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Prompt: At a work cocktail party, a group of coworkers decide to play a drink on their boss by slipping pickle juice into her martini. What they don’t realize is that a combination of rotten luck and an even more rotten pickle will lead to her getting a little too into her drink.

   A few words with the bartender made all the sweeter with a handful of dollar bills set their plan in motion. Watching from the other side of the bar, the office workers watched the waiter carry the tainted martini over to their boss. The stern woman looked uptight even with her slender body adorned in a black cocktail dress. Taking a break from fixing her glasses and scolding another worker for their reports being late, she thoughtlessly accepted the martini from the waiter and took a drink.

   The anticipation building in her pranksters died a painful death as they watched her sip away at her drink without breaking pace of her one woman tirade. Their collective disappointment lasted up until they noticed an unsightly bulge in the boss’s dress. Soon, the bulge was joined by dozens of smaller versions that popped up along her skin. Continuing to gawk at her and the green color taking over her body, they heard her shrill voice go down in tone to match that of a man.

   Her body becoming more oblong and her hair falling out turned out to be just shocking enough for her conversation companion to stay silent as she continued to change. The bulbous protrusions that went along her swelling body gradually tore apart her dress. A rough texture seeped over her soft skin and even took away her hair to leave her bald up top. As she continued to change into a living pickle person, one last burst of changes left her completely nude.

   Unaware of what he had become, their boss continued to belittle their coworker all while a pickle-shaped dick hung between his legs. His sagging pecs and bulbous body did little to take away from his task. Turning to call out to the waiter for another drink, the pickle boss just missed the pranksters slipping out the door before anyone could connect them to the monstrosity they had created.


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