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Prompt: A prissy sorority girl mixes beer and a new protein powder on a dare at a party, causing her to swell with a mix of muscle and fat. She quickly becomes the fratty, belching, biceps and beer-gut life of the party.

   Carissa had come to college with the aspects of becoming just as popular and beloved as she was in high school. Reality came by to slap her in the face as she visited multiple frat parties only to be ignored. Her good looks and charms could do little to compete with the fraternities’ obsession with seeing who could drink the most, flex their muscles the longest, and burp the loudest. A smart woman would take this as a sign to look elsewhere. Unfortunately for Carissa, her stubbornness tended to override her common sense.

   On yet another failed attempt to integrate with the hard partying frat boys, she was dared to try out a can of beer mixed with what was assumed to be experimental protein powder taken from the nearby lab. Seeing it as her perfect in with the group, she thought little of attempting to chug down the brew. Holding back her gag reflex at the awful taste, she used the cheers of the frat boys as a motivator to keep her going.

   The first can of tainted beer brought with it a surge in growth to the lithe Carissa. While she remained blissfully unaware of her changes as she poured herself another glass of the protein powder, the other partygoers definitely took notice of her muscles pumping up to enormous proportions. Her arms and legs did the job of ripping apart her dress, with a strange mix of muscles and fat taking care of the rest of her clothes. By the fifth beer, a drastic increase in height had her head scraping against the ceiling to loom above the stunned frat boys. Several more beers bloated out her stomach into one lined with muscles that would have easily held a beer keg on its own.

   Finishing her final beer, Carissa celebrated her victory by crushing the can against her tight pectorals. Holding onto her gluttonous gut, she showed little restraint as she let out a loud BWOOOOOOOOOORRRRP to echo through the frat house. Hearing the cheers of the fellow frat members, she began shuffling her way towards the nearest keg to continue feeding her bulky, burpy, beer loving body.


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