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Prompt: Receiving a spritz of a new perfume rapidly changes Donna from a stylish woman to a hairy, overweight sumo man. However, neither she nor the rest of the mall goers seem to care or notice Don’s unique shopping trip.

   Thanking the woman at the counter for the free sample, Donna sipped at her cappuccino and continued on her way through the mall. Bringing her wrist up to her face, she inhaled the strangely alluring scent of Chankonabe, a stew that the salesclerk explained was the staple of a sumo wrestler’s diet. Regardless of what it was, Donna couldn’t help sniffing it up, the aroma helping her ignore the stray strands of scruffy, black hair forming around her lips and chins.

   Donna continued going down her shopping list as she traversed the mall. With each new store, her body took on extra weight and further spread unruly hair across her skin. However, she was too preoccupied with the strange contents of her shopping list, unable to recall writing down things such as razors or lubricant. Shirking it off as just a trick of her mind, Donna continued waddling her way through the mall with her pudgy fingers scratching her chins and fixing the topknot keeping her hair in place.

   By the end of the trip, the woman once known as Donna was no more. In her place, Don the world class sumo wrestler waddled about with his bulge barely contained by a red loincloth. Stopping for a moment to lift up his drooping pecs and check his list, he had to stop to address a small child poking his pudgy posterior. Leaning down as far as his girth would allow, he smiled as he heard the child’s request for an autograph. Tearing off the part of the list that contained his more private items, he scribbled down his signature to please one of the many people who adored his hairy, overweight body.


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