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Prompt: (Immobile BBWs and BHMs) mobile.twitter.com/donutmcbronut/status/1386897267911766020

   Face tentacles wriggling with joy, Mintok the Mind Flayer happily made his way towards the inner depths of his keep. Protected by a plethora of deadly traps and a small army of well-trained kobolds, his treasure horde comprised of the usual gold and jewels, alongside    Mintok’s fallen adversaries. While the other dungeons keepers’ methods involved sending hordes of minions at adventurers until finally confronting them in person, Mintok prided himself on being able to discern any invader’s inner desires to turn against them. Pushing open the double doors to look upon his latest acquisitions, he still had trouble believing how he had procured his group of immobile adventurers.

   Sauntering between the heaps of treasure, Mintok watched as his loyal kobolds ran about to keep his captive’s content in their immobility. Activities ranging from washing their various fat folds and bringing a near constant supply of food were done with utmost care. After all, obese blobs of flesh or not, these were once the finest group of adventurers in the land. Aside from their skills and thirst for adventure, Mintok had figured out fairly easy that they all shared a commonality in their ultimate goals of wasting away their days eating and drinking themselves into these sorry states of hedonism.

   The largest woman in the room sat in the center, a former soldier woman who had easily given into her cravings for meat to fatten herself up to her carriage-like size. Not far from the flabby fighter was an orb the size of a beer keg, the male halfing’s once dexterous movements having degraded from his weakness for bacon and eggs. The dwarven female who had once boasted about slamming her hammer against Mintok’s face was busy drinking up the torrent of ale being poured down her throat to further plump up her pear-like figure. Looking at the sizable set of sagging man boobs hanging from the elven bard’s obese form, Mintok couldn’t help a chuckle from escaping his face tentacles as the kobolds washed away the remnants of wine from his pecs.

   Leaving the others to their feeding and washing, Mintok stepped up to the mass of purple flesh that was the group’s sorceress.  The drow woman had put up an admirable fight, being the last of the group to fall victim to the allure of Mintok’s cooking. That made it all the more pleasing to the Mind Flayer the moment he had watched her burst apart the seams of her robes in an effort to devour the cakes and various sweets that had been offered to her. As much as he wanted to watch her gobble down a platoon’s worth of pies, the ring of the alarm bell made him hurry to the front gates to add another set of adventurers to his collection.


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