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Prompt: Dating is hard when 99% of the world is morbidly obese and you’re a fraction of everyone else’s size. It gets easier when a thin guy and a thin girl looking for similar-sized partners get squished together on the bus.

   Rush hour traffic was just as awful for Frederick as always. Running down the sidewalk, his scrawny form had to duck and weave between the obese people that made up 99% of the world’s population. Barely passing between the elephantine derrieres of a pair of college football players, he managed to leap onto the bus just before the doors closed. Waving hello to the bus driver, he received a nod in return once he had properly placed his fare into the man’s pudgy fingers.

   Not waiting for him to sit down, the driver slammed his foot on the accelerator. The bus came to an abrupt stop moments later to send Frederick falling face first into the heaving bosom of a businesswoman. Rather than be offended by his fall, she gently pulled him up and shook her head at the fact of how small he was. Apologizing profusely, Frederic managed to get a few steps away before yet another stop had him bounce off the bulbous belly of a construction worker.

   Over the course of several more stops, Frederick’s ricocheting against various people’s flab came to halt as he ran out of places to move. Squirming his way between the masses, he tried in vain to find someplace for him to not be crushed. Squeezing past the thick backsides of a pair of cheerleaders, he paused as he felt a set of fingers just as skinny as his brush against him.

   Turning back and straining to see past the thighs of a grocery worker, he saw a twig-like woman staring back at him. The pair shared a smile for the brief moment they had before another surge of passengers sent them further towards the back of the bus. The two of them ended up being squashed against the rear window together, giving them plenty of time to talk about their various troubles of commuting the big world while they waited for the people on top of them to reach their stop.


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