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Prompt: A female spy arrives "just in time" to stop a mad scientist from unleashing her fattening radiation into the atmosphere. The spy only realizes she's too late when she's shown the footage of big fat blobs waddling around in the aftermath.

   “That’s enough Dr. Darka,” Rin shouted, shirking her special agent training as she burst through the window of the mad scientist’s lair. “I’ve come to stop your evil plan.”

   Spinning around in her seat, the infamous Dr. Darka flicked back the lab coat hanging off of her skinny body and approached Rin. “Well, well, if it isn’t my arch-nemesis, Rin Passable. I do appreciate you coming in your best attire,” she said, gesturing towards the agent’s skin-tight, black suit, “especially for the unveiling of my life’s work.”

   Reaching inside of her pocket, the doctor pulled out a remote and hit a button. Immediately a massive rod in the center of the room began to wildly shake. Just as a hole in the roof opened up, the device shot out a blast of green energy that quickly spread over the skies. As Rin thought of how rude it was for a villain to launch their doomsday device without a countdown, another click of a button changed the monitors lining the walls to show various camera feeds from across the world.

   Rin’s jaw hung open as she watched people bloat into near immobile blobs of fat before her eyes. Despite the hundreds of pounds clinging to their bodies, each one of them seemed more than happy to go along with their new lives. Chalking up their behavior to side effects of Dr. Darka’s fattening ray, Rin got ready to lunge at the doctor in rage only to be stopped by her belly ripping out of her suit.

   “It’s already too late,” the doctor said, her body swelling up with fat alongside her longtime enemy. “All of world will now share in my dream.” Taking another step forward, she used one hand to grope her engorged breasts and the other to give attention to Rin’s equally sizable mammaries. “Come. Let us greet this new world of obesity. Together.”

   Lost in both her plush fat and altered mind state, Rin thought little of intertwining her pudgy fingers with Darka’s. Waddling their way out of the lab, they stopped right at the door to glance out at the new world. The shivers that graced their bountiful fat kept their meaty rears jiggling even after they stopped. Taking a confident step forward, Darka barely held back her anticipation of seeing the fat paradise she had always dreamed of.


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