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Prompt: Finding her regular dentist replaced with a busty, hefty woman leaves Rachel trying her best not to ogle at the rookie’s massive mammaries. She finds them rather hard to ignore as her new dentist constantly shuffles around to find a position that doesn’t smother Rachel’s face.

   Rachel breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the door open up, signaling that her teeth cleaning was about to begin. Sitting up to say hello to her dentist, she was left stunned as she stared at a pair of breasts the size of watermelons entering the room. The heaving bosom was attached to a chubby woman in purple scrubs. The woman’s near 300 pounds of weight were distributed evenly, however it seemed that a good portion had been focused on emphasizing her massive chest.

   “S-sorry for taking so long,” the new woman said, gently pressing her hand against Rachel’s forehead to get her to sit back down. “I’m new here, so I’m still getting used to things. We’ll start immediately.”

   While the woman’s intention was to clean, her first attempt to reach Rachel’s mouth ended with her breasts nearly breaking out of her scrubs to press against Rachel’s face. Feeling the meaty mammaries envelop her head, Rachel made the discovery that the rookie dentist had forgotten to wear a bra. Clenching her fingers, Rachel tried in vain to keep herself from getting aroused, even as the dentist’s nipples grazed her lips.

   Before Rachel was overwhelmed by the dentist’s bosom and her own desires, the chubby woman pulled herself back up. Letting out an annoyed huff, the dentist shuffled her body around to straddle Rachel’s waist. Leaning forward once again, the dentist resumed cleaning Rachel’s teeth.

   “There we go,” the dentist said, dutifully performing her task, unaware of the way she continuously bobbed her bosom up and down against Rachel’s chest. By the end of the session, the dentist would eventually learn about what she had done when she received an impromptu date request.


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