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The winner of the December General Story Poll is...

Slobification of Shinobi Society (Various Naruto Girls Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)): Returning to the village after becoming an obese slob, Sakura attempts to spread the techniques from a mysterious scroll. While reluctant at first, the other women soon join her in the pursuit of pure hedonism.

Thank you to all the Patrons who voted.

Final Tally

1st: Slobification of Shinobi Society (Various Naruto Girls Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)-7 votes

2nd: Order of the Holy Hogs (Female Pig TF and Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting)-5 votes

3rd: Captain America vs. the Slobby Chef (Captain America (Marvel) Slobification (Weight Gain, Burping, and Farting) and IQ Loss)-3 votes

4th: The Dragoness’s Date (Female Dragoness TF, Slobification (Weight Gain and Burping), and Sexual Content)-2 votes

With the good news out of the way, it's time to move onto some less happy announcements. 

Over the course of a year, I've tried my best to provide a constant flow of content for my Patrons. However, you may have noticed that I have fallen behind when it comes to fulfilling the stories voted on through the Patreon. I would like to say that this has to do with the holidays, but other factors in my day to day life have affected my ability to create content. When I look over how much time it takes to write these stories in comparison to the amount I make off of the Patreon, there is a serious deficit. Additionally, the back log has prevented me from doing contests to celebrate milestones and made it near impossible for me to justify writing my own stories on a whim. In an effort to alleviate some of the work load, I'm going to be making the following changes starting next month.

1. First and foremost, I'm going down to a single Patron story poll a month. This will help me catch up on the back log and give me some breathing room for commission work alongside my personal writing projects. 

2. The Patreon poll will no longer contain my own suggestions. To ensure the higher tiers still feel worth something, the story poll will consist of only Patron story suggestions. Should only a single Patron submit a story suggestion for the month, it'll automatically win. In the event of only a single suggestion or less, I'll do a poll of random stories from my personal idea list.

3. To accommodate the above changes, the first two weeks of a month will be the story suggestion phase. Once that's done, the poll will be opened up with some extra time leftover in-case it needs a tie breaker or any other problems come along.

4. The Patron goal list will be changing from dollar values to number of total Patrons. The first of these goals will be to get to a consistent 50 patrons a month. Once that is reached, I'll be looking into returning to at least two story polls a month.

I understand that these are major changes and I don't blame anyone for lowering their pledge or cancelling it all together. While small, this Patreon has been a great source of not only added spending money, but also motivation to keep me writing. I want to thank all my Patrons and readers for their support. I sincerely hope you enjoy the stories I write in the future.


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