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After sending a message to Luka's mother to eat tons of meat, Okabe finds himself in a new timeline where the once slender Luka has taken a much heftier appearance.

This is a commission for goodandnice on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/goodandnice

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   Head shivering with unnatural tremors. A splitting pain going through his cranium. The world a smear of different colors. Wading through these familiar sensations, Okabe found himself sitting on the couch in the future gadget lab. Slumping back to let his lab coat envelop him, he rubbed his forehead in an attempt to make sense of the new timeline he had jumped into. Gradually his fingers slid down to scratch at the stubble around his chin, recalling the events leading to this moment.

   In an effort to combat SERN, their lab needed to procure an IBN 5100 computer to crack their code and gain access to their global monitoring system. To do this, they had reached out to a friend who claimed to have one in his family’s possession. He was more than willing to lend the computer to the lab, but under the condition that he would get to send a single message to his mother in the past. The message was simple: “Eat tons of meat to ensure a strong, healthy baby.” Letting their friend believe that the wayward message would give him a more muscular body, Okabe let him send the text under the assumption that it would do little to nothing to alter the timeline. Considering his lingering headache, Okabe was starting to regret his own ignorance.

   “Super hack!” Okabe announced through the voice of his obnoxious persona, Hououin Kyouma.

   Letting out an annoyed grunt, Daru swiveled his barrel-like body around his chair and tilted up his yellow hat. “It’s ‘hacker’. What do you want now?”

   “Do you recall sending a D-mail earlier today for Luka?”

   Daru scratched his chin. “No haven’t seen him and it’s not like he could sneak by unnoticed.”

   Okabe’s attitude was brought down by his recollection that he was the only one who remembered shifting timelines. “Um, right. Of course.”

   Daru sighed and turned back to his computer. “If you’re that worried about him, why don’t you give him a call? You have his number.”

   “Aha, an excellent idea,” Okabe replied, flourishing his flip phone despite Daru’s insistence on ignoring him. Dialing in the number he held it up to his face only for his bravado to falter upon hearing the voice on the other side of the line.

   “Hello?” asked an unmistakably husky voice.

   “Umm, hello. I’m looking for Luka.”

   “Okabe, don’t you recognize me?”

   “Er, yes. It’s just been a while since we last spoke on the phone. Would you be willing to meet today at the lab?”

   “I’m free, but…”


   “Would it be alright if we met up at the MayQueen? I’m starving and haven’t eaten anything since breakfast.”

   Okabe glanced at his watch to see that it was barely past 10am. “Sure, I’ll meet you there in an hour.”

   “Alright see you then.”

   Hanging up the phone, Okabe stepped towards the door only stop upon hearing a series of heavy footsteps approaching him. Moments later, he felt a familiar hand grasp his shoulder. “I take it you want to come too?”

   “Of course,” Daru said with a smile. “It’s been a while since I last got to see Faris-chan. Besides, you owe me a couple of meals.”

   Okabe shrugged. “Very well. Just try not to order too much. I’d rather not treat a pig.”

   “I make no promises,” Daru replied with a smug smile, leading the way out with Okabe following close behind.

   Walking down several blocks brought the two of them into the heart of Akihabara. Waiting for them there was the unmistakable storefront of the MayQueen Nyan Nyan maid café. Opening up the door to the sound of a pleasant chime, it was only a matter of seconds before the two of them were greeted by a familiar face.

   “Welcome home nya-masters,” Faris said, her pink, twin drill hair bouncing in sync with the fake cat ears perched atop her head.

   “Thank you Faris-chan,” Daru replied, his cherubic smile conveying how he felt about returning to his paradise on Earth. “It always brightens my day when I get to see your face.”

   “Same to you, nya-master,” Faris replied, striking a pose that perfectly showed off her maid outfit. “Right this way. I already have your table made up for you-nya.”

   Walking between customers and employees dressed similarly to Faris, Okabe and Daru made their way to a table in the back. Taking their seats, Okabe scanned over the menus to pick from the plethora of teas and sweets offered. His observations on the increased variety and calorie count of the items in this timeline were put on hold as he noticed a pair of seats opposite of him and Daru.

   “Excuse me, I think you gave us one too many chairs,” Okabe spoke to Faris. “There’s only three of us.”

   Faris tilted her head. “You’re meeting with Luka, right-nya? I’m just making sure he has the right space to be comfortable-nya.”

   “Speaking of,” Daru began, “can you go ahead and give us the usual order? Looks like Luka is running late again.”

   “Coming right up nya-masters,” Faris said, bowing to them before walking away.

   “Take your time. I’m sure with the crowd and heat outside, he’s bound to be-oh, there he is.”

   Okabe turned away from Daru just as he heard another chime of the door. His eyes went wide as he watched the maids at the entrance step aside to greet a customer wedging themselves through the doorway. At first, Okabe didn’t recognize the hefty figure as they barely passed the threshold. However, one glance at the patron’s lavender eyes and feminine face confirmed that it was Luka.

   The glacial speed of Luka’s movements as he waddled towards the table gave plenty of time for Okabe to come to terms with his drastic weight gain. Luka’s standard white kimono and red hakama he wore at the shrine were several sizes larger, but still a tight fit for his body. Each heavy step forward threatened to release Luka’s bulging belly from his clothes, its size leading Okabe to believe that he was over 500 pounds in weight. A cursory glance brought the odd realization that Luka’s sagging moobs outsized any of the maids in the restaurant, their girth on par with a pair of half-inflated beach balls.

   Upon reaching the table, Luka showed why he needed the two chairs as he sat down on his plump rear. Having part of his chunky butt cheeks still hanging off the sides of the chairs didn’t seem to bother him. Shuffling about to make himself comfortable, Luka brushed away a few errant strands of his silky smooth hair from his chubby face. Looking up to Okabe and giving a perfect view of his three chins, he greeted his friends with the small, warm smile he always had back in the original timeline.

   “Hello,” Luka said with a gentle wave of his pudgy hand. “Sorry for taking so long. It takes quite a bit of time to get around town this time of day. Especially when you’re someone my size.”

   “Hey, don’t have to remind me,” Daru commented, his barrel-like body eclipsed twice over by Luka’s blubber. “Already went ahead and ordered your food.”

   “Thank you very much,” Luka said, a polite bow letting parts of his fat rolls rest against the table. “Not just for the food,” he added, turning his attention to Okabe, “but for inviting me here.”

   Okabe shook his head and straightened his posture. “Think nothing of it,” he replied in as dignified a voice he could muster considering the circumstances. “Anything for a fellow lab member. However, I did have an ulterior motive for calling you here today.”

   Luka’s eyes glimmered. “Oh?”

   “I have a few questions to ask you. The first of which: do you recall seeing an old computer in your shrine?” Okabe asked, forcing himself to abstain from the more obvious questions for the time being. “It should be marked with the name, IBN 5100.”

   Luka paused for a moment to drag his sausage-like fingers down his chins. The surprise upon reaching a moment of clarity was immediately shot down as he slumped forward to have his moobs sag lower against his stomach. “I do remember seeing something like that a few years ago, but…but…”

   “But what?”

   “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but last I saw it was when I was cleaning out a shed at the shrine. Unfortunately, I…ended up slipping and crushing it beneath my…you know. I’m sorry,” he added, clenching his fingers together.

   Okabe let out an exasperated sigh upon realizing he had lost the main reason they had sent Luka’s D-mail. “It’s alright. I’m sure it was just an accident. The lab will find a way to move on without it.”

   “It may have been an accident,” Luka continued, “but it’s still my fault that I destroyed it with my body.”

   “Stop beating yourself up about it,” Daru said. “Sure, there are some disadvantages to being big guys, but there are just as many, if not more, advantages. For instance…”

   Daru smiled and pointed a finger behind Luka to get him to turn around. The despair on Luka’s face was replaced with elation as a group of maids approached the table, each with a platter of sweet treats in hand. Setting down the meager slices of cake and cups of tea in front of Okabe and Daru, the servers got to work setting up the feast of a meal known as Luka’s regular order in this timeline. Everything from frosted cupcakes, ice cream, crepes, and an entire cake were laid out with the utmost care. Thanking the maids for their speedy service, Luka glanced across his variety to dishes. Stopping a lone drop of drool from leaving his lips, he turned back to look at his dining companions.

   “You don’t mind if I…”

   “Go right ahead,” Daru answered, helping to ease Luka’s nerves as he dug his fork into his comparatively small meal.

   Luka turned towards Okabe. “Are you sure this is okay? I know they give me a discount considering who I am, but it’s still a lot to pay for.”

   Okabe looked back and forth between the plethora of expensive looking food and Luka’s expectant face. “Please, go ahead,” Okabe said, encouraging Luka by cutting off a piece of his cake. “Besides, if there’s anything leftover, we can always bring it back to the lab to share with the others.”

   Biting down on his piece of cake, the sweetness that graced Okabe’s tongue was further amplified by the look of elation on Luka’s face. However, his pleased mood only lasted until he watched Luka effortlessly devour a slice in a matter of seconds. Okabe could only watch in sheer awe as the once petite and gentle Luka attacked his sweet feast like a rabid beast. Nothing was left untouched by the overweight young man’s fork, nary a crumb or drop of icing escaping his hungry maw. Despite the gluttonous display, Luka ensured that each bite was met with a pleased hum to convey how grateful he was for Okabe treating him.

   Before the other two had finished their slices of cake, Luka had left a swath of empty plates in the wake of his appetite. Leaning back in his seat, he dabbed at the icing around his face with a napkin. Massaging his taut belly, he once again glanced towards Okabe. “Aren’t you hungry?”

   “Not really,” Okabe replied, having a hard time believing someone could eat so much so fast. “I’m just in the mood for sweets right now.”

   “You have to at least try it. The frosting is so delectable. Not to mention the richness of the chocolate on the eclairs mixed with the cream makes it absolutely-“

   Luka paused as a loud creak was heard. The sound drew the attention of not only Okabe and Daru, but also from the rest of the patrons in the restaurant. The moment Luka dared to move an inch, the chairs beneath him broke under his weight. Fortunately for him, his fall was cushioned by his blubber. Unfortunately for Faris, she had been standing right behind him with a platter of food.

   Getting up from their chairs, Okabe and Daru approached the mess of blubber and destroyed pastries. The impact further desecrated Luka’s food stained outfit by leaving ample rips for part of his doughy flesh to peek out. Face a bright shade of red from his humiliation, Luka tried in vain to roll himself back to his feet. His efforts merely spread about various icings across his outfit and further sunk Faris between his back flab Combining their strength, Daru and Okabe worked together to help Luka into a standing position and give Faris a chance to free herself.

   “I’m so sorry!” Luka said, giving the deepest bow his obese form would allow towards Faris.

   “It’s alright-nya,” Faris said, keeping herself in character as the other maids helped her up. “I know it wasn’t your fault-nya.”

   “At least let me help you clean up. Where’s the nearest broom and-“

   Luka was once against stopped by a loud noise, this time a loud ripping sound coming from the back of his pants. Upon realizing that everyone in the café could see his butt crack, his eyes began to well up with tears. It was only once Okabe grasped his hand and started pulling him along did he begin to calm down.

   “Come on, the lab isn’t far from here,” Okabe explained as he helped Luka through the crowd of onlookers. “Daru, you handle the bill.”

   “What!?” Daru exclaimed, his tirade of insults thrown at Okabe becoming muted as Okabe and Luka made their way onto the street and headed towards the lab.


   “I still don’t quite understand what you’re saying,” Makise Kurisu commented as she flipped about her scarlet red hair. “You’re saying Luka is the way he is because of a D-mail?”

   “It’s true,” Okabe replied, only feeling comfortable breaching the subject with Makise while Luka was busy getting changed upstairs in their lab. “The Luka I know, er, knew from my timeline was as skinny as a twig.”

   Makise put a finger to her chin. “While it isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility, I do find it hard to believe that a single message could change a person’s life so drastically.”

   “Well, it did and unfortunately we lost the only reason for doing it in the first place.”

   A sudden buzz had Okabe pull out his phone. He had received a text message asking, “What happened to the IBN 5100?” Turning his head to the side, he saw the bespectacled Moeka standing a few feet away from him with her eyes shifting back and forth between her phone and him.

   “He apparently crushed it while cleaning one day,” he commented, noticing the way Moeka’s shoulders slumped down. “In any case, I think we should acquire his mother’s number again to revert to the original timeline.”

   “Why?” Makise asked, stepping aside as Moeka ran out of the shop.

   “To retrieve the IBN 5100. Plus, it’s obvious from today’s events that Luka’s life isn’t the most ideal with all of that added weight.”

   In response, Makise stepped forward and flicked Okabe on the forehead. “And you’re coming up with conclusion without asking him how he feels, aren’t you?”

   “What possible benefit could there be to being so fat?” Okabe asked, rubbing his forehead.

   “You still shouldn’t make such drastic life changes for someone without their input,” Makise replied. “Now go upstairs and ask him yourself.”

   Okabe opened his mouth to argue but stopped as he recalled the stubborn nature of his lab partner. “Very well,” he said as he climbed the stairs, “but only to prove that I’m right.”

   Reaching the door at the top, Okave gave a swift knock. “Are you done getting changed in there?”

   “Y-yeah,” Luka replied from the other side. “It’s just a little outside my comfort zone.”

   Curiosity overriding what little common sense he had, Okabe pushed open the door. Stepping inside had the unintended effect of sending a shade of deep red over Luka’s chubby cheeks. The blush across Luka’s face was in stark contrast to the bright pink fabric of the Chinese style dress his body was squeezed into. Gold trimming adorned the short sleeves around his blubbery arms and the collar around his thick neck. A bright yellow bow was meticulously placed in the center of his chest to add a bit of flair to his meaty man boobs.

   While the outfit had been created by Mayuri on the off chance she could convince Luka to cosplay in it, she had failed to properly account for his size. Parts of the dress left little to the imagination with the way the fabric showed off the various fat rolls comprising his belly. Another problem came in the way the skirt of the dress was a few inches too short to prevent the underside of Luka’s chunky butt cheeks from peeking out every so often.

   Luka’s flustered expression mixed with his futile attempts to pull the skirt down over his backside stirred something strange in Okabe’s mind. A strange urge made itself known, bringing up sensations he didn’t think someone of Luka’s size, let alone another man, could bring up. Shaking his head to remind himself who Luka was, Okabe closed the door behind him and sat down on the couch. “Calm down,” he said, trying to break some of the tension. “You look fine.”

   “I-if you say so,” Luka said, trying to keep back his anxiety as he crossed his fingers. “Do you have anything to eat? I’m still a little hungry from the café.”

   “I think I had some leftover soup in the fridge.”

   “Thank you,” Luka said, carefully bowing under the threat of further showing off his plump body.

   Watching Luka waddle about to prepare his snack, Okabe sat down on the couch and tried to come up with a way to breach the sensitive topic of Luka’s D-mail. His thought process came to an abrupt halt as he was gently pushed aside by Luka’s hips. Left with only a few inches on the cushions, he turned back to watch Luka dive headfirst into a re-heated bucket of fried chicken.

   “You do realize that those are Mayuri’s, right?” Okabe asked.

   “Oh,” Luka said, pausing with meat still in his mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think the soup would be enough to fill me up.”

   “It’s fine,” Okabe replied with a hand wave. “I’m sure that once we tell Mayuri that you put on the dress she’ll be more than willing to overlook a misplaced meal.” Mere moments after the words left his lips, he watched as Luka effortlessly cleaned the plate. “How are you able to eat like that?”

   “I’ve always been like this,” Luka replied, brushing crumbs off of his cheeks. “My mother says its because she ate meat non-stop when she was pregnant with me.”

   “Do you resent her for it?” he asked, unable to think of a gentler way to ask.

   Luka paused for a moment. “No. I realize that my body comes with certain problems, but its not all bad. My appetite means I get to enjoy delicious food and I’ve even made some extra money through eating contests.”

   “Is that what you really want though?” Okabe asked.

   “It’s not like I have a say in the matter,” Luka said, heaving himself off the couch. “This is who I am. There’s no way to change it. If I had a say in the matter…I would…like to have a body more equipped to be a better swordfighter.”

   “What makes you say that?”

   Luka put his hand against his chest. “I’m not sure. Just something inside of me brings up the idea every once in a while. It’s as if there’s another me who desperately wishes for it to become reality.”

   Hearing Luka’s earnest words, Okabe stood up and struck a pose. “What if I told you that I, the great Houoin Kyoma, had the power to do such a thing.”

   “Really?” Luka asked, his eyes gleaming with hope.

   “Indeed, just say the word and promise that you will follow my directions to the letter.”

   Luka paused for a moment, looking back and forth between his own body and Okabe. “Alright, I’ll do it. What do you need me to do?”

   Okabe smiled. “To start, I’m going to have to ask you for an old phone number. Specifically, your mother’s.”


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