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Prompt: After accidentally opening a gateway to hell, an occult scientist is taken by the sin of gluttony and turned into a great big fat slobcubus to join her harem.

   “I’ll show them,” Harrieta proclaimed, whipping out the piece of charcoal from her lab coat as she finished drawing the pentagram on the floor. “No one gives me the time of day about the groundbreaking research on the sin of gluttony. Let’s see them dismiss my experiments when they’re staring at a full-fledged-“

   Harrieta let out a scream as she found herself falling through a portal of fire into a dark abyss. Her cries for mercy became directed at the gigantic mass of red flesh she was rapidly falling towards. Gazing upon the mountain of flab with its various fat rolls, Harrieta looked past the boulder-like breasts to momentarily lock eyes with a massive woman with curved horns and a wicked smile.

   Moments before Harrieta slammed against the demon’s belly, an acrid odor filled her body. Her impact was cushioned as her once lithe form became swallowed up by layers of pudgy, scarlet flesh. Rolling around the peak of the demon’s belly, Harrieta was overcome with uncontrollable bouts of gas spurting past the fangs in her mouth and whipping around the spaded tail hanging next to her chunky ass cheeks. Harrieta’s tumbling stopped as she rolled into a group of red demons similar in size and smell to her gathered in the demon’s cavernous belly button. Unable to speak in anything other than burps, she looked up to see the mountainous demon looking upon the latest addition to her collection.

   “My BWOOOOORRRP my, aren’t you adorable,” the demon announced. “You should make a perfect slobcubus for my harem.”


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