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Prompt: (Female Frog Hybrid TF) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42556649/

   Ms. Jenny could only shake her head upon seeing what had become of her classroom. As she had suspected, the dissection classes had provided ample opportunity for her more troubling students to indulge in the trend of witchcraft plaguing the school. Upon inspecting the dissection table, she found a sleeping frog tied down by a series of ropes surrounded by weird symbols. While she didn’t know what this was about, she had no plans of letting her students continue it.

   As Ms. Jenny reached out to pull apart the first rope, a spark flew off from the runes and struck her hand. Reeling back from a sharp pain on her finger, she looked towards her digit to examine the damage. What she saw was a sheen of dark green that was slowly spreading up her hand, alongside a layer of slimy mucus.

   Upon the changes reaching her shoulder, her attempt to cry out for help was hindered by a loud croak leaving her throat. Calling out again as the slimy material reached her chest released a long, sticky tongue from her mouth that slid down her torso and grazed the floor. Ms. Jenny’s frantic stumbling and croaking was made all the more awkward by the presence of the large, webbed feet that burst out of her high-heeled shoes.

   From the relative safety of the hallway, Kenny and Priscilla stared in disbelief. A non-verbal discussion followed between the two students. Shaking each other’s hands, they promised to quietly leave in hopes that their little experiment would either work itself out or Ms. Jenny would learn to accept her new life as a frog woman.


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