the suspect all the way to the subway station, she swore she saw a malevolent grin on her face as she stepped into a nearby train car.

   Wasting little time, Makoto gave chase to enter the same subway train. She managed to make it in just as the doors slid shut behind her. The car was beyond cramped, making it near impossible for her to maneuver herself towards the woman. Though she tried to push through, she realized it was only a matter of time before the train stopped and the suspect would get away.

   Finding an empty spot near one of the windows, Makoto allowed herself to try and vent her frustration with a sigh. Holding onto the wall, she pondered why she was doing this. Sure the woman looked suspicious, but it was ridiculous that such a person would be fitting of the title “Ultimate Despair.” Things were already rough at school with the upcoming exams and this constant running after wild goose chases wasn’t helping her. Brushing her fingers through her hair, she wondered if she would have been better off staying at home studying rather than chasing off after people. Above all else, she yearned for some way to get rid of the excess stress that had been plaguing her for quite some time.

   Her relaxed demeanor stiffened upon feeling a pair of hands grasp her sides. The fingers sinking into her mid-section made it clear that this was no accident. Daring to look over her shoulder, she stared in stunned silence as she once more looked upon the set of bear hair pins and a malevolent smile.

   “Oh dear, did I interrupt something?” the woman asked, her haughty tone betraying the way her fingers sunk into Makoto’s sides. “A peasant like you shouldn’t have such a look of worry on their face. At least, not until her queen has finished with her.”

   “It’s you, isn’t it?”

   The woman let out a childish laugh. “Awww, I don’t know what you mean.”

   “You’re her. The one they keep talking about online. Junko Enoshima.”

   “Bingo, dumbass,” Junko replied, sticking out her tongue to let it slide up against Makoto’s cheek.

   “What do you want?” Makoto asked, trying to remain intimidating even as Junko reached out to brush her face.

   Junko sighed before letting her grip slump. “Well besides the obvious of using Mementos to spread my despair, I was looking for something to break up the dull monotony. You wouldn’t happen to be the person that could help me with that, could you?”

   “Of course not,” Makoto said, trying to remain calm as Junko’s fingers began to approach her chest. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just an average school girl that happened to-“

   Makoto stifled a gasp as Junko gave a slight pinch to her breasts.

   “Now young lady, it is improper to lie to a superior,” Junko said, sounding like a scornful teacher. “I am well aware who you are. I have spent enough time down in Mementos to catch a glimpse of your little after school group. I believe you called yourself the Phantom Thieves?”

   Makoto gritted her teeth as Junko continued to grope her breasts and press into her nipples. “I MMMPHH have no idea what you’re talking about,” Makoto replied, trying to simultaneously feign ignorance and hold back a strange shiver of pleasure with each prod of her chest.

   “Puhuhuhuh, you can try to ‘bear’ the weight of those lies as much as you want,” Junko said, snickering at her own pun, “but I can see the truth. And I’m not just talking about what you do in your free time.”

   Junko’s hands moved lower down on Makoto’s body to ruffle the edges of her skirt. Slipping beneath the hem, she pressed her palms up against Makoto’s buttocks before squeezing on them. The act made Makoto’s breathing haggard, torturing her with a similar surge of strange desires going through her mind. It all peaked as Junko gave her rear a light slap that nearly forced Makoto to let out a moan throughout the train.

   “Ah, your queen can see all, dear peasant,” Junko said, continuing to tap her fingers against Makoto’s backside. “Though you may pretend to be tough and composed around your teammates, that’s just a façade to hide what you truly are.”

   Makoto squirmed as Junko’s fingers dipped in an out of her clothes to grasp at her body. As if the constant groping wasn’t bad enough, she felt a strange tightness around her chest and hips. Considering the rush of adrenaline going through her veins, she had to assume that it was some kind of hallucination. Even still, she bit her lip to stifle her urges even as Junko’s fingers got dangerously close to her nether region.

   “You can act as tough as you want. “I think it’s reaaaaaaaaaally cute the way you use that to hide how stressed out you are.”

   “What?” Makoto asked, the grin on Junko’s face not helping matters.

   “I get it, life can be a real drag,” Junko replied, sliding her hand down her captive’s back to give her ass another squeeze. “You just wish someone, or something would come along to help you find relief.”

   “I-I don’t know what you mean,” Makoto said, chewing on her lip as Junko pressed her hand against the front of her panties.

   “Don’t act like a fucking idiot,” Junko spat out right next to Makoto’s ear. “Behind that prim and proper look you’re actually a sick pervert that enjoys this kind of stuff. Isn’t that right?”

   “N-no,” Makoto said, both to reject Junko’s advances and stop the flood of pleasure emanating through her body.

   “Tsk, tsk, that simply will not do,” Junko replied, further riling up Makoto as she pressed her finger against the fabric in front of her pussy. “While it is a shame that you are unwilling to reveal your true self, I suppose there is only so far we can go at this rate.”

   The train shuddered as it neared the station. As the car gradually decreased in speed, so did Junko’s finger movements. Withdrawing her hands to her sides, Junko met Makoto’s confused gaze with a look of complete apathy.

   “We’re near the next stop,” Junko said as she lazily twirled her hair. “I won’t prevent you from leaving or anything, I guess. You’ll just lose your chance to get rid of all that pent up stress you have inside of you.”

   “You’re serious?” Makoto asked as the train came to a gradual halt.

   Junko crossed her arms and lifted up her head. “Of course, it is below a queen to force herself on her subjects. If I am to integrate you into my court of loyal servants of despair, I would much prefer if you did it of your own accord.”

   The train came to a stop and the doors opened up to let out a surge of people. Makoto had a clear escape route. If she hurried, she could make a sprint out of the station to contact the Phantom Thieves and bring them together to re-track down Junko. That was the obvious thing to do, but it didn’t explain why she stood completely still.

   Makoto’s breath remained heavy, even without Junko’s hands feeling up her body. As much as she wanted to deny it, she actually put thought into the mad woman’s words. For several minutes she stood there, unmoving as new passengers made their way onto the car. Whether she intended to or not, she lingered in her spot until the doors closed and the train sped off again. Regardless of if it was due to her not wanting to lose Junko or that this was what she really wanted, she couldn’t prevent a shiver of euphoria from going down her spine as Junko embraced her once more and stuck her hand up her skirt to resume her groping.

   “I fucking knew it,” Junko said, showing little gentleness as she pressed her fingers up against Makoto’s pussy. “Behind that squeaky clean persona you’re a god damn pervert.”

   “That’s not…I...what I’m trying to say is -MMMMPPPHH!”

   Makoto’s moan was muffled as Junko pressed her hand up against her mouth.

   “No, no, you must not act up,” Junko scolded her. “I do not know how you were raised, but it would be rather impolite of us to bother the other train goers. Remain silent and you will receive what you want.”

   As Junko’s hand pulled away from her mouth, Makoto had to clench her fingers as she felt the psychotic woman resume groping her body. Rather than directly indulge Makoto’s desires, Junko proceeded to further tease her by squeezing her breasts. A tweak of her nipples nearly sent another moan rolling out of Makoto’s throat, only for her to forcefully stop it for fear of alerting the other passengers. However, remaining silent became much harder as she realized that Junko was doing more than just feeling her up.

   As Junko’s fingers continued to massage her chest, Makoto noticed a strange tightness in her vest. Looking away from her partner’s eager grin, she saw that her bosom stuck out further than before. Continuing to observe her tits being squeezed between Junko’s fingers, Makoto couldn’t hold back a gasp as she realized that her bosom was growing.

   “Awww, did you notice my little gift?” Junko asked as she continued to enlarge Makoto’s boobs past a pair of D-cups. “I figured you deserved a little reward for coming to your senses. Although, I think it would be much cuter if you evened out.”

   Moving her attention downwards, Junko once more maneuvered past the hem of Makoto’s skirt to grasp her buttocks. Upon her rear being given the same attention as her chest, Makoto felt her clothing grow tighter around her enlarging backside. The hem of her skirt began to lift up, showing off more and more of her ass cheeks for Junko to play with as she wished. Reaching a perfectly rounded bubble butt, Makoto nearly let out a shrill cry as Junko gave her ass a light smack.

   “Puhuhuhuhu, glad you’re bear-ing your true colors now,” Junko said. “Let’s give you what you really want.”

   While one hand continued to roam across Makoto’s curves, another slinked back towards her womanhood. The constant groping and growing had left her panties a stained mess of her pussy’s wetness. This lubrication proved its worth as Junko poked and prodded her labia in an effort to find her weak points. Shivering as Junko centered on her clitoris, Makoto wanted nothing more than to cry out in ecstasy. Feeling herself get closer and closer to her release, she was once more stopped from climaxing as Junko pulled her fingers away.

   “I’m afraid that is not how we do things, peasant,” Junko replied. “First, you must show how much you really want this.”

   Removing her hand from Makoto’s underwear, Junko lifted her fingers up to her partner’s face. Junko spread her digits apart, letting the school girl see the fluid dripping down her skin. Pushed by something in the back of her head, Makoto opened up her mouth and began to clean off the crazy woman’s fingers. Finding strange pleasure in the taste of her own arousal, Makoto winced as Junko pulled away.

   Junko let out a deep sigh. “Are you really so starved for pleasure that you suck off someone’s fingers without being told? Ugh, fine. Guess there’s no other choice. Swap places with me.”

   Shifting about in the crowded train car, Makoto was shuffled around until she met Junko face to face. She only got to see the woman’s playful smirk for a moment before Junko got down on her knees. Before she could inquire about what she was doing, Makoto was once more forced to stay quiet as Junko resumed teasing her pussy. Grabbing hold of Makoto’s panties, Junko proceeded to drag them down her legs and past her shoes. Tucking the soiled underwear into her pocket, Junko shot Makoto a sly grin before diving beneath her skirt.

   Makoto gritted her teeth to suppress a moan as Junko got to work on her womanhood. Each drag and suck of the psychotic girl’s mouth felt like an eternity of ecstasy. Forbidden to make a sound for fear of her being discovered, Makoto squirmed about as she rode out Junko’s service. Her body became wracked with shivers as Junko focused in on her sensitive spots, a long drag against Makoto’s labia making her feel like she was about to melt. Just as she felt like she was going to overflow, Makoto covered her mouth with her shirt to prevent her orgasmic moan from echoing through the train car.

   Holding onto a bar to regain a semblance of control over her shaking body, Makoto’s mind scrambled to justify how she had let such an act of debauchery occur. Still flooded with the leftover euphoria, she barely noticed Junko slide out from under her skirt to meet her face to face. Grasping her by the shoulders, Junko pulled her in for a kiss to allow her to sample her own arousal. Unwilling to pull away from the embrace, Makoto allowed Junko’s tongue to twist with hers. Returning the gestures while letting the crazy woman squeeze on her butt made her body yearn to see how much further she could go.

   “I take it that was more than satisfactory?” Junko asked as she pulled away.

   “Y-yeah,” Makoto stuttered out, her head still a mess of lust.

   Baring a wide grin, Junko held up Makoto’s pair of panties. “Puhuhuhu, then you won’t mind if I take this as a souvenir, do you?”

   “Why would you want that?”

   “Does it matter?” Junko asked, sliding the underwear into her pocket. “Not like you need it anyway. Since when does a slut need underwear? Seems kind of pointless to honest.”

   “I’m not a-“

   “Shut it,” Junko said, making Makoto moan with a small pinch of her nipples. “Listen pervert, I took care of you, now you take care of me. Sounds fair, right?”

   Makoto winced as she felt Junko once more slide her fingers across her pussy. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”

   Junko raised up her head. “Your queen’s first order that you trade places with her. Then I command you to get down on your knees.”

   Following Junko’s demands, Makoto shuffled through the train car once more. Grimacing at the feeling of a stray breeze blowing across her bare groin, she got down on her knees. Following Junko’s fingers, Makoto shifted towards her skirt. Hoping she had gained enough knowledge about cunnilingus from her first hand experience, she lifted up the hem and prepared herself for what was to come.

   Makoto’s brain scrambled to make sense of things upon revealing what lurked between Junko’s legs. Though it didn’t seem real, she had to come to terms with the girthy member that hung over Junko’s vagina. Tilting her head back to better examine the cock, Makoto noticed droplets of pre-cum surrounding the tip. As she pondered how or why such a thing could exist, she felt Junko tap her nails against her head.

   “Pretty cute, isn’t it?” Junko asked, waving around her dick and bumping it against Makoto’s cheek.

   “How is this even possible?”

   “It is quite simple. I merely used Mementos to alter my body into a form that I find quite pleasurable,” she said, brandishing her cock to ensure Makoto saw every inch of it. “Now hurry along. You do owe me for earlier.”

   “I don’t even know where to start.”

   Junko let out a sigh. “Guess that makes sense considering you’ve been playing the innocent school girl for so long. Fine, we’ll start off easy. Grab it with your fingers and start rubbing. The rest will come to you as you go on.”

   Unsure of what Junko was talking about, Makoto did as she was told and took hold of the dick. Gingerly sliding her fingers along the shaft brought the cock to its full rigidness. As she continued to pump, she found herself unable to look away from the manhood as it reached a mind boggling ten inches in length. Subconsciously she smacked her lips, something in the back of her head trying to push something to the front of her mind. Rather than dwell on this well of new feelings, she tried to focus on the task at hand and repeatedly stroked Junko’s cock. Unfortunately for her, it didn’t seem to be enough.

   “The fuck are you doing down there?” Junko asked. “If you’re this bad at jerking me off I’d rather just stay home and fuck myself.”

   “I’m sorry its just so…big,” Makoto replied.

   Junko let out a light giggle. “Well I didn’t say you only had to use your hands. Why don’t you put those tits of yours to good use? Makes sense considering what you’re wearing.”

   Glancing away from Junko’s dick, Makoto watched her vest pop open to reveal her wide valley of cleavage. Moment before her nipples slipped out of the fabric, the clothing seemed to repair itself. Rather than her old uniform, the shirt reshaped into a skimpy crop top that left plenty of room to show off her newly acquired, F-cup tits. The slightest movement sent her bosom jiggling about, pushing the limits of the black and white outfit. Sliding a hand across her exposed mid rift brought her towards the massive window revealing the underside of her udder-like breasts. Wondering what was happening to her body, she was once more reminded of her task by Junko bouncing her dick against her tits.

   “Rejoice peasant, your queen has given you a marvelous gift,” Junko stated. “Now show your appreciation and put those sacks of meat to good use.”

   Clutching her breasts between her hands, Makoto managed to lift them up to shove Junko’s cock between them. Shuffling her mammaries back and forth allowed her to fully encompass the member as she attempted to pleasure it. Though her techniques were rough, she could tell she was doing something right as she felt Junko’s member throb and heard a soft moan from her lips.

   Makoto’s first tit job came to a momentary halt as a hard push left the very tip of Junko’s cock mere inches from her face. She froze, her eyes focusing on the droplets of cum that drizzled across her tits. Once more she licked her lips, this time the urges coming to the forefront of her mind to let her know exactly what she had to do next. Pushing her tits down to reveal as much of Junko’s shaft as possible, Makoto opened up her mouth and wrapped her lips around the tip.

   “Ohhhhhhh fuck yes,” Junko said, a little too loud for Makoto’s liking. “Just like that. You’re finally getting it. Keep going, you’re almost there.”

   Pushed on by Junko’s words and her own desires, Makoto slid her tongue along the length of Junko’s member. The constant bobbing of her head and shifting of her bosom was something that felt strange yet familiar, as if it was something she had done countless times before. Rather than dwell on how she was able to pleasure Junko’s cock, let alone swallow the entire thing, she instead focused on the task at hand. As she used her mouth and breasts to pleasure Junko, her fingers slid underneath her skirt to toy with her womanhood. Rubbing against her clit with a fervor on par with her sucking on Junko’s cock, Makoto had ceased to care how she was able to get this far. All that mattered to her was the moment she was gifted a mouthful of Junko’s cum.

   As the semen chugged down her throat, Makoto tried to swallow every last drop. Seeing her efforts, Junko aided her by grasping her head and burying her face in her groin. Determined not to miss a single helping of Junko’s semen, Makoto ended her liquid meal by licking her dick clean. Finished with her task, she freed the still leaking cock from her bosom. Leaning back her head, she opened up her lips to show Junko her empty mouth and a strange glimmer in her eyes.

   “Awwww, what a good girl,” Junko said, brushing her fingers through Makoto’s hair. “You did such a wonderful job. I think you deserve a reward. How about I give you what you really want?” she asked, grabbing hold of her cock with one hand while the other gestured for Makoto to stand up.

   Makoto showed little hesitation as she got up from the floor and pressed herself up against the window. Wondering just how far she had fallen to be in sync with the crazy girl’s whims, she barely flinched as she felt Junko’s hands slid across her mid-section. A shiver went through her body as she felt the rigid member brush up against her bubble butt, sliding a thin trail of pre-cum along their surface. As the cock slid between her ass cheeks, Makoto let out a small gasp as she felt the tip momentarily graze her anus. Silently thanking her partner for moving towards the appropriate hole, she placed her open palms against the wall as Junko leaned into her ear.

   “Listen dumbass,” Junko whispered, “we’re still in public. I’ll give you what you want, but you got to be quiet. Understand?”


   Junko gave Makoto’s breasts a tight squeeze. “Yes who? I won’t grace a peasant with my attention unless they address my properly.”

   “Yes, mistress,” Makoto said, gritting her teeth as Junko tweaked her nipples.

   The mere act of Junko’s cock sliding inside of her dripping womanhood proved an almost insurmountable hurdle to Makoto. She kept herself tight even as she felt Junko groin slam up against her ass. Though part of her still wanted to believe she was being quiet to avoid being seen in public, most of her mind was working on the promise she made to Junko to obey her every command in exchange for her attention.

   Grasping onto Makoto’s stomach, Junko began to thrust her hips back and forth. The sensation of Junko’s cock penetrating her insides left Makoto to squirm as she tried to hold back her moans. Thought the pace was slow, Makoto could feel her partner gradually increasing her speed and roughness to meet the demands of their lust. The slow start allowed Makoto to feel her rear swell to meet the lofty proportions of her tits. Her skirt hung onto her body by mere threads, her thick ass providing ample cushioning as Junko revealed her true desires.

   Keeping up a steady rhythm, Junko allowed one of her hands to let go of Makoto’s mid-section to poke and prod at her generous gifts. The combination of the massive member getting shoved in her pussy mixed with the sensation of Junko squeezing on her expanded curves left Makoto mere moments away from crying out in ecstasy. This all culminated in the subway car being filled with an echoing moan, courtesy of a very over indulged Junko.

   “I can’t fucking take it anymore!” Junko proclaimed, putting a tight hold on Makoto’s waist. “I don’t give a shit who sees us. Let’s go all the way. I know you want it too, slut.”

   Without a hint of resistance, Makoto allowed herself to be pulled away from the wall. Forcing her way onto a seat, Junko lifted up Makoto to keep her nestled firmly on her lap. Wrapping her arms around Makoto’s thighs, Junko made sure the entire train could see her partner’s nether region as she lifted up her legs. Swiveling her head back and forth to see the reaction of the other riders, Makoto’s attention was instead drawn back to her own pussy by another jolt of Junko’s hips.

   Another shove gave Makoto a full view of her labia, the lips looking puffy and engorged. The same level of growth had occurred for her clit, with even the slight jostle of her body letting her feel the added sensitivity of her modified genitalia. Rather than allow Makoto to dwell on what had become of her body, Junko put all of her effort into showing her the full extent of her lust.

   Keeping a tight hold on Makoto, Junko began to vigorously thrust her cock inside of her. No longer under the limitations of secrecy, Makoto was free to express her pleasure with a cacophony of moans leaving her lips. The rapid thumping of her body against Junko’s had Makoto’s engorged curves constantly bouncing up and down. What little coherent thought clung to her mind kept her wondering how anyone could ignore their show of complete debauchery. Her brain was turned to mush as Junko reached her apex, moving Makoto up and down at a breakneck speed to plunge her cock as deep as it would go. Finally losing herself to Junko’s lust, Makoto released an orgasmic cry to cap off her first sex session.

   Slumping against Junko’s body, Makoto could feel droplets of her mistress’s seed leaking out of her womanhood. Gradually regaining her strength, she lifted her head up to see the reaction of the passengers. Each one of them stared at her with a blank face, unmoving and uncaring of her situation. The strange behavior gave way to an even more surreal image as the passengers’ bodies began to distort. The once plain faces gave way to expressionless masks as their physical forms gave way to murky, black and red visages. Falling out of Junko’s grasp and landing on the floor, Makoto tilted her head up to see the shadows in the train all had rigid cocks nearly as large as her beloved mistress’s.

   “What are these?” Makoto asked.

   “You are well aware what these are,” Junko replied, lounging in her seat as she fixed up her clothing. “These are the beings you call shadows. I have used the inherit nature of Mementos to modify them to fit my specific needs.”

   Makoto smacked her lips as her eyes surveyed the throbbing members. “Which is?”

   “PUHUHUHUHUHU, do you really have to ask?”

   Picking Makoto up, Junko grasped her cheeks to have her come face to face with the figures. “I usually save them for me, but I figured you’re enough of a pervert that they were the only things that would satisfy your raging libido.” Junko flung Makoto forward once more, leaving her at the feet of the onlooking shadows. “Go ahead and get fucking. Call it a celebration for finally becoming the slut you were always meant to be.”

   Lifting up her head, Makoto watched as one of the shadows stepped up to place its cock right next to her face. Eye tracing the girth of the creature’s member, her fingers began to twitch. Without a second thought, she opened up her mouth and swallowed the cock. As she bobbed her head back and forth, her hands grabbed hold of the creature’s hips to give her the hold she needed. Using the techniques that had been burned into her very soul, she very easily got her first sample of the shadow creature’s seed.

   Pulling away after licking her partner’s junk clean, she was immediately presented with another shadow’s raging member. Barely giving her a chance to breath, the creature shoved its cock past her lips and got to work humping her face. The sudden blowjob did not deter two other shadows from approaching from her sides, eager to find their own release. Not one to disappoint, she reached out to grasp their shafts to give them the pleasure they desired. Just as before, the skills she had been gifted by her transformation made her more than capable of taking care of them. That just left her with an empty feeling as she yearned for her own desires to be fulfilled.

   Perhaps sensing her needs, another shadow came up behind her and grasped her buttocks. Sliding its cock along her bubble butt, it eventually found its mark. Ramming its cock inside of her dripping pussy, it proceeded to vigorously thrust its hips back and forth. Losing herself to the pleasurable sensations, Makoto let out unrestrained moans of euphoria leading up to her inevitable orgasm.

   No sooner did one shadow finish with her womanhood did another approach to take their turn. Pushing the shadow to the ground, Makoto slid its cock inside of her and began to bump her hips up and down. As she continued to ride the shadow’s cock, she leaned forward to give another one a chance to use her mouth. Not even flinching as she deepthroated the monster cock, she managed to leave her partners satisfied by the time she reached her own climax.

   Rolling off of her latest partners, she picked herself up off the ground. Brushing the wrinkles out of her skimpy outfit, she turned to see a horde of similarly horny shadows waiting for her. Licking her lips as she stared down her potential clients, she sauntered her way forward to do what she did best.

   Her world became a blur of giving and receiving pleasure as she was surrounded on all sides by the shadows. Though her mouth and pussy were given the most attention, she ensured that ever part of her body was put to good use. Whenever her lips grew tired, she was more than happy to let a shadow sample the heavenly embrace of her breasts to give them a tit job. Her hands worked vigorously to stroke the members of any onlookers, ensuring they didn’t have to wait long before they had their turn at experiencing her body. Becoming more daring with each orgasm, she began sandwiching the shadow creature’s cocks between her pillowy rear to give them an ass job and herself a new batch of urges.

   It was during one of these sessions of a shadow sliding its cock between her butt cheeks that she realized something. The shadows wanted her and were willing to take any form of pleasure she offered. However, not one dared to even try using her anus for their desires. Her former anxiety about the act waivered with each release. She began to yearn for someone to give her unsullied hole the attention she sought. Moments before she considered begging the shadows to do the deed, she was once more embraced by her mistress.

   “I know what you want,” Junko said, breathing heavily on the back of Makoto’s neck. “Get settled with your latest customer and I’ll give it to you, you sick pervert.”

   “Yes mistress,” Makoto said, rushing towards the nearest available shadow.

   Knocking the figure to the ground, she once more got into position to have her pussy hover over its member. Rather than let her wait a second longer, the shadow made up the rest of the way to grasp her hips and shove her down onto its cock. Despite feeling its member throb inside of her womanhood, she understood why it remained steady. It too heeded the commands of Junko as she casually made her way towards Makoto.

   Slouching her body along Makoto’s back, Junko took her sweet time giving her slut what she wanted. Her fingers dove between Makoto’s breasts, feeling up her plump nipples and sliding away with leftover drops of cum from the various shadows. Making her way down to Makoto’s rear, she gave her butt an uncharacteristically gentle caress. The soft touch made it all the more jarring once Junko let her desires run wild as she roughly shoved her cock into Makoto’s anus. Laughing at the euphoric cry that parted Makoto’s lips from the act of insertion, Junko got ready for the grand finale.

   Makoto’s body was overwhelmed with pleasures as Junko and the shadow began to move in unison. Her holes became nothing more than their playthings, showing very little care of how rough they were with her. Between the mix of pleasure and pain brought with Junko slapping her palms against her butt cheeks, Makoto remained cognizant enough to realize that more shadows were descending upon her.

   Almost automatically, her mouth opened up and her hands reached out to grasp at her onlookers. The dick shoved into her mouth did an admirable job of muffling her moans as her holes were ravaged. Picking up on the other’s rhythm the shadow thrusted its hips to slide its cock up and down her throat. Not to be outdone, Junko upped her own efforts to make sure that Makoto’s first anal sex session was one to remember. Unable to take the inundation of pleasure much longer, Makoto’s body became wracked with tremors as she orgasmed.

   Riding out the last of her climax, Makoto felt her partners release one by one. The ones in her hands were the first to release, spraying their seed across her back. Her mouth overflowed with semen, either pouring down her throat or dribbling out of her lips. With one last thrust of its hips, the shadow below filled her pussy with an overabundance of its seed. On the very edge of exhaustion, she managed to keep herself up just long enough to feel the sweet release of Junko’s cock fill her asshole with her precious cum.

   As Makoto began to slump to the ground, Junko reached out to grab her by the waist. Pulling her up into a standing position, Junko rewarded her by pulling her into a tight embrace. Pressing their lips together, Junko ensured that their relationship was solidified as their tongues intertwined. So enamored with the passionate kiss, Makoto didn’t even notice the train coming to a stop and the shadows disappearing one by one.

   Pulling away from the kiss, Junko couldn’t stop herself from smiling as she looked over Makoto’s body. Her clothes were a mess of cum stains, the attire doing very little to hide her hourglass figure. Even the slightest step showed off red marks across her ass and threatened to pop apart the thin fabric keeping her heavy bosom at bay. Most importantly to Junko, the mass orgy had left Makoto a former shadow of herself, her eyes glazed over with lust and her tongue hanging against her puffy lips.

   Pleased with Makoto’s new state, Junko turned to leave. Stepping towards the door, she snapped her fingers to get Makoto running up alongside her. Standing at the threshold between the train car and the deepest part of Mementos, Junko got Makoto to walk forward with a swift slap to her rear. Watching as Makoto sauntered forward, Junko’s mind began to go wild with ideas of how best to use her latest servant of despair.


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