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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Male and Female Persona 4 Characters Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)

Yu wakes up one morning to see his uncle has had a drastic make over both physically and mentally. As he joins the transformed Dojima for his daily errands, Yu gets a firsthand look of the work of a spirit obsessed with turning Inaba into a town of slobs.

This is a commission for Duwangoo on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/duwangoo

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Trying to be as stealthy as possible, Yu opened up the front door of the Dojima household and crept inside. He knew he had been found out as he heard someone clear their throat from the couch. Having just a moment to check his black uniform and grey hair for any remnants of the world inside of the TV, he turned around to meet his fate.

   Even expecting it, the look of scorn on Ryotaro Dojima’s face was something he couldn’t have prepared for. The grizzled, black stubble mixed with the policeman’s loosened tie and well-worn dress shirt didn’t help with Yu’s confidence. Rather than delay the inevitable, Yu stepped forward with his hands tightly clenched around his school bag.

   “Just where have you been?” Dojima asked, only receiving a silent expression of fear from Yu. “I know you’re technically an adult at 18, but while you’re under my roof you follow my rules. Do you understand?”

   Yu nodded his head.

   “Where have you been, anyway?”

   Yu made the same excuse as always that he had been hanging out with his friends. It wasn’t a complete lie, but he’d rather not bring up the fact that they were spending their free time trying to prevent murders. The altered truth did the job of getting Dojima to relax.

   “Make sure you call me next time, okay?” Dojima asked, Yu nodding in return as he finally felt safe enough to let go of his bag. “Alright, now head on up to bed. With Nanako out visiting relatives it’ll just be the two of us running errands tomorrow.”

   More than happy to rest his weary body after the day’s events, Yu made his way back up the stairs. Left by himself again, Dojima’s thoughts prevented him from accepting what Yu had told him as the complete truth. Snatching up Yu’s bag, he began to sift through for any clues as to what the young man was actually doing.

   Dojima stopped as his hands clutched a small slab of stone. Pulling the chunk of rock out to the bag, he looked over the strange runes etched along it. Under the assumption that it was for some kind of occult club, he placed his hand along a signature on the bottom as he attempted to figure out its true purpose.

   “Hmmm, interesting.”

   Dojima looked around the room, unable to find the source of the voice.

   “My original intent was to get a few kicks out of wreaking havoc here, but even at a glance I can tell this town is already pretty messed up to begin with. Murders, monsters, and an entire dimension of weirdness. Sounds like this place needs my help more than anything.”

   “What are you talking about?” Dojima asked to the empty room, his eyes momentarily lingering on the stone slab.

   “I could try to explain, but it’ll probably be easier to show you through a…’first hand’ experience.”

   A stream of green light shot out from the slab and slammed into Dojima’s chest. Dropping the rock to the ground, he tried to fight off a strange force spreading through his body. He clenched his fingers as he rolled around the couch, trying anything he could to force out whatever was writhing around inside of him.

   “I don’t know why you’re trying to fight me,” the voice said as Dojima continued to resist. “Especially since we both want the same thing: An Inaba free of worry and safe from harm.”

   Dojima paused for a moment, wondering what exactly the spirit meant. Those few seconds of hesitation was the opening needed for the voice to worm its way into his brain and take away the last vestiges of his control. Gradually his limbs disobeyed him in favor of listening to their new master. As the spirit dug deeper into his subconscious, a single name echoed in his head: Blair.


   Yu went over his head the various ways he could get out of his day with Dojima. With the killer still loose somewhere in the town, he and the other members of the investigation team had to spend as much time as they could searching for clues. Lost in wondering when it would be best to try and ditch his uncle, he was fully unprepared for what was waiting for him downstairs.

   He had to blink several times before he accepted that the extravagant breakfast laid out across the table was real. One whiff of the greasy bacon and fried eggs was enough to make his stomach rumbles affect his white, collared shirt. So busy staring at the various links of sausage and sugary pastries, it slowly dawned on him the question of who had made all of this. Yu got his answer in exchange for a plethora of new questions as he spotted Dojima walking out of the kitchen.

   For the first time ever, not a single speck of stubble clung to Dojima’s face. The lack of facial hair made the softened lines of his face stand out and give his elongated, waist-length, black hair time in the spotlight. Tracing his eyes down, Yu was startled to see what looked like a pair of melons tucked beneath Dojima’s dress shirt. Upon seeing the prominent nipples press into the fabric, Yu began to wonder if the presence of the massive breasts were part of a dream. Not helping his grip on reality was an equally curvy bubble butt that swayed about with each of Dojima’s steps. Wincing at the sight of the massive bulge around the front of Dojima’s dress pants, it took Yu a moment to realize he was being spoken to.

   “Is someone still feeling a little sleepy?” Dojima asked, his voice lighter and carrying with it a sense of motherly doting. “I asked if you were hungry.”

   Yu shook his head to try and keep himself in the right mind. Once more going over his uncle’s distorted form, he asked the obvious question.

   “Have I been feeling alright?” Dojima repeated back to Yu. “Of course, I have. In fact, I’ve never felt better.” Pouring out two glasses of orange juice, he took his seat and gestured for Yu to do the same. “Now come on and eat. We have a lot to do today and you’re going to need plenty of energy.”

   Cautiously following Dojima’s lead, Yu sat down and began to dig into the meal. The flavor that graced his tongue matched the spectacle of the breakfast, but it could do little to stop the feeling in the back of his mind that something was definitely off. Occasionally looking away from his plate, he spotted Dojima going at his food like a rabid animal. Multiple views had him bare witness to splatters and stains across the police officer’s once pristine dress shirt. Yu was finally forced to look away as a belch burst forth from Dojima’s lips.

   “Oh, excuse me,” Dojima said, calmly dabbing his mouth while Yu winced at the foul stench. “What’s the matter dear? Do you not like the food? You barely touched anything.”

   Yu looked back at his plate to see it emptied out of the egg and two slices of bacon he had managed to eat. Rather than push on the issue of Dojima’s condition, he instead attributed his lack of appetite to an unsettled stomach.

   “That’s just UURRP awful,” Dojima belched, his attempts to comfort Yu with a brush of his cheek only making him sicker. “We’ll see if we can pick up something for your tummy when we head to the grocery store.”

   The rest of the morning rituals were done without much issue, Dojima and Yu working together to put away leftovers and wash dishes. Using the opportunity to ask some personal questions only known between the two of them, Yu managed to confirm that the person next to him was Dojima. That didn’t stop him from getting the feeling as if a third person was standing behind his shoulder at every moment. While he would have liked to bring up the topic with his friends in an attempt to make sense of things, he barely had a chance to breathe as he was being pulled out the door.

   Yu managed to stop long enough to point out to Dojima that his shirt was still covered in food stains. Upon noticing the various smears, Dojima just shrugged his shoulders and slipped on his shoes. The laid back attitude had the exact opposite effect on Yu, making their trek out into town all the more uneasy.

   As they made their way towards Junes, Yu couldn’t help noticing the strange stares Dojima’s altered look earned. The unwanted attention made him desperately want to get away from his uncle as soon as possible. However, that task was made a lot harder as Dojima kept him close by linking their arms together. Having the unenviable position of constantly feeling Dojima’s breasts press up against his shoulder, Yu tried to once more pry into Dojima’s condition with an offhand comment about the strange glares from the people they passed.

   “Oh, pay them no mind,” Dojima asked, waving a friendly hello in response to a pair of awestruck housewives. “Everyone these days seems to want to judge a book by its cover. I can’t imagine how they can be critical about a person’s appearance when they have so much more to worry about in this town. I’ll have to see if I can nip that problem in the bud while I’m taking care of our other chores today.”

   Yu narrowed his eyes at Dojima’s words and asked what he meant.

   “Well you see, I want to…ah, I’ll tell you later,” he replied, shooting Yu a wink before dragging him forward. “Come on. We want to get to Junes before the rush.”

   What few customers were lingering around Junes in the morning were more than enough to garner some unwanted attention. It was a strange mercy that no one wanted to approach them, content to go about their business while taking glances at the transformed Dojima. Yu and his uncle had made this trip before, and it was doubtless that at least a few people recognized Dojima through his various changes. Wondering when or if he managed to change his uncle back to normal how they would handle the social repercussions, Yu accidentally bounced up against Dojima’s stationary bubble butt.

   “I appreciate you trying to help me,” Dojima cheerily replied, “but I don’t think there’s much we can do about the selection here. Perhaps we can get an employee to…oh there’s one.” Turning on his heels, Dojima grasped the apron of a very confused Yosuke. “Excuse me young man, do you think you could do something about the food? I can’t quite find what I’m looking for.”

   Staring wide-eyed at Dojima’s modified features, Yosuke shot Yu a look pleading for assistance only to receive a shrug in return. “Umm, what exactly are you looking for?”

   “Well you see it’s, hmmm,” Dojima trailed off, tapping a finger against his strangely pouty lips. “Ah, perhaps it would just be better if I do it myself.”

   Allowing Yosuke to run to the relative safety of Yu’s side, Dojima cleared his throat and held his arms above the produce section. A string of strange words and phrases left his lips in a hushed whisper that Yu could barely make out. The quiet chant was interrupted by a boisterous belch as something shot out from Dojima’s fingertips. Yu was uncertain of what exactly had happened, but the after effects were quite evident.

   Where there was once healthy fruit and vegetables now stood a plethora of bags filled to the brim with greasy fast food. A wave of Dojima’s arms turned a collection of tomatoes into steaming hot pizza rolls to go along with the banana stand that had been replaced by extra-large soda jugs. Wandering through the aisles, Dojima put on a strange smile as he repeated the motion to change the salad area into a full blown burger bar complete with a mountain of chili cheese fries.

   “What in the hell is going on?” Yosuke asked to a similarly confused Yu.

   Before either of them could get a chance to figure out the issue, they heard a rumbling noise coming from the aisles. They managed to leap out of the way just as a horde of customers came charging forward. Inhaling the irresistible odor of the decadent food, man and woman alike went at the feast without a hint of control. The gluttonous feast went beyond merely stuffing their faces, showing off their true degradation in the form of a chorus of gassy expulsions as they messily chowed down on whatever they could get their hands on.

   “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?” Yosuke repeated with considerably more worry.

   “Like I said,” Dojima said, placing his hand on Yosuke’s shoulder, “I took things into my own hands. By the looks of it, you’re a pretty hard worker. Why don’t you BWOOOORRRP help yourself? I think you’ve earned it.”

   Yosuke’s initial disgust from the burp in his face softened up as he inhaled the putrid air. The tension in his arms gave out, his entire body slouching as his face took on a more serene expression. Yu reached out to snap him out of his stupor, only to be shoved aside as Yosuke rushed forward to join the gluttonous masses.

   “I think we’re done here,” Dojima commented, snatching up a box of fried chicken from the horde of eaters and putting it in his basket. “Come along, let’s go check out and head over to the station.”

   So busy watching his friend lose himself in the greasy meal, it took Yu a moment to realize that Dojima was leaving him behind. Rushing to catch up to him, Yu’s eyes were drawn towards streaks of brown that had appeared throughout Dojima’s hair. His already shapely curves appeared to have gained another layer of heft to go along with the start of some extra chub hanging around his gut. Yu’s curiosity ended up hurting him in the end, a closer examination of Dojima leaving him in the way of an errant fart cloud.

   “Oh, excuse me,” Dojima said, pretending to fan the flatulence away only to blow it back in Yu’s face. “I suppose breakfast did a number on my tummy. I’m sure it’ll pass by lunchtime.” Grasping the staggered Yu’s arm, Dojima pulled him into a hug. “Until then, stay close to me. Don’t want you getting UURRP left behind, my precious boy.”

   Managing to wriggle free of Dojima’s grasp, Yu tried to weigh his options. Looking over his shoulder, he could see Yosuke finishing off a tub of ice cream before moving onto an apple pie. Judging by his friend’s newly acquired pension of burping with every breath, he wasn’t entirely sure he could reverse the effects on his own. If he was going to have a chance at curing this condition it would come from continuing to tail whatever his uncle had become.

   Yu tried to remain vigilant of Dojima’s actions as they continued to traverse through town. The task was made all the more difficult as he tried to avoid puffs of flatulence that routinely spurt out of Dojima’s rear. While he was capable of avoiding most of it, there were one or two times where a whiff managed to seep into his nostril. Each time the rancid odor was accompanied by a strange tingling sensation that seemed completely alien to him. Between pondering the nature of Dojima’s condition and trying not to end up like the slobby masses at the store, the time it took to get to the police station passed by before he knew it.

   Approaching the entrance to the building, a glimmer of hope appeared in the back of Yu’s mind. He assumed that once the station got a look at Dojima’s condition, they would apprehend him in an attempt to figure out what was going on. Though Yu tried to continue leading Dojima forward, he was stopped by his uncle grabbing his shoulder.

   “This place looks rather drab, don’t you think?” Dojima asked as he waved about his hands. “Let me do these hard working officers a favor and give it a makeover.”

   Before Yu could stop him, a wave of energy dispersed from Dojima’s fingers and covered the station. The building didn’t appear to be changed, but Yu got an unsettling feeling in his stomach as they walked through the front doors. His fears were realized as he got a chance to peek at what had happened to the officers.

   Not a single one of them was below 300 pounds in weight, leaving both man and woman alike to contend with their drooping chests trying to break free from their shirts. The documents on their desks were covered in a variety of crumbs and stains as they worked tirelessly to shovel food into their mouths to further expand their waistlines. The various creaks that emanated from the officers’ chairs as they shuffled about on their padded rears was broken up by the consistent sound of burps and farts echoing from each corner of the station. The group of slobby police officers made it all the stranger when Yu noticed the person running up to them.

   He was the only one in the station not reduced to a gassy blob, his lithe body and clean appearance standing out like a diamond in a coal mine. A youthful face mixed with a meek demeanor had him apologizing profusely every time he so much as grazed another officer. Running up to Dojima, the young man adjusted his wide-rimmed glasses and fixed his black hair.

   “How are we doing my darling Adachi?” Dojima asked, further shocking Yu as he stroked his fingers through Adachi’s hair.

   “Same as always,” Adachi replied with a nervous laugh. “Running all through the office just trying to keep up with the food orders everyone makes.”

   “Awww, you’re such a good helper,” Dojima replied before planting a kiss on Adachi’s cheek. “When you get home to night, I’ll make sure to pay you back for all your hard work,” he added, a shiver going down Adachi’s spine as the words were whispered into his ear. “For now though, take this.”

   Accepting the box from Dojima, Adachi eagerly opened it up and let the smell of fried chicken wash over his face. “Thank you so much. Not that my little stomach will be able to handle even half of this.”

   “Feel free to share with the others if you like, just make sure you eat your fill first. You’re going to need your energy for both your shift and when you come home,” Dojima commented, leaving the blushing Adachi with a kiss to his forehead before heading for the door. “Come along Yu, we can talk more with my husband this evening.”

   Lost in trying to unravel the bundle of information that had been thrusted upon him, the sight of coarse hairs sticking out of Dojima’s armpits were a secondary concern to Yu. Continuing to walk out of the station, Yu began to rethink the capabilities of whatever power had possessed his uncle. Giving Dojima another glance and seeing the brown coloring had spread further across his scalp, he began to ponder if he would learn more about the nature of his affliction each time he distorted reality. The problem was that Yu wasn’t exactly looking forward to whoever became Dojima’s next victim.


   Yu looked up to see Chie and Naoto running towards him. Chie was sporting her typical green and yellow jacket and brown mini-skirt. Her brown bangs jerked forward as Naoto grabbed her by the shoulder. Titling up the blue cap obscuring her short, dark blue hair, Naoto looked over Dojima’s strange state. Keeping one hand resting on the gun in the pocket of her blue coat, she warily eyed Dojima’s beaming face.

   “Oh you’re Yu’s friends, aren’t you?” Dojima asked. “Fancy running into the two of you here.”

   “Er, same,” Chie said, eyes unsubtly going over Dojima’s prominent curves. “Yu, how long has he been like this?”

   “Been like what?” Dojima asked.

   “Nothing,” Naoto was quick to bring up. “However, we would like to talk to you for a moment about a very pressing matter.”

   “Well, it’ll have to wait, we still have errands to run.”

   Naoto took another step forward. “I insist.”

   Dojima’s friendly smile turned into a mischievous grin. “Oh, how nice that my little boy has such wonderful friends looking out for him. That being said, I do think you two need a chance to relax and enjoy the simpler things in life. Like good company, excellent food, and perhaps a new outlook on BWOOOOOOORRRRRRPPPP!”

   The belch purposefully directed towards Chie and Naoto carried with it a similar green tinge as the energy that had morphed the police station. Chie and Naoto’s concerned expressions turned into blank stares as they were forced to inhale the gnarly fumes. Laughing at their awestruck expressions, Dojima swiveled himself around and let loose a loud fart to further distort the two women.

   Chie’s jacket was stretched to its limits as her torso became covered in fat before Yu’s eyes. A similar growing phenomenon left Naoto struggling to keep her hefty bosom contained as she fattened up. As both women frantically tried to push back their expanding rears, Dojima playfully walked around them.

   “While I have you here, would you mind telling me what you and Yu do on a daily UUURRRP basis?”

   “We BWWOOOOOORRRRP,” Chie replied, clutching her greasy face with her pudgy fingers.

   “Wait what’s happening? What did you-“

   Naoto interrupted herself with a loud fart that shook about her oily hair. As she adjusted a pair of glasses that had appeared on her face, her free hand moved to mindlessly scratch her fat ass and sweaty pit. Putting her finger to her chin she opened her mouth in a wide grin to show off her braces as something finally popped into her head.

   “Oh yeah, we play this UUURRP game called Persona,” Naoto answered.

   “Oooh, what’s that?” Dojima asked.

   “It’s this table top game,” Chie answered, showing off her similarly bulky metal mouth as she shuffled about with her thick thighs. “You make these characters and fight shadows to stop murders. We first discovered it on geek gaming.com. It’s really UUURRRP cool.”

   “Is that so? Well, why don’t you two and the rest of my nephew’s friends come over tonight for a game? I’d be more than happy to make dinner.”

   “Sounds great,” Naoto and Chie excitedly replied.

   “See you later then,” Dojima said, waving off the slobby pair as they waddled off. “Well you heard them,” he continued, resuming his pace of shaking about his wide hips to the tune of puffs of flatulence, “we must hurry along with our errands and prepare for our little gathering.”

   Dragged off by whatever was possessing Dojima, Yu soon had his eyes looking over the front sign hanging off of the front of Maryuku Tofu. Dojima spouted off that tofu would make the perfect centerpiece for the night’s events. Stepping into the shop, Yu kept his eyes peeled for any signs of distortion or change.

   “Hey there!” Rise said, greeting Yu with a wide smile and a bounce of her brown pigtails sticking out from beneath her white head scarf. “What brings you to…”

   Rise trailed off, unable to take her eyes away from Dojima’s strange appearance. Noticing the way the idol’s eyes lingered on him, Dojima stepped right up to her so that their faces were mere inches apart. “It always astounds me how my little Yu managed to become friends with such a beautiful woman like yourself,” he said, Rise wincing at the foul odor clinging to his breath. “Although, I think there is room for some BWOOOOOORRRPPP improvement.”

   Stumbling in the wake of Dojima’s gnarly belch, Rise’s entire body began to shake. It started with her belly; the swelling of her flat mid-section accompanied with her once pristine apron being besmirched by a plethora of food stains. Her pants ripped asunder only to repair themselves into a larger pair that fit her meaty backside, while still showing off the curvature of her ass cheeks. As her bust went up several cup sizes, Rise let out a collection of involuntary burps that smelled eerily similar to Dojima’s breath. Each belch further degraded her body, adding sheens of grease across her pudgy skin and oiling up her hair. The sorry state was met by a calm expression on Rise’s face, even as she let loose a billowing fart that sent ripples through her corpulent form.

   Shaking about her sweat-slicked hair, Rise rested her hand on her gut. “Sorry, my UUUURRRP tummy made me forget what we were doing. You wanted tofu, right?”

   “Indeed,” Dojima replied, showing off a toothy grin that showed a hint of yellow encroaching across his teeth. “And it would be honor to have none other than the slobby songstress join us for tonight’s activities.”

   “Food and a game of Persona?” Rise asked, excitedly shaking her hips as she released another cloud of flatulence. “Count me in.”

   “Glad to hear it,” Dojima replied, graciously accepting a wrapped up parcel of tofu before dragging Yu out of the store. “Come along my dear boy. We have one more stop.”

   Dragged through the streets by his slobby guardian, Yu could only watch as each person they passed met a similar fate to his friends. The slightest bump of Dojima’s wide hips or whiff of his fragrant odor was enough to start to change. Each victim of the slobby plague met their swollen, gassy forms with content smiles, as if they had always lived like this. They accepted their new forms like they had been a natural part of their lives, not so much as flinching as they stuffed their faces with food and crudely scratched at their patches of coarse body hair. So engrossed by the sight of a gas station attendant turning into a blobby gas bag himself, Yu shuddered as he realized where they were heading.

   Opening up the doors to the Amagi Inn, Dojima strode up to the front desk. It was just Yu’s luck that the person greeting them would be Yukiko. Her silky smooth, long black hair held by a red headband and her trim form outlined by her traditional pink kimono made him all the more fearful of what was about to happen. Without thinking he turned to Dojima with a quiet plea for him to stop.

   “Stop what, dear?” Dojima asked, a sly smile on his face as he sauntered up to the desk. “All I’m doing is asking your friend if she has any more of those promotional sweets the inn was advertising.”

   “Um, sure,” Yukiko replied, keeping a wary eye on Dojima as she reached behind the desk to pull out a wrapped package. “Will that be all?”

   “Thank you, yes,” Dojima replied, graciously accepting the package before making his way towards the exit.

   With nary a sign of supernatural tampering, Yu breathed a momentary sigh of relief. That was until he heard a tell tale rumbling noise from Dojima’s gut. Just before the Dojima stepped out of range of Yukiko’s presence, he let loose with a monstrous fart that lasted for a full minute. Keeping his mouth covered up to avoid inhale the fumes, Yu turned towards Yukiko to see any signs of change. What he saw was her fighting, but not against her body changing.

   “Is everything alright dear?” Dojima asked, sauntering back under the background noise of Yukiko trying to hold back laughter. “You must excuse my back end, it has quite the voice on it.” Backing his ass up to the desk, he further illustrated his point with a smack that let off a series of farts. “See? It’s so talkative. Especially when it meets new people. It loves making new ASSquaintances.”

   The poorly constructed pun was the final push needed to send Yukiko tumbling to the floor in a laughing fit. As she continued to roll around, her movement was hindered by her body fattening up into a doughy flesh orb. Between her high-pitched laughter, Yukiko let out one belch after another that threatened to burst her bosom right out of her tight fitting kimono. The laughter became besmirched by embarrassing snorts and a whistling noise caused by her enlarged, buck teeth.  Her amusement was further enhanced with the torrent of abrupt toots that began to spout from her own thickened backside, leaving Yu to doubt if she would ever get a chance to stop.

   “Beautiful and a great sense of humor?” Dojima asked to an awestruck Yu. “Quite the interesting friend indeed. I take it you will be joining us for game night?”


   “Then let us hurry,” Dojima said, pulling the stunned Yu out of the inn. “We have a lot to do before your friends arrive.”

   With the errands done and the corrupted Dojima finished with spreading his influence over the town, the time had come to return home. Upon opening up the front door, Yu was assaulted with a rancid aroma coming from inside. Stepping into the house further embedded the scent into his nostrils. The same odor was experienced as Dojima slipped by and released a loud BRRRAAAAPPPP from his rear. Amidst a soft chuckle emanating from his mouth, Yu heard a slightly more feminine tone cut in towards the end. Watching Dojima put away the supplies for the night’s events, Yu decided that this was his chance to stop things before they got any worse.

   Grabbing Dojima’s wrist, Yu dragged him upstairs. Swinging Dojima around, he managed to send him toppling onto the bed. Yu winced at the unsavory sight of his uncle’s curves continuing to jiggle after his landing. The ripples showed off a chubby belly on his waistline, a bulge dwarfed by the ones belonging to the many victims he had made throughout the day. Momentarily daring to look down, Yu was further disgusted by the sight of wiry hairs sticking out of the top of Dojima’s pants that no doubt spread to the sizable bulge between his legs. Waiting for the sound of one of Dojima’s farts to dissipate and his curves to stop jiggling, Yu demanded to know what was going on.

   Dojima grimaced. “I should be asking you the exact same thing young man. What on earth has gotten into you to treat your dear uncle this way? It’s almost like you’re possessed.”

   Yu put his foot down and shot an accusatory finger towards Dojima. He asked him what was going on with the changes occurring to the town. As he listed off every detail of the corruptive influence, Dojima merely sat there and smiled. When Yu was finished with his tirade of accusations, Dojima gently patted his fingers through the young man’s hair.

   “My, my, you are such a dear. Yes, that was all my doing. I apologize that it took so long. Usually takes a while for me to gain complete control of my powers when I inhabit a new body.” With a flick of his hair, the black coloring in his strands gave way completely to the brown shade that had been steadily overtaking it. “If you really must know, my name is Blair. Let’s call me a wandering spirit that decided to come down to your little town for some fun. However, my plans had to be modified once I saw how truly messed up this place was.”

   Yu was flabbergasted to receive such a straight, albeit bizarre, answer. Not wanting to risk hurting the real Dojima, Yu asked the spirit to leave once she had fixed all of her changes.

   “Why would I do that?” Blair asked back, flicking about Dojima’s fingers. “If you took a moment to get a closer look, you’ll see that I’ve made this place a paradise on earth. You just have to BWOOOORRRP look at it from a different point of view.” Crossing her arms, Blair let loose another bout of flatulence. “I really don’t know why you’re acting like this, especially since you’ve always been a slobby boy yourself. Especially with that cute, pudgy tummy of yours.

   The fumes that wafted into Yu’s face seeped through his nostrils. A sensation similar to being spun around gripped at his mind, sending his body wobbling back and forth. Clutching his forehead to try to remain steady, he momentarily glanced away from the corrupted Dojima to see that his belly had gained a layer of fat around it.

   “There’s no need to be UUUURRRP embarrassed my dear.” Getting up from the bed, the possessed Dojima freely let loose a bubbling fart that completely enshrouded Yu. “Your cute chub and puffs of gas make you a true pioneer of what Inaba is supposed to be.

   Yu’s attempts to cough out the foul air gradually turned into a series of belches to go along with his bubbling gut. He beat at his chest to try and ease himself, only to shudder at the feeling of his pecs sag into sizable man boobs.  Each burp made it harder for him to concentrate on his thoughts, let alone deal with the sensation of his backside packing on weight to stretch the limits of his pants.

   “The people of this town were so worried about the murders and other strange phenomenon, I thought it would be a blessing to not only solve the problem but give them the chance to live out the rest of their lives in complete comfort. You understand of course. I’m just trying to give them an opportunity to live the delightfully hedonistic life you’ve always had.”

   Another fart echoed through the room, this time the gas escaping past Yu’s prominent buttocks. The foul stench made him wobble out his feet and threatened to pop his sagging man tits right out of his shirt. Just as he was about to collapse, Dojima was ever so kind to guide his body down to sit on the edge of the bed.

   “There’s no need to worry anymore,” Blair whispered into Yu’s ear. “Let your dear uncle take care of everything. Feel free to let yourself live the comfortable life of a slob.”
 As the last of the words dripped into Yu’s ears like honey, the last vestiges of resistance gave out. Leaning back on his bed, Yu opened up his mouth to allow a deep belch to shake about his chubby cheeks and multiple chins. Further spreading his pudgy form across the bed, he let out a simplistic giggle at the sound and smell of the resulting fart that slapped out of his rear. Sliding a thick finger across the hairs surrounding his exposed belly button, he turned to Dojima and asked what they were having for dinner that night.

   “Oh dear, you must have gotten so excited you forgot already,” Blair Dojima replied as they ran their fingers through Yu’s greasy hair and placed a pair of wide-rimmed glasses on his nose. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll let you taste the surprise meal I have in store for you little game night. I can get started just as soon as-“

   Right on que, a knock was heard from the front door. Using Blair Dojima for support, Yu managed to get his hefty form standing and began to waddle down the stairs. Feeling a little winded from the short burst of exercise, he was over delighted to see Adachi walking in with the rest of his friends in tow.

   Chie and Naoto led the pack, their pudgy arms burdened with the bulk of their game supplies. Yosuke came up behind them, using a combination of his work apron and multiple belly rolls to keep his collection of food balanced. Seeing Yosuke beginning to fall, Kanji was more than happy to catch him with his bulky arms and take away a portion of the supplies to be balanced upon his thick man tits. Teddy was looking stunning as sever, his oily blonde hair constantly flicking against his back flab as he greeted each of his companions. Bringing up the rear were Yukiko and Rise, their heated conversation about their plans for the night’s game unhindered as the rest of the group released a heavy could of burps and farts.

   Yu was more than happy to walk into the cloud of noxious fumes to greet his friends with open arms. His altered mind thought little of the strained clothing, pairs of thick-rimmed glasses, and plethora of gas problems he had accrued during his short conversation with the slobby spirit. He merely saw them as part of the life he had always known, alongside the slobby friends that he had grown so close with over countless sessions of their favorite tabletop game, Persona.

   “You kids go ahead and get set up,” Blair Dojima said, placing a kiss on Yu’s cheek as they made their way to the kitchen. “I’ll make sure to cook you up something wonderful.”

   Before joining the others at the table, Yu paused to let out a thank you partially broken up by a belch.

   “Oh, think nothing of it,” Blair Dojima replied, putting on a wide smile that showed off their yellow teeth. “Just doing what need to be done to keep my darlings happy.”


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