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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female to Male Anthro Tiger Man TF, Weight Gain, Burping, and Sexual Content

   Under the curse of an ancient idol, a globetrotting woman finds herself forced into the body of a middle-aged, obese tiger man. Though he finds his new form absolutely repulsive it is through the helpful hand of one, diligent maid that he will learn to appreciate his body's eccentricities. 

This is a story for an anonymous commissioner.

Commission Info: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast/journal/Commission-Info-615442807


   When the orders came down, most of the workers of the Greensward estate were left in a haze of confusion. They had all been laid off and commanded to leave the premises within a week’s time. Most of the employees were familiar with the head of the house and figured it was just another part of her eccentricities. Rather than question it, they had all accepted their more than generous severance pays and one by one left the mansion until only a single maid was left.

   Strolling up to the servant’s entrance, Edith didn’t know exactly what she would do once she ran into her master. Whatever her reaction would be, Edith was more than prepared to uphold her position as her maid. She had taken special care to ensure her uniform was in pristine condition, without a single smudge upon her white apron. Ensuring her shoulder-length black hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, she turned her bright blue eyes towards the inconspicuous door. It was only with the help of a key she had stowed away in case of emergency did she manage to open the lock to enter the mansion in search of her master.

   The halls that were once thriving with activity of the various servants was now void of any sign of life. Edith’s footsteps upon the tiled floor clacked loudly through the corridors in search of some clue as to why her employer had been so adamant in being alone. Delving deeper into the mansion, her mind went wild with a plethora of ideas as to what had happened to her master during her absence. All those thoughts came to a halt as she stopped in front of the doors to the master bedroom. Hearing something shuffling inside, Edith clenched her fingers and took a deep breath. Pressing her hand against the door, she gently pushed open the door.

   What Edith found inside was an absolute mess of shredded dresses and furniture scattered around the floor. The scene looked as if a rabid werewolf had been let loose in the room, complete with deep gashes along the walls. Continuing to gaze upon the chaotic destruction, Edith’s eyes fell upon the hulking beast seated upon the bed cloaked in curtains yanked from the windows.

   Unable to stop herself from gasping at the monster’s visage, Edith shuddered as she watched the creature begin to stir. Climbing off of the bed, the beast waddled its way towards the maid. Though her instincts screamed at her to run, Edith remained frozen still. Even as the creature got within a few feet of her, her legs refused to move. Feeling the beast’s warm breath against her face, Edith looked up at its face in preparation of being devoured. Instead, she found something familiar in the creature’s eyes. On a whim, Edith spoke out a name.

   “Master Lana?” Edith asked.

   “Edith,” replied the creature, its voice akin to a hefty man well past his prime. “You shouldn’t be here.”

   “I know you told the servants to leave,” Edith said, putting her hand to her chest, “but I couldn’t abandon you. It is my duty as a maid to ensure your well-being.”

   Lana tilted her head back and forth. Swirling about her body, Lana walked back to sit on the edge of the bed. “You should know that I meant no harm to you or the others. I just didn’t want anyone to see me like this.”

   Edith took a deep breath and approached her master. “Like what?”

   Lana let out a sigh. “I’ll show you. Hopefully once you see what I’ve become, you’ll believe the tale of how it happened.”

   With a flick of her wrist, Lana threw off her makeshift cloak. The thing Edith saw was more than enough to make her question if she was living in a fairy tale.


One Month Earlier…

   Hoisting her box of ill-gotten goods upon the bed in her safe house, Lana couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Her wealth and status could have easily gotten the relics through reputable means, but that would lack the feeling of excitement she felt. Besides, she found it absolutely criminal that her lithe body would only be used to attract company during the droll parties she was invited to. No, she was more comfortable in her trusty, black sneaking suit and with her luxurious dark brown hair tied into a long ponytail.

   Continuing to search through the collection of ancient artifacts, she put to the side any jewelry or golden objects as she looked for her true prize. With a glimmer in her eyes, she pulled the wooden figure from the box and held it on the palm of her hand. The statue depicted a portly tiger man with a fuzzy beard hanging around its neck. The style of the craftmanship designated its origin as coming from India, the markings on the bottom confirming that it was the latest legendary artifact Lana had sought to add to her collection.

   While she would have been content to have the idol decorate the mantle above her fireplace, it was the secret that lied within the artifact that had drawn her attention. Placing it on a table to gaze at its magnificence, Lana left one eye to linger on it as she pawed through a book. Intermixed with her own notes were various records of the idol gifting anyone who was able to unleash its power with untold wisdom and power befitting of a king. The chant once thought lost to time had been neatly written down onto the scrap of paper between Lana’s fingers. Entranced by a plethora of theories of what the idol could offer, she picked up the statue and cleared her throat.

   "He mahaan baagh, mujhe apanee shakti pradaan karen,” she spoke as she held the idol above her head. “Shakti aur gyaan ke saath, main aapake vaphaadaar shishy ke roop mein duniya mein aapake raaste phailaoonga. Main aapako bulaata hoon, mujhe apane dil kee ichchha pradaan karen."

   Upon the last words leaving her mouth, Lana waited in silence for a reaction. For an unknown amount of time, she stared into the idol’s eyes in hope of seeing a secret compartment open up to reveal a map to a lost treasure. Wondering if perhaps either the chant was wrong or that the idol knew of her true intentions, she began to lower the statue down to return it to its box.

   As the idol reached her chest, her hands clasped onto it tightly as a jolt of unknown force went down her spine. Something began to course through her veins, striking her body with uncontrollable shaking. Her grip on the statue weakened until it felt from her hands to break apart against the ground. She reached out towards the destroyed pieces, only to recoil at the sight of sharp claws taking the place of her finely manicured nails.

   Lifting her transformed hands to her face, she watched as tufts of bright orange fur began to encroach over her skin. Flexing her fingers did little to ease the sensation as her hands began to resemble a set of feline paws. It was only once she saw streaks of black go across the orange fur did she realize what was happening to her.

   As the tiger fur spread up her arms, they began to bulk up the slim limbs with a combination of more hair and an overly generous amount of blubber. Hearing her sneak suit struggle under her swelling weight, she stumbled about in an attempt to keep herself balanced. Lana’s efforts were hindered as she felt the fur stretch across her torso, her breathing becoming labored from a great heat spreading across her chest. Unable to take it anymore, she put her newly acquired claws to good use to tear apart her suit.

   Ripping away the skin-tight fabric brought some much needed relief to her belly and its developing fat rolls. Watching the remnants of the suit slide off of her bulging gut, she had to contend with the itching sensation of the white fur covering the front of her body diving into her deepening belly button. Wincing at the sensation of her flabby stomach jostling against her thickening thighs, she almost missed what the statue’s power was doing to her chest.

   The pair of breasts she used to entice people at parties grew several cup sizes over the span of a minute. While they were impressive with their melon-like size, they gradually lost the shape and structure in the process. Carefully grasping her sagging chest between her paws, she could no longer feel the definitive sensation of her breasts. If anything, they reminded her more of a different set of sagging globes.

   Brought to a fearful realization by the stray thought, Lana moved as fast as she could towards a nearby mirror. Waddling with her bulky legs, she tried to ignore the way her bubble butt shook with each step and the feeling of her lanky tail sliding across her ass cheeks. Reaching the mirror with a stomp of her heavy feet, she had to back up to account for her lofty, 8 foot tall stature. Shuffling back to get a good look at her transformed body, she hoisted up her belly to see something filling up the room in her panties. Taking a deep breath, she let one of her claws inch towards the overburdened underwear. The decision to reveal what was inside was made for her as the fabric was torn apart by her most drastic change.

   In place of her cherished womanhood, she was horrified by the sight of a set of male genitalia nestled between her thick thighs. Daring to slide her hand along the shaft, she was sickened by the fact that her penis didn’t resemble anything human. With its pointed tip and barb-like protrusions around the head, the addition was too much for the newly made Mr. Lana Greensward to handle.

   Recoiling as his new genitalia twitched, Lana turned up his head to stare at the last vestiges of his humanity fade away. The soft features of his face became distorted by a mix of fur and flab. Chubby cheeks marred by tinges of grey led towards a grizzly beard that partially obscured his three chins. Sliding his hand through the locks of greying, orange hair that covered his scalp gave him a chance to feel the pair of rounded ears perched atop his head that had replaced his original ones. With the grey strands scattered across his fur and his overweight appearance, it was if he had lived to the ripe age of sixty over the course of a day. At a loss of what to do with his new self, Lana let out what was supposed to be a cry of fear. Instead, all he heard was the roar of a wizened tiger.


   The table was set with a somewhat familiar scene. Lana’s favorite breakfast items were strewn about before him with utmost care. However, it was hard to ignore the drastic increase in portion sizes to accommodate his grown body. Gazing upon the image of the buff tiger man printed on the box of cereal, Lana couldn’t help wondering if it was the universe trying to add salt to his wounds.

   Tapping his paws against his chest, he still hadn’t gotten used to the way his furry, sagging pecs shook about as he moved about the manor. Continuing to trace the surface of the over-sized t-shirt keeping himself modest, he was still hesitant to believe that his old bras could still fit him. A bit of discomfort got him to acknowledge the fact that his butt had once again sucked up a sizable portion of his sweatpants. Yanking the fabric free gave his tail the much needed room it needed to resume lazily swinging behind him.

   Giving one last tug at his pants brought Lana’s attention to one of his more unsavory features. Leaning forward to look past his gut let him gaze at the sizable bulge peeking out from beneath it. Try as he might to keep himself calm, his feline penis seemed to become more active as the days went by. Something in the back of his mind occasionally whispered to him about putting his tool to good use. Just as his claws began to inch towards his groin, a clink of silverware brought his attention back to Edith.

   “Here you are, Mr. Greensward,” Edith said, placing yet another platter of food before him.

   “Er, thank you,” he replied, scratching his beard in an attempt to hide his actions. “And you can just call me Lana. It’s only the two of us here anyway.”

   “You are very welcome,” Edith said with a bow. “It is my duty to serve my master.”

   Lana let out a sigh. “That was when I was several hundred pounds lighter and less furry. I can hardly say I’m a master of anything at the moment.”

   “Master, please don’t say such things,” Edith said, taking away one of the empty plates. “You may look different, but you’re still the person you always were. I’m sure with your worldly knowledge and vast library of ancient text you’ll be able to find something to change you back in no time at all.”

   The true sincerity behind Edith’s words were brought to the forefront from the kind demeanor Lana could see in her eyes. It was the same look the maid had given him when she had promised to remain by his side, regardless of his condition. Lana couldn’t stop himself from letting out a chuckle as he recalled how the diminutive woman put her foot down to dismiss the huge tiger man’s every reason to try and push her away.

   “I suppose you’re right,” Lana relented, picking up his fork to take a bite of his eggs.

   “That’s the spirit, master,” Edith cheerily commented.

   Invigorated by his maid’s seemingly endless well of optimism, Lana took a bite of his breakfast with gusto. Despite his drastic change in appearance, it hadn’t changed the way Edith’s meals tantalized his tongue. Without a second thought he went in for another bite and several more. Finishing off the plate of eggs and bacon, he turned his attention to the cereal that had mocked him before. The tiger on the box was no match for him as he poured out its contents one bowl after another, with Edith more than ready to assist with a pitcher of milk. Lifting the last bowl of cereal to his lips, Lana drank deeply of the leftover bits of sweetened dairy. Placing the emptied dish back on the table, he went to swab a napkin over his milk-laden whiskers only to be stopped by a guttural burp forcing itself from his mouth.

   “Excuse me,” he said, continuing to clean his face.

   “It’s quite alright, master,” Edith said as she picked up the empty plates. “That sound just means that you still enjoy my cooking.”

   “Indeed,” Lana replied, stopping himself to catch another belch with his paw. “However, I still have to show some dignity around here. I am the master of the house.”

   “As you say, master,” Edith commented as she leaned down to place Lana’s empty glass on a serving platter.

   The maid’s maneuvers inadvertently gifted Lana with a view of Edith’s posterior outlined by her skirt. Lana had seen the image many times before during their time together, but it had taken on a new light ever since his transformation. Continuing to let his gaze linger on Edith sent a plethora of unknown urges flowing through his veins. While his heightened wisdom allowed him to fight back the strange desires, it didn’t help the bulge in his pants from swelling. An attempt was made to calm himself down, but each prod of his paw against his nether region only worsened his condition.

   “Master, is everything alright?” Edith asked, the words making Lana pause where he was.

   “Yes, I’m fine,” he replied, getting up from his chair and turning his backside towards her. “Just a little indigestion. Still getting used to how this body works. There are bound to be some UURRP unsavory parts I need to learn to deal with.”

   “That’s quite alright. Would you like me to bring you something to help calm our stomach?”

   “No, I’ll be fine after a little rest,” he replied, shuffling his way down the hall. “I’ll be in my study. I’ll call if you need anything.”

   Edith raised her hand to protest, but slowly lowered it back down. “As you wish, my master.”

   Content that his excuse had worked, Lana continued down the hall, not daring to turn his front towards his maid for even a moment. Entering his study, he locked the door behind him and approached his desk. Ignoring the audible creak as he sat down in his chair, he was annoyed to see the swelling had not gone down. Afraid of provoking himself further, Lana snagged up one of his books and began to read in hopes of finding a way to rid himself of his curse.


   The peaceful scenery of the mansion’s gardens had always been a godsend for calming Lana’s nerves. Being cooped up in his library for a month straight, the colors of the various flowers and pleasant smell of the greenery helped him after countless hours spent diving through books. If he looked closely, he could see that parts of the gardens had gone unattended for quite some time. That was to be expected considering Edith was his only remaining employee. He was more than willing to give her leeway when it came to fulfilling the mansion’s duties, especially considering he wasn’t at peak form himself.

   Still waiting on a shipment of custom sized clothing, Lana had to settle with wearing a white bath robe and a pair of flip flops. The soft fabric did an admirable job of keeping him somewhat modest, albeit leaving part of his belly peeking out between the gaps from time to time. A series of cloths wrapped around his upper torso helped to keep his sagging pecs in check, giving him more trouble than his old breasts ever did as he shuffled about the estate. He was forced to stop his leisurely stroll as he felt a stray breeze flow down his tail and graze the fur on his bottom. Reaching back to pull the cloth back down reminded him that he needed to ask Edith to cut down on his food intake before he could no longer see his weight on the scale during his morning checkups.

   Reaching the center of the gardens, Lana plopped his body down on a bench near a small pond. Sitting down with a huff, he rested his chubby legs as he spread out on the seat. Leaning back and scratching his beard, he attempted to make sense of everything he had read. Even with his wizened visage gifting him with an astounding ability to process information and read through books in a fraction of the time it usually took, he was still left without an answer. Each clue or hint of a lead had brought him to a dead end when it came to finding a solution to his condition. It was only through Edith’s constant encouragement and attention did he find himself capable of continuing his research.

   As Lana’s mind continued to dwell on her ever faithful maid, unwanted thoughts began to worm their way inside of his head. The sensation of something trying to free itself from the confines of his robe had Lana sink his claws into the bench to try and resist his urges. Unable to fully rid himself of the desires, he heaved himself off of the bench and began to pace back and forth. Fully aware of the rigid member jostling between his legs, Lana’s attempts to pull his mind out of the gutter were deemed fruitless as blood continued to pump into his manhood.

   Lana’s distraught state came to a momentary pause as he heard something splash in the pond. Following his feline curiosity, he loomed over the water’s surface to see a group of koi fish lazily swimming about. The sight of the fish was one that used to fill Lana with a sense of calm and for a moment, it brought back a semblance of his old self. However, the longer he stared at them, the more something began to take over him.

   A hungry growl emanated from Lana’s stomach. Involuntarily, he licked his lips. Despite having eaten an hour beforehand, he couldn’t quell his rising hunger. Maneuvering his unwiedly bulk, he attempted to crouch down in preparation to pounce. His eyes closely followed the movements of the fish, watching for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing one of the fish stop to nibble on a leftover food pellet, he drew his claws and got ready to leap into the water to sink his teeth into its scales.


   A single word broke Lana from the trance. Turning his head to see Edith staring at him, he hurried to stand up straight and fix his robe. “Um, hello Edith. How are you today? Did you do something with your hair?”

   Edith’s worried expression was overtaken by a soft smile. “Why yes I have,” she said, letting her hand bounce against her follicles, the strands unbound by her usual hair tie. “It got rather warm working out in the gardens today so I thought it would be alright for me to let loose a little bit. You’re not mad, are you?”

   “Of course not,” Lana replied. “You’re merely doing your duties. If that requires you to adjust your appearance to better perform them, I see no harm. All part of the UUURRP job.”

   Lana paused, taking a moment to realize what he had just done. “Apologies, my stomach is a little ornery at the moment.”

   “Ah, then would you like me to prepare a meal?” Edith asked.

   “Yes, but I must ask that you cut down on the portion sizes,” Lana answered, placing his paw on his gut.

   Edith shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I can’t bare to watch my master waste away. I’d rather see you pleasantly plump than starve yourself. While you’re stuck with this body, you must take uttermost care of it.”

   Lana wanted to argue back, but the genuine look of concern on Edith’s face momentarily made him forget who was in control here. “Very well, but may I make a request?”

   “Of course.”

   “Can you…add some kind of seafood to the meal? Preferably, a type of fish?” he asked over the sound of his former prey splashing in the pond.

   “Very well master,” Edith said with a polite bow. “If you’ll be patient for just a while longer, I’ll have your lunch prepared in as little as-“

   Edith took a step forward to enter the mansion, only to have a loose rock catch her heel. Stumbling backwards, Lana was too slow to stop her from plummeting into the pond. Moving as fast as his body would allow, Lana dipped his claws into the water to fish Edith out. Carrying the drenched maid back over to the bench, she laid her out on the seat and checked to see if she was alright. The relief he felt upon seeing her breathing was offset by his eyes wandering towards the outline of her body made all the more apparent by her wet clothing.

   “Thank you so much master,” Edith said, only adding to Lana’s problems as she pulled him into a hug. “How can I repay you?”

   Upon feeling his manhood begin to rise to meet the sensation of Edith’s breasts against his chest, Lana quickly freed himself from her embrace. “Um, think nothing of it,” he said as he began waddling away. “Go get changed and I’ll meet you back in the kitchen to help you with lunch.”

   Before Edith could inquire further, Lana broke out into the fastest jog his body would allow. Only stopping once he entered the depths of the hedge maze, he plopped down on the ground to catch his breath. While the rest of his body shook from the short burst of strenuous exercise, the one part of himself that he wanted to calm down was still rebellious in its desires. For a moment, he considered giving into his urges; pulling out his member and giving it the attention it asked for. Dismissing the thought of debasing himself like a primitive beast, he made it his goal to wander about the maze until he was properly prepared to face Edith.


   It was with begrudging acceptance did Lana step before his bedroom mirror to take in the sight of his body. The crimson vest and black pants that had looked so good online were a shadow of their former selves after he had squeezed into him. Even with his blubbery arms unrestrained by sleeves, his pudgy torso stretched and pushed back against the expensive fabric. Sliding a claw up the series of buttons, he could feel that the ones containing his sagging pecs were mere moments from popping off. A similar story was told by his zipper and pants button, each doing their part to keep his bulky legs and chunky rear covered up.

   Scratching his beard, Lana pondered why his custom sized outfits didn’t fit him. It only took a few moments to piece together an answer based on the lingering taste of a burp blowing past his fangs. As caring and doting as Edith was, her constant attention to meet Lana’s needs had included large portions sizes at every meal. Between the one tiger man feasts, the maid was sure to always keep something nearby for Lana to snack on as he went through his research notes.

   The constant snacking and studying had led to an increase of his already impressive girth. Pinching his belly flab through his vest, he once again considered trying to convince Edith to cut down on his food intake. Even with a loud BWOOORRRRP reeking of tuna echoing from his maw, his logical side found it hard to go against both the wishes of the maid and his own, animalistic desires.

   “Master?” Edith called from outside the door. “May I come in?”

   It took a moment for the words to register in Lana’s head. Hurrying to make himself as presentable as possible, he opened the door. “You may come UUURRRP in,” he belched.

   Paying no mind to the burp, Edith wheeled in a cart with Lana’s latest meal. Her once prim and proper maid outfit had been replaced with a more causal t-shirt and jeans. In the old days, Lana would have scolded her and commanded her to return home. However, he found it hard to critique someone’s appearance considering his current state.

   “How has your research been progressing?” Edith asked as she poured out a glass of milk.

   “Same as before,” Lana said with a heavy sigh. Making his way over to his desk, he sat down and let himself chug the milk in a matter of seconds. “Lots of legends and myths that turn out to be nothing more than lies to increase the value of pieces of junk. I’m beginning to believe that the accursed idol was the sole, genuine magical artifact in this world. Just my luck that it would fall into my hands.”

   “Don’t give up hope, master,” Edith said, placing down a platter of recently cooked steaks.

   “I’m not,” he said as he reached for his utensils. “The situation just calls for a bit of practical thinking. Regardless of the absurdity, I must look at my condition through the lenses of a scholar. I may be a lumbering, portly beast, but I’m still an intellectual at heart.”

   Lana’s elaborate words fell on deaf ears under the rumblings of his ravenous stomach.

   “It’s alright,” Edith said, as if speaking to Lana’s stomach rather than himself. “It’s only the two of us here. No need to hold yourself back for me.”

   The outrageous suggestion bypassed Lana’s logical side to feed into his wealth of suppressed urges. Driven by his hunger and Edith’s gaze, he picked up a steak with his bare paws and lifted it to his mouth. Sinking his teeth into the meat had him shiver at the feeling of instant gratification. From there his instincts took over to help him tear apart his meal without any remorse. Devouring the meat like he hadn’t eaten his days, his meal ended abruptly as the chair holding up his weight finally gave out.

   Lana’s tumble to the ground was cushioned by his belly. While he landed unharmed amongst the splintered wood, the effects made themselves known. The impact turned out to be the breaking point for his outfit. Various tears let his furry flab on display for Edith like dough seeping out of a sack. Shuffling about in a desperate attempt to cover himself, Lana could do little to stop the tirade of burps that rolled up his throat. The smell combined with another odor that was equally awful, yet strangely inviting. Lana managed to confirm what the source was as a tear around his armpits let him take in a whiff of his built up musk. His instincts were overpowering, telling him to relish in his big, smelly body and its acts of hedonism. However, he was finding it hard to enjoy himself with Edith looming over him.

   The maid stood slouched over, watching the last of the ripples dissipate from Lana’s flab. Unable to recall the last time she had been able to look down on him, Lana’s vision turned away from his humiliating appearance to wander across her body. His eyes darted over her with lustful intent, the musk surrounding his body making the urges stronger than ever. Upon feeling his manhood begin to tear away what remained of his pants, he knew he was only moments away from doing something terrible.

   “I have to BWOOOOOORRRRP leave,” Lana said, forgoing Edith’s outstretched hand to roll himself over and stand up.

   “Master are you okay?"

  “I’m UUURRP fine,” he belched, scrambling to stand up as he clutched his rigid member. “I just need to use the restroom.”

   Lana charged towards the door at breakneck speed. Moments before his feet reached the hall, something stopped him in his tracks. Try as he might, the muscles hidden beneath his flab could do little to free his waist from the confines of the door frame. He had run into this trouble beforehand, but the added urgency made it all the more harrowing as he felt a pair of hands press up against his backside to help push him through.

   Crashing through the doorframe, Lana clutched her claws into the carpet to keep himself standing. Turning back around, he could see a few stray strands of orange and grey on Edith’s hands. Though he wanted to thank her, the longer he stared the more his urges cried out for release. Turning his back on her, he charged headfirst towards the nearest bathroom.

   Squeezing himself inside and locking the door, he ripped apart what remained of his pants. Firmly grasping his manhood, he began furiously masturbating in an attempt to calm himself down. After suppressing himself for so long, his first release as a man brought with it a surge of new pleasures that threatened to override his brain. Letting an animalistic growl echo through the bathroom, his high from experiencing his orgasm was lessened upon seeing his still erect member.

   Feeling the inklings of uncontrollable lust in the back of his mind, Lana grasped himself once more. For hours he stayed in the bathroom, trying to keep his body’s needs at bay. During that time, he had to contend with his rising stench that only furthered to make him indistinguishable from the big cats he shared DNA with. Reaching his fifth orgasm, he began to question if he would ever be able to return to his old life.


   Under the light of a dim lamp, Lana tried to force himself to focus on the book in front of him. What started out as a yawn from his gaping maw turned to a guttural belch. The lingering smell of his meal of tuna combined with the ever present musk that surrounded his form. Any attempts to continue searching for the cure to his condition were compounded by his body trying to settle into the makeshift tiger den he had created in the library. The part of him that used to be the svelte, world trekking woman could do little to diminish the feelings his tiger side reveled in upon seeing the state of his lair and body.

   Lana’s fur prickled as a slight draft went through the room. His bountiful fur and flab kept him warm enough, making his inability to wear any clothing bearable. Although, he couldn’t deny that the sight of his hefty moobs and sagging gut didn’t further sink him into depression. Reaching back to drag his claws across the furry medicine balls that where his ass cheeks, he pondered trying to sit down again to try and save his aging back. The idea was quickly snuffed out, recalling the last time he attempted to place a fraction of his 800 pound form on a set of chairs. Even the king sized mattress spread out on the floor nearby was beginning to show its limits, his over 9 foot stature making it a struggle whenever he attempted to sleep.

   Trying to put his various body issues aside, he brought the book up to his face in hopes of grasping at something to lead him down a path of discovery. His overworked mind desperately yearned for rest. As much as Lana wished to soothe his thoughts with a walk through the gardens, he knew that it would result in his instincts leading him to end the life of the first bird or squirrel he could pounce on. The various distractions strewn about the mansion were placed off limits due to the struggle of trying to wedge his body through the narrow doorways. This left him with only one other option, the woman he had cast aside for her own protection.

   Knowing how much she cared about him, Lana found it best to mitigate their interactions to the pair knocking on the library doors whenever a new meal had to be delivered. Lana had forbidden the maid from entering his lair, afraid that at any moment his urges would make him do something unthinkable. His efforts could not stop his mind from focusing on her from time to time, using her beaming smile and kind demeanor as an excuse to drift his thoughts towards the features of her body.

   Pondering about Edith’s visage for just a second made him let out an exasperated growl as he realized what he had just done. Sure enough, Lana could feel something begin to creep along his underbelly. Though he tried to ignore it, he could only sink his claws into the grooves of his desk for so long before he had to acknowledge his rising arousal. Waddling away from his desk to avoid any unnecessary damage, he once again attempted to wrap his paws around his rigid member.

   He let out a series of curses as he was reminded that his gluttonous appetite had grown him past the ability to pleasure himself. Try as he might to reach his manhood, his paws could not get past his gut to so much as graze his tip. Rolling about the floor in various position, he let out numerous belches and growls to vent his frustrations. Stopping with his body slumped against a wall, he took a deep breath of the heavy musk that had surrounded him during his lust fueled endeavors. All of his work meant little, his lower half still crying out for a release that he knew would never come.

   Lana’s ears perked up as the doors to the library crept open. Even knowing who was waiting for him didn’t help his nerves as he watched Edith step inside his domain. The once regal maid was outfitted in a pair of dingy sweatpants and a white t-shirt marred by a series of food stains. As she stepped closer, Lana could make out the outline of a potbelly beneath her shirt. Wondering if Edith had caught some of his appetite while making his meals, he was reminded of his pent up libido as she got close enough to him to see her face curtained by her waist-length hair.

   “Edith, you need to BWOOOOOORRRRP leave now,” Lana said, trying in vain to shuffle his body away from the maid.

   It only took a single step for Edith to catch up to him. “I know that you have commanded to stay away, but I can’t handle it any longer knowing you’re suffering.”

   “Edith I’m UUURRRPPP serious. I don’t want to hurt you with my…my…”

   Lana was silenced as Edith fell forward to land on her belly. “With all of this soft pudge, I doubt you’re even capable of harming me,” she said, running her fingers along his fur. “Please, allow your humble servant to take care of your needs.”


   She put her fingers to his lips. “Lana, we’ve known each other long enough. There’s no need to be so formal. You may call me Edie if you’d like.”

   “Edie, I appreciate you wanting to help, but there’s no way you can BWOOOOORRRRP handle this thing.”

   “The old fashioned way, no,” she replied as she climbed off of Lana’s belly. “However, there are equally effective methods of relieving your pent up stress. You simply have to let me take care of it for you.”

   Showing Lana a gentle smile, Edith lifted up his gut and crawled towards his nether region. Feeling Edith shuffle around his undercarriage, it was with a combination of a belch and moan did Lana feel her dainty fingers slide up the length of his shaft. The rough grip of his paws paled in comparison to the tender, caressing touch of Edith as she gently stroked him up and down. Edith’s dutiful attention led to a mass of Lana’s cum spurting out, marking a release he had been aching to reach for several days.

   Letting out a post-orgasm belch, Lana could feel Edith alongside his erection still beneath his stomach. “E-Edie, could you UUURRRP!”

   “Consider it done,” Edith replied as Lana watched her besmirched clothing get thrown to the side.

   Edith resumed her efforts to pleasure her master, using her breasts to further stimulate his girthy cock. For seemingly hours Edith used a variety of positions to keep Lana’s urges at bay. Each release was just as pleasurable as the last, bringing with it a cacophony of belches and moans from the tiger man. The constant attention and burps kept the pair in a miasma of his various smells. Between releases, Lana could swear he heard Edith deeply inhaling his stench. It was only then did Lana realize the strange adoration the maid had developed for the body he thought was so repulsive. His suspicions were confirmed the moment he felt a tongue slide along his shaft.

   Lana’s revelation came moments before his final release. Finding himself exhausted without even moving an inch from his spot on the floor, he placed his paw against his chest to feel the rapid beating of his heart. Basking in leftover ecstasy and his own stench, he barely noticed Edith approach him from the side until she placed a kiss on his cheek.

   “Did you enjoy it?” she asked, a caring smile on her face.

   “It was…quite pleasurable,” Lana replied, his wealth of wisdom having a hard time coming up with the right words. “Thank you.”

   “No need to thank me,” Edith replied, slumping down next to him. Grasping his blubbery arm, she leaned over to rest her head against his belly. “I do apologize for not being able to directly remedy your problem due to our size difference.”

   Lana reached out and gently caressed Edith’s head. “You did amazing, going far beyond what is asked for a maid.”

   “I’m merely doing whatever it takes to help you with your research,” she replied as she nestled beneath his arm. “We may not know how long you’ll be stuck like this, but I promise to help you along the way however I can.”

   Seeing Edith’s eyes begin to close, Lana pulled her into a warm hug and began to drift off to sleep with her. “I would like that,” he replied, letting the maid slumber upon the belly of her beloved, beautiful beast.


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