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Prompt: While on a chocolate factory tour, falls into the chocolate river and begins gulping it down. By the time she’s pulled out, she’s a massive immobile chocolate filled blob.

   “Now if you look over here,” the tour guide said as she gestured towards the bubbling stream of chocolate, “you’ll see one of the more interesting features of our factory. While our competitors simply mix their chocolate with machines, we use a combination of currents and waterfalls to give it the texture that you’ve all come to love. It’s so astounding in fact, an author copied it when he wrote the hit story-“

   The tour guide’s beaming smile faltered upon hearing a loud splash. Turning towards the lake of chocolate, she saw that someone had broken through the velvet ropes to dive right in. The perpetrator lifted her head up out of the water to swing about her long hair. With a devilish smile, the woman opened up her mouth wide and began to drink.

   Seeing the slender woman’s body being to swell with chocolate, the tour guide acted fast to try and get her out. Rushing back and forth, the tour guide managed to enlist the help of several workers just as the guest had grown out of her clothes to leave her blobby body free to float along the river. Though they tried to catch her, each time a worker managed to get a rope around her it was swiftly snapped apart by her swelling body.

   The guest was finally fished out of the water as one of the more skilled workers managed to lift her up with a crane. Dropped to the ground like a wrecking ball of flesh, the guest tapped her pudgy fingers against her belly in content as the tour guide ran up to her. Trying to clean up the guest, the tour guide’s fears were made real upon the discovery that the guest’s body had been turned into chocolate itself. While the guest was quite happy with her status as a living ball of chocolate, the tour guide saw her bonus check getting thrown away in favor of adding more security to the factory floor.


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