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WARNING THIS PREVIEW CONTAINS: Female Slob (Fat, Burping, and Farting)

   With a slam of her hips, Flabna returned to her apartment with her mind plagued by a deep depression. Shutting the door with another hip check, she maneuvered around licked clean food containers. As she shuffled her way towards her reclining chair, she began to strip herself of her clothing. Dropping a heap of sweaty spandex onto the ground, she plopped down into her reclining chair to the sound of a vibrating fart. Relaxing in her seat, her gaze drifted towards her discarded costume. The big, white F painted across the red jumpsuit used to be a symbol of her desires to become a hero. That was back when she was known as Fitna and before her world was turned upside down all thanks to a run in with a single woman.

   Clasping the remote between her pudgy fingers, Flabna aimed at the television. A moment before the screen turned on, she was met with the unsightly visage of her near 1000 pound mass. Fatty globes the size of medicine balls made up her breasts, the meaty orbs balanced atop a belly rife with fat rolls and cellulite. Shifting her body back and forth, she could hear the chair protest against the weight of her elephantine rear. The various creaks of the overburdened furniture were silenced by a loud PHHHHHHRRRRRTTTT echoing from her rear. Finally settling herself in, she reached into a side pocket of the chair to pull from her wide array of snack food. Popping open a bag of chips, she let various crumbs roll down her chins as she channel surfed for something to watch.

   Between her constant chewing and belching, she stopped as she passed by the news. As much as she knew that watching would only worsen her mood, she couldn’t stop herself from going back to hear the latest report. Just as she suspected, it wasn’t anything good.

   “If you’re just joining us now,” the new anchor said, her face plastered in makeup and her hair done up in a tight blonde bun, “I’m Laney Loisa and we’re covering the unbelievable scene that happened earlier today involving the so called ‘hero’, Flabna.”

   The feed changed to that of a security camera at a bank. A group of men in ski masks could be seen with guns in one hand and sacks of money in the other. It was a scene typically thwarted by the nearest available hero in a matter of seconds. Right on que, the robbers turned their heads as one of the walls burst open. Raising their guns to shoot at the intruder, their anger turned to fear as they realized who it was.

   Flabna watched herself waddle into view, doing her best to put on a heroic smile even as the fabric of her costume was wedged between her buttocks. While the rest of the criminals ducked for cover, one daring soul tried to pepper her with a rain of bullets. Shirking off the gunfire as it ricocheted off her belly fat, Flabna charged towards her attacker with her full strength. Slamming into the criminal like a truck, Flabna took advantage of his stunned state to leap up and bring her massive form down on him. The smile Flabna saw on her face made knowing what came next all the more unbearable.

   A rumbling noise echoed throughout the feed; the Flabna on the screen making and expression just as fearful as the other robbers. Though she tried to free herself from the perpetrator, she couldn’t move fast enough to avoid enshrouding him in a fart cloud. As the foul air filled his lungs, Flabna was gradually pushed to the side by the hundreds of pounds of fat that packed onto his body. Rolling away from him, Flabna turned back to see a blank stare in his eyes with drool running down his various chins. A fart reverberated from his body, sending ripples from his flab and placing a simpleton’s smile upon his face.

   “Moments after this incident, the other robbers quickly surrendered,” Laney commented. “While she was able to stop the robbery, it came at the cost of destroying another misguided soul’s life. Medical experts are attempting to reverse the effects, but it is very likely he will be joining the others that have faced the justice Flabna claims to uphold.”

   Flabna clenched her pudgy fingers together, fighting off the urge to smash her TV again. As much as she hated to admit it, the reporter was right. For all of her bravado about using her morphed body to continue her legacy as a hero, she was doing the very thing the villainess who made her like this wanted. Slumping back in her seat, she could feel tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

   “While the authorities process the criminals who surrendered on the spot,” the anchor continued, “the slobbified suspect is being transported to the Villain Containment Center. There, the researchers are hoping to add him to the other victims of Flabna’s escapades in an attempt to come up with a cure. A fitting destination considering it’s the very place where the disgraced heroine’s enabler is currently locked up.”

   Flabna clenched her fist, her mind drifting back to the sinister villainess that was the root cause of her problems. The last time the two of them had met, Flabna had departed with a hollow promise of using her condition for the forces of good. She could only imagine the fits of laughter her nemesis must be having as she watched the results of Flabna’s naïve optimism. Especially considering how easily the villainess could control her own brand of slobby symptoms.

   Continuing to dwell on this developed a strange thought in the back of Flabna’s mind. Trying to push the idea down only made it stronger the more she recollected her encounter with the villainess. Unable to handle the flood of memories that came as she inhaled one of her own farts, Flabna heaved herself out of her reclining chair and waddled towards the phone. Her goal was simple: to visit Slobvaka in hopes of finding a way to control her powers.


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