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WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS: Female Anthro Inflatables Expansion, Dick Growth, and Sexual Content

   Motivated by boredom and her need for stimulation, a witch named Marcia drags out a pair of inflatable pool toys to meet her needs. Filling them with magical life, she proceeds to guide them through a series of intimate and transformative encounters in search of fulfilling her own needs.

   This is a commission for squeakywriter on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/squeakywriter


   In the middle of a remote grassland, a clear night sky full of twinkling stars found itself having to compete against a collection of lights coming from a single building. The mansion looked like it had been plucked from Beverly Hills, showing off an extravagance and wonder reserved for those with bank accounts in the millions. However, the house didn’t belong to a family of actors or a successful producer. The reason for the building’s existence was all due to the lone woman lounging near the home’s extravagant pool.

   Marcia Lavender knew how odd she must have looked seated next to the soft glow of the pool’s lights. The lack of sunlight did little to dissuade the joy she felt getting to try out her one-piece, black swimsuit that contrasted well with her pale white skin. Sitting up in her seat, she reached into her duffle bag to retrieve a mirror several times larger than the bag itself. Letting a series of incoherent words part her lips sent the mirror floating above her body. Waving about her lavender-painted fingernails adjusted the mirror to the proper position. She smiled at the reflection of her C-cup breasts and modest hips. Letting the mirror linger on the purple tips of her long black hair, she felt content in knowing how good she looked.

   Dismissing the mirror with a snap of her fingers, Marcia sat up in her chair and stretched. While she enjoyed the peaceful evening, a yawn forcing open her mouth revealed her rising boredom. In the past, her entertainment came from using her magic to play around with mortals or interact with the few other spellcasters she could tolerate. However, she doubted any of them would be willing to come to her at this time of night. Not to mention the kind of stimulation she was looking for wasn’t something her former colleagues would be eager to indulge in.

   At a loss of what to do with immense power and nothing to do with it, the bored witch slipped on her sandals and began walking around the pool. She momentarily glanced over at the barbeque pit to consider trying to cook something. The grill was just one of many additions to her conjured mansion that she had summoned without a thought. She still recalled the rush she felt as she cast the spell, her powers acting on their own to add things to the luxurious household she would never use. Lifting open the grill for a few seconds, she once again closed the lid to dismiss the notion of having to cook anything that didn’t involve a microwave dialed up to the highest setting.

   Turning her gaze towards a supply shed, she strode over to it and opened up the door. There was a volleyball net, pool noodles, slides, rafts, and various other supplies meant to entertain guests that would never come. However, what caught her eye was a pair of boxes nestled in the back that got the usually lethargic witch to move with surprising speed.

   Pulling the boxes free from the shed, she ripped them open to admire their contents. The piles of grey and black rubber were a far cry from the images on the boxes depicting families playing with an inflatable shark and orca. The longer Marcia stared at the deflated piles, the more her brain began to stir with corrupted ideas. Letting a smile spread across her face, she picked up the bundles of rubber and walked back to her chair to begin preparing for her evening entertainment.

   Marcia took her sweet time spreading out the toys, giving her ample time to consider the best way to imbue them with magic. Dozens of different shapes, sizes, and scenarios swirling around in her head were more than enough to get her blood pumping. By the time she was finished splaying out the piles of rubber, she found herself going back and forth between a handful of ideas. Thanking her luck that there were two toys to play with, she dragged over the deflated orca in front of her lounge chair and sat down.

   Reaching into her bag again, she produced a book large enough to crush a person’s skull. The weathered tome flung open at the snap of Marcia’s fingers, hurrying to meet her unspoken demands. Another snap stopped the pages from turning to give her a chance to peruse the incantations she would need for the spell. Reading it over several times to ensure she got it right, she pointed her hand at the orca and began to chant.

   “Teem ym esired, wrog gib dna yvruc ekil dnas ni na ssalgruoh!” she spoke, sparks of purple magic flickering between her fingers. With a wave, the energy arced towards the mass of rubber. “Teem ym esired, hguoht ouy lliw eb gib, sseneltneg dna ssenevissimbus lliw elur uoy.” The toy began to float as the magic seeped inside of it. “Teem ym esired, nekawa dna ecneirepxe delavirnu noissap.”

   As the final words left Marcia’s lips, the once flat pile of rubber began to inflate itself. While at first it resembled the picture on the box, the magic further twisted its form to match the image held inside of the witch’s head. The flippers extended into full arms, complete with dainty fingers that wriggled from the magic coursing through its body. The tail bent back to allow the creation of two legs that helped the toy stand on its own power. It was a start, but Marcia could see room for improvement.

   Tweaking the transformation with a flick of her finger, Marcia’s eyes lit up as the orca’s legs became progressively thicker as they got closer to the torso. The plush calves complimented a perfect bubble butt that helped to raise the orca’s finned tail. Smiling at the tight, black rubber stretched across each ass cheek, Marcia’s glanced up to look at her creations comparatively thin waist. Giving the mid-section another boost of magic let it work alongside the dorsal fin to assure the toy would be well-balanced.

   Raising her fingers up, Marcia turned her attention towards the orca’s washboard like chest. Drawing inspiration from the toy’s plump posterior, she decided to gift it with an equally sizable bosom. The toy’s white underbelly inflated and stretch to meet the commands of its master, developing a pair of voluptuous boobs that easily eclipsed Marcia’s C-cups. Feeling inspired, the witch capped off the luscious breasts with a pair of black nipples to match the shade of the newly formed womanhood partially obscured by the orca’s thighs.

   Letting the magic flow into the toy’s head, Marcia concentrated on finishing her vision. The orca’s head shrunk down and gained a round shape to match that of a human. However, the cranium differentiated itself with the lingering visage of the orca’s muzzle jutting out from its face. Led by the two white splotches on the upper part of the toy’s head, Marcia eyes locked with the deep spheres of blue that signaled the completion of her creation.

   Under her own power, the orca lifted up her arm and slid it across her face. She flinched at the sound of squeaky rubber that filled the area, a gasp letting Marcia get a good look at her rows of soft, round teeth. Taking her first steps as a living creature, the orca inflatable had to contend with the constant jiggling of her assets with each movement. Swishing her tail against her prominent posterior and sheepishly poking her tits with her finger, her attention turned towards Marcia. Upon realizing that nothing was covering up her genitals, she crossed her legs and further impressed her master with the shade of red that filled her cheeks.

   “W-what am I?” the orca asked, her eyes shimmering with child-like innocence as she tried to obscure her blushing face.

   “Alive,” Marcia stated plainly. “I have given you a consciousness in order to cure my boredom and meet my needs.”

   The orca hugged herself, the feeling of her hourglass figure letting her fresh brain figure out some of what the witch meant. “I-if you say so, master. Just…don’t expect much from me. I’m new to this and I-I don’t know what to do. You’ll have to take the lead.”

   “I intend to,” she said, flipping through her book, “but I’m not one to get involved with my creations. At least, not directly. No, I have something else in mind for you,” she said, gesturing towards the pile of grey rubber laying a few feet away.

   Flourishing her arms to amaze her audience of one, Marcia let her magic pour into the shark inflatable. “Teem ym esired, worg…”

   Marcia trailed off, stifling the magic as she pondered something. Glancing back at the orca and watching the ample curves shake in anticipation, she wondered what the best partner for her would be. Considering the innocent demeanor, she had to throw out several options that ranged from a truly air-headed bimbo to a pear-shaped goth. Settling on a perfect match for her gentle orca, she repeated her chant.

   “Teem ym esired, worg htiw selcsum fo na nozama,” she spoke, letting the shark toy float into the air. “Teem ym esired, yticoref lliw wolf ni ruoy sniev tub ouy llahs evah a traeh dellif htiw evol.” Marcia once again glanced at the orca before turning her attention towards the thrashing, rubber shark. “Teem ym esired, wohs em dna ruoy devoleb eurt noissap.”

   The witch’s powers went to work on the shark toy with a loud clap. Like its fellow inflatable, the shark grew arms and legs to help with its more humanoid appearance. However, the limp limbs were soon pumped up with air to resemble those of a well-toned swimmer destined to break world records. Whether it was magic or a trick of the eye, Marcia found herself motivated by the sight of her toy flexing its newly gained muscles.

   Marcia ensured the rest of the shark’s body was made up to the same level of fitness. While her build was impressive, the cost was made evident by how comparatively tiny her breasts were to her whale counterpart. In exchange for the B-cup breasts, she made sure to give the shark woman a broad set of shoulders, wide hips, and a set of six-pack abs to round out her torso.

   A few more blasts of magic left the shark toy a head shorter than the orca, even with a second dorsal fin forming at the top of her cranium. Stepping up to Marcia, the shark grinned to show off her maw of pointy, rubbery teeth. Looking over the athletic inflatable she had created and staring into her eyes to see the power lurking behind them, Marcia hid her pride for her work behind a pleased hmm.

   “Well, would you look at you,” the shark said, puffing out her chest in an attempt to bridge that gap between her and Marcia’s bust size. “An honest to god witch in this day and age. Heh, guess some people don’t know how to pick a decent hobby. So little woman, why did you decide to bring me to life?”

   “Do you not appreciate the gift I’ve given you?” Marcia asked back.

   “Nah, it’s not like that at all,” the shark replied, striking a pose that conveyed the sheer adoration for the body she had been given. “I just figured you spellcaster types aren’t ones to let debts go unpaid. So, what do you want me to thrash?”

   Marcia shook her head, unsure what she was thinking when she gave her creation a mind seemingly made entirely out of meat. “I did not summon you to thrash. At least not in the traditional sense. No, you are here to provide me entertainment and pleasure.”

   The shark let out a laugh. Walking up to Marcia, she showed no sign of her counterpart’s weakness as she reached towards her groin to spread her labia. “Now you’re talking. Get down there and give me some good service. If I’m impressed, I’ll show what it’s like to be with a a real-“

   Marcia cut the shark woman’s bravado short with a swift flick to her nose. “The two of us will not be directly interacting with each other. It’s not my style.” Grasping the shark’s shoulder to let out a loud squeak, she turned her towards the on-looking orca. “She is going to be your partner this evening.”

   The shark’s eyes went up and down the orca’s body, taking in every inch of her supple curves. Released from Marcia’s grasp, she wasted little time walking towards her intended target. Even with their height difference, the orca acted like she was shivering in subzero temperatures as the shark got within mere inches of her.

   “Hey cutie,” the shark said, gently grasping the orca’s shaking hand.

   “H-hello,” the orca replied, clenching her thighs a little closer.

   The shark reached out to slide her hand along the orca’s face. “There’s no need to be afraid. I don’t bite…hard.”

   “I-I’d prefer not to get bitten at all,” the orca replied, shuffling back.

   The shark moved to follow the orca, only to be held back by a snap of Marcia’s fingers. Given a moment’s pause, the shark took another glance to see the way the orca looked at her. Taking a deep breath, the toy let some of her air out to coincide with her relaxed posture.

   “Sorry, I’m new to this,” the shark replied, hoping a friendly smile would be enough to diffuse the situation. “Not just walking and talking but getting a chance to meet a beautiful thing like yourself.”

   The orca cautiously drew closer to the shark. “You think…I’m beautiful?”

   “Of course. Even a dummy like me can see that.”

   Another tint of red flushed the orca’s white cheeks. “Thank you. You’re pretty attractive yourself.”

   “I know that, but I appreciate hearing it from other people,” she replied, her toothy grin going alongside the orca’s modest smile. “Since the two of us seem to agree that we’re the sexiest things at the pool-“

   “Watch your tongue,” Marcia said as she laid back in her chair.

   “Regardless, I think it’s only natural that we give each other a chance to really show what we’re made of.”

   “I-I’m willing to try,” the orca replied. “As long as our master doesn’t mind watching.”

    “That’s the entire reason I summoned you,” Marcia commented, conjuring a fruity cocktail out of thin air to sip on.

   The shark took another step forward and gently clasped her fingers with the orca’s. “Then I’ll let you set the pace.”

   Accepting the shark’s grasp, the orca leaned forward. Turning her head to the side and closing her eyes, she gingerly inched forward until their lips met. Their embrace came at the sound of rubber sliding up against one another as the orca cautiously explored the shark’s desires. In turn, the shark stuck out her tongue to intertwine with the orca’s and encourage her promiscuity.

   Feeling the orca further ease up, the shark took the opportunity to pull her into a hug. Alongside closing the distance between their eager mouths, the shark was given free rein to explore her partner’s body. Her hands slipped below the orca’s tail to grasp at her butt cheeks. A squeak rung out through the area as the shark continued to grope and squeeze the orca’s backside. Letting the sound of rubber sliding about follow her fingers, she reached towards her partner’s breasts with gusto. Each tit was given ample attention to give the shark a chance to feel the sensation of having such rounded, squishy spheres against her chest.

   A moan escaped the orca’s mouth as the shark tweaked her nipples. Though she first took a step back to retreat, the sensitivity gifted to her sizable assets drew her back in to experience more of her partner’s wandering fingers. Grabbing hold of the sharks’ back to further press their bodies together, the orca let her own hands explore her partner’s dorsal fin and well-shaped posterior.

   The two inflatables became lost in each other’s grasp, giving to one another just as much as they received. They saw it as the perfect chance to revel in their newly granted lives and all the possibilities they held. Squeezing each other with hungry fingers, their passionate kissing and groping only came to an end once they stumbled into the pool.

   Leaning forward in her seat, Marcia was treated to a most unusual sight. Stunned from the cool water caressing their bodies, the orca and shark had momentarily stopped their make out session to process the sensation of slowly drifting across the surface of the surface of the water. Despite the shark’s best attempts to sink beneath the surface, her natural buoyancy kept her drifting alongside her partner.

   “Are you okay?” the orca asked.

   “Course I am,” the shark replied with a smirk. “This was what we were made for.”

   “It doesn’t mean we could do it. Master took us straight out of the box. What if we were defective and leaked? If then, what if we sunk and couldn’t get back out? It would be just awful if we-“

   The shark put a finger to the orca’s lips. “Everything is okay. There’s no need to keep bringing up all these disaster scenarios.” Her arm reached around the orca’s hips to pull her in close. “Just let yourself go with the flow.”

   Eased by her partner’s word, the orca relaxed her non-existent muscles. Strengthening her grasp on the shark, the orca went in for another deep kiss. As Marcia watched the pair of toys begin to grope one another again, she leaned back in her seat. She managed to get comfortable just as she noticed the shark’s fingers make a daring plunge.

   The orca temporarily parted from her partner as a soft moan escaped her lips. For a moment, the two of them stared at one another’s faces, confusion on the orca’s and a daring grin on the shark’s. Another long, slow stroke of the shark’s fingers elicited a loud squeaking noise to accompany the orca’s louder cry of pleasure. Giving her partner time to adjust to the new sensation, the shark moved in for a more in-depth examination of the orca’s womanhood.

   The shark’s efforts were halted as she noticed the orca begin to shift. Her sharp teeth were forced open by her own moan of pleasure as she felt the orca’s fingers desperately slide and drag across her womanhood. In turn, the shark ensured to reward her actions with a showing of her own, more refined movements.

   Back and forth the two toys played and teased with the expanse of their partner’s pussies. Lost in each other’s search for pleasure, they barely acknowledged the fact that their master was sinking her fingers into her bathing suit to stimulate herself. Concentrating only on one another, their efforts finally brought them to their first climax.

   Pushed around the water by leftover ripples, the pair gradually recovered from their new experience. As they came back to their senses, they realized that something was off. Reaching towards the still shaking orca, the shark grasped her breasts to discover they took up less of her hands. Repeating the action with the orca’s backside and her own muscles confirmed the shark’s suspicions.

   “Dammit,” Marcia commented, getting her creations to turn their head to see her with one hand still shoved against her womanhood. “I was so close to getting my release and then the two of you go and finish in no time. Would have expected at least the shark to last longer.”

   “I beg your pardon,” the orca spoke up, raising her hand and waiting for Marcia to nod before continuing. “Did we shrink during our…special time?”

   “Yeah,” Marcia said, pulling her hand away from her groin to take a swig of her drink. “My magic gets a little unstable when I get overexcited.” With a snap, another gush of air blew into the toys to re-inflate their bodies.

   The shark grinned. “Heh, some witch you are. Can’t even handle a little stimulation.”

   “Watch it,” Marcia said, threatening with a bolt of magic sparking between her fingers. “Besides, you shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the quirks of my spellcasting. It’s partially the reason you two are here to begin with.”

   “What do you mean?” the orca asked.

   Marcia groaned, annoyed by the continued delay of her own orgasm. “I didn’t intend to make inflatable toys for my pool. The fact that you two appeared in my shed was a side effect of me getting a little power crazy when I created this place. Inflatable fun toys aren’t really my style and I’m not keen on inviting guests over. I enjoy my privacy.”

   The orca put her hand to her chest. “I had no idea you were so lonely.”

   Marcia let out a huff before draining the rest of her drink. “I created you two to handle my horniness, not my abysmal social life. You can’t tell me you’re done after just one go. Now go on,” with a wave of her hand. “Get back to it so I can get off.”

   “Oh, we will,” the shark said, using her tail to propel herself towards the side of the pool. Climbing up over the edge, she rested her chin along her arms to show off her toothy grin. “However, I think we need some motivation. A little treat to get us going.”

   “What do you mean?” Marcia asked, scratching her chin.

   “If you want a bigger show, wouldn’t it make sense to have some bigger entertainers?”

   After several moments of pondering, Marcia pointed her hand towards the shark. “Alright,” she said, bristles of energy forming around her fingertips, “but you better make good use of this.”

   “You know I will,” the shark replied, bearing her chest to let the bolt of magic strike her dead center.

   The shark’s already toned body began to shift under the influence of the witch. Drifting onto her back, the shark tilted up her head to see her toned legs go through the equivalent of a yearlong workout session to gift her with calves wide enough to crush a man’s skull. Holding up her arm and flexing her 20-inch biceps, she barely registered the fact that her swelling pecs further diminished the shapeliness of her breasts.

   Surging with simulated testosterone from the air flowing through her added muscles, the shark pushed her feet against the wall to send her flying towards the orca. Caught by the soft embrace of the orca’s chest, she looked up to see the look on her partner’s face. She enjoyed the way the orca’s eyes traced over every inch of her muscular form, a wanting much stronger than before reflecting in her irises.

   “Like what you see?” the shark asked, doing a few more flexes.

   “Y-yeah,” the orca replied, unable to hide her wandering gaze.

   Rolling over, the shark lifted herself up to be at eye level with the orca. “I’d love to give you a better look at my muscles, but you might need some more padding beforehand.”

   The orca looked away from the shark to glance at Marcia. “M-master...could you, if it’s not to trouble, give me a, um…”

   “Fine, fine,” Marcia replied, already gathering up the needed energy. “Just get your girlfriend out of the way. I’m going to need a direct shot.”

   “You got it,” the shark said, pecking a small kiss on the orca’s cheek before swimming off to the side.

   The orca closed her eyes as the spell streaked towards her. Upon feeling air filling her form, she was coerced into watching her breasts begin to swell. Grasping her growing bosom between her hands, she felt a twinge of pleasure as her fingers slid against her plumping nipples. So enamored with her beach ball-sized breasts, it took her a while to realize her tail was getting lifted up by her growing rear. At a loss at which pair of luscious orbs to give attention to, the answer was found via the shark diving her face between her ass cheeks.

   “Really outdid yourself, witch,” the shark commented as she continued to worship her partner’s plump posterior.

   “Don’t just tell me about your appreciation,” Marcia commented, sliding her hand back towards her nether region. “Show me.”

   “W-with pleasure,” the orca replied, already reaching her edge at the mere touch of her lover. Grasping the shark’s hand, she looked over her shoulder. “Is it alright if I…get a closer look at your…you know?”

   Releasing the orca from her grasp, the shark gave her a soft slap to the rear and reveled in the orca’s simultaneous squeal and squeak. “My pleasure.”

   Letting go of the orca for just a moment, the shark proceeded to climb atop her. The sound of rubber rubbing against one another was loud and abundant as the two inflatables got into position. Wrapping her arms around her partner’s legs for support, the shark let her thighs close in around the orca’s head.

   “That good enough for you?” the shark asked, feeling the orca nod against her in return. “Then go ahead. Enjoy your meal.”

   For all of the shark’s bravado, she couldn’t prevent a squeak from parting her lips as the orca dragged her tongue across her labia. Not to be outdone, the shark dove between her partner’s thighs to reciprocate the motion. While the orca was slow and deliberate with the strokes of her tongue, the shark acted on her true nature as she relentlessly sucked and licked every inch of her partner’s needy womanhood. Regardless of method, the pair managed to give one another pleasure they had never felt before. It was exactly what Marcia had been hoping for.

   Watching the two inflatables continue to eat each other out, Marcia let the sound of their bodies rubbing against one another mask the noise of her own erotic moans. Following the erratic movements of her creations, the witch stimulated herself in an effort to meet their pace. She could tell she was getting close as her fluctuating magic swapped between overgrowing and deflating parts of the toys. Upon watching the two of them reach climax, a few more flicks of her fingers were enough to give Marcia the release she had been looking for.

   Amidst her orgasmic shivering, Marcia slumped back in her chair. Taking a deep breath to recover, she realized that her entertainment had been reduced to a pair of limp piles of rubber floating along the water. Before the last of the air could spill from their overexerted bodies, a quick incantation brought the toys back to their full size.

   With the orca and shark returned to their formerly impressive bodies, they held onto one another as they climbed their way out of the pool. Making their way over to their master, they barely paid attention to the way one of her hands was still resting on her womanhood. Looking just as exhausted as her, they sat down together on a spare lounge chair and cuddled up to one another.

   “That was a hell of an experience, witch,” the shark commented, turning towards Marcia.

   Marcia’s good mood was brought down by her own frown. “I give you that kind of experience and you’re still refusing to call me master? Or at the very least, something other than an insult?”

   “Just calling it as I see it,” the shark replied. “Besides, I think you’ve earned it since your stimulation got in the way of ours.”

   “What was that?”

   The orca was quick to sit up and block her partner’s attempted rude remark by clamping her hands around her muzzle. “What she means is that while it was enjoyable, we still feel like there was more. I beg your pardon master, but I think it might have been better if you were able to keep us at our full size for the entire thing.”

   Marcia lifted up her finger and the orca winced. Instead of casting a spell, she brought her hands up to her face to scratch her chin. “You may have a point. In that case, what would you two say to another round?”

   Freeing herself from the orca’s grasp, the shark peeked out from behind her partner’s derriere. “Do you really have to ask?”

   “I’m in if she’s doing it,” the orca answered, showing off a hint of confidence in her smile. “Just give us a chance to regain our strength and we can go back to-“

   “Hold on,” Marcia said with her hand outstretched. “If we’re going to do this again, there are going to have to be some changes.”

   “W-what do you mean?” the orca replied, returning to her meek demeanor.

   “You mean us, don’t you?” the shark asked with her ever-present toothy grin.

   “Correct,” Marcia said, already flipping through the pages of her spell book. “You two have been great, but I feel like we can do more.”

   “I’m always down for going bigger and better. You should know that.”

   “True, but I also feel like I’ve grown bored of the scenery so to speak.” Stopping her finger on a specific page, she held it up to the inflatables. “I was thinking we could give this a try.”

   “Y-you mean us?” the orca asked, a shaky finger pointed towards the well-illustrated images in the tome. “But they’re so…and that one has a… I don’t know if I-“

   The shark reached out to clasp her partner’s mouth shut. “What did I say to you before?” she asked, looking deep into the orca’s eyes. “Just go with the flow. As long as you’re with me, I’ll make sure everything is alright.”

   Released from the shark’s grasp, the orca took a deep breath and looked back towards Marcia. “Alright. Let’s do it.”

   “Very well,” Marcia said, slamming the book shut and getting up from her chair. “Orca, you’ll be the first. Go over to the pool and get to the center.”

   Nodding in agreement, the orca gave one last hug to her partner before walking back to the pool and jumping in. Swimming her way to the center, she peeked her head up to see Marcia move her hands around to gather energy. Purple sparks spread between the witch’s fingers as she let out another series of incantations. At the sight of Marcia releasing a bolt of energy towards her, the orca forced herself to stare into the might of the approaching magic.

   Though she was brave, the orca’s attitude did little to stop her body from being flung across the pool by the impact. Her flight over the water was halted by her expanding rear bouncing her off of the side. Too busy gawking at her sizable butt growing again, the orca could do little as her expanding tits kept her from slamming into the opposite end of the pool. The constant back and forth across the water gradually slowed down as the orca’s body recovered from the initial impact.

   In an attempt to get a hold of herself, the orca flung about her shapely legs to direct her movements. Her efforts were halted as she felt her calves become sluggish. Holding back her breasts, her eyes went wide as she watched her legs begin to meld together into a single appendage. Peeking over her shoulder let her gaze as her hips and butt cheeks fused to meet her transforming lower half. Slapping her fluked tail against her bubble butt several more times gradually let her realize that her legs had begun to resemble the flapping appendage. The main difference was how her new tail’s fin could be folded in and how its slender movements resembled that of a snake.

   Continuing to stare at her serpentine tail, she watched the colors across her body morph and distort to meet the whims of the magic coursing through her. The sleek look of her black skin took on a brighter, more violet hue that fit well with the scale pattern that covered her body. Watching the reptilian design cover her body, an attempt to touch her new hide brought with it the discovery of webbing between her fingers. Mouth forced open by a surge of magic, the former orca held out her long tongue and marveled at the way it forked at the end.

   “What’s happening to me?” she asked, shaking as her body went through another growth spurt.

   “Like I said, I got a little bored with your original design,” Marcia replied, guiding her toy’s growth into a snake creature. “I felt like creating something a bit more fantastic. Something between a leviathan and naga seemed like a good idea. I think I’ll call you…Loga.”

   Struggling to handle her rapidly shifting form, the newly deemed Loga reached for the spots that usually brought her comfort. Her hips and butt still held the shapeliness of her former self, undeterred by her lack of thighs. Continuing to examine her lower body for a hint of something familiar, she shivered at the feeling of her webbed fingers running across her labia. Pulling away her hand gifted her with the sight of her womanhood blown up to a size that made her ignorant of her bean bag chair-sized assets. Despite her body pausing at an astounding 10-feet in height, the labia and clitoris of her vagina looked to be made for someone twice her size. The thought of what to do with her modified genitalia was not one exclusive to her.

   “Damn, pretty impressive,” the shark said, gazing up at Loga sliding across the water as she grew used to her new body. “Although, I don’t think just my tongue is going to cut it. Got anything else in mind?”

   Looking over the smug smirk on the shark’s face, there were a myriad of cruel ideas that swirled about in Marcia’s head. However, she too shared an interest in giving Loga her perfect match. Swishing through the pages of her book until she found the exact incantations needed, she waved her hand towards the shark.

   “You got it, boss,” the shark said before diving into the water.

   Gathering the energy between her hands, Marcia followed the shark’s fin as the toy sped across the water. Letting out an annoyed huff at the shark’s insistence on swimming circles around her enlarged partner, she quickened her spell casting. Her need to hurry was offset by the multitude of strange and unusual factors needed to perfect the image of what she wanted her creation to be. Waiting until she had the perfect shot, Marcia finished off her incantation and made a critical hit on the shark.

   The shark’s swift swimming was halted as she was lifted out of the water. Muscles bulging and convulsing as they processed the witch’s will, the sparks of energy coalesced towards her back. Her fin enlarged by several feet before it diverged into two, thin growths. As the fin changed to resemble a pair of leathery, bat wings, Loga stared in awe as a scale pattern similar to her own encroached over her partner’s body.

   Mesmerized by the glittering, gold color of her partner’s rubbery skin, Loga was caught off guard by the sheer wealth of bulk being gifted to the former shark. While her chest still lacked the shapeliness of Loga’s breasts, they more than made up for it with broadened shoulders and rippling pecks that went well with the swollen muscles that led towards her clawed fingers. Her tight butt kept its firm appearance even as it swelled to try and meet Loga’s lofty proportions. Swishing her bulky legs through the water swung about her tail to further emphasize its reptilian nature.

   Absorbed by the sight of her partner growing ever closer to matching her size, something made Loga’s vision direct itself towards the former shark girls’ groin. Loga’s tongue hung out of her awestruck mouth as she observed the sheer girth of the thing hanging between her partner’s legs. The dangling penis hung against the toy’s original womanhood, both equally as monstrous as the rest of their owner’s body. Loga found herself unable to tear her vision away from the shimmering gold dick, her mind going crazy with how even her oversized genitalia would be able to handle it.

   Loga let out an involuntary gasp as she watched the dick lurch forward. Rubbery claws wrapping around her wrists, Loga looked up to see a familiar set of fierce eyes above an extended maw of teeth. Sifting through a veil of gold-tined smoke that seeped out of the dragon woman’s nostrils, Loga let her partner come in for a quick peck to her cheek.

   “Impressed?” the dragon girl asked, leaning back to show off the glittery horns that had replaced her head fin.

   “Y-yeah,” Loga said, unable to keep herself from gazing across her partner’s body. “What do you want me to call you?”

   “Mommy if you’d like,” the dragon replied, snickering at the blush of red going across Loga’s face.

   “I was actually thinking Goldra would be a better fit,” Marica spoke up. “Something a bit more refined to match the creature your body is based on.”

   The newly deemed Goldra approached the edge of the pool and swung about her member. “This doesn’t exactly scream refined.”

   “That’s because you’re not at full power. You just need the proper stimulation to show your true glory.”

   “Stimulation, huh?” she asked, turning her gaze towards Loga. Shuffling through the water, she gently grasped the serpentine woman’s hand. “Mind giving me a little help?”

   “I, um, you see, I…”

   “If it’s too much for you, just say the word. She may be our master, but that doesn’t mean you have to be her mindless slave.”

   “No, I’ll do it,” Loga spoke up. “I just…want to try something new. Can you hold still for a moment?”

   “Whatever you say, my precious princess,” Goldra said, making a passing glance at Marcia going back to her seat before presenting her groin to her lover.

   Slinking down to have her face level with Goldra’s nether region, Loga licked her lips as she looked over the impressive bundle of rubber making up her genitals. Sliding her webbed fingers along the length of the shaft gradually rose it to its full length. As she watched the member become erect, she had to shield herself from a dim glow emanating from Goldra’s chest. From the sidelines, Marcia’s own arousal was put on hold to let her appreciate her decision to add a well of wisp magic inside of the dragon’s body to help with her new form. She barely contained her smile as she watched Loga grab hold of Goldra’s legs and lean forward to swallow her girth.

   Inexperience did little to hamper Loga’s efforts as she constantly moved her head back and forth. Her tongue slid and wrapped itself around Goldra’s member in an attempt to illicit a reaction. She was further encouraged by the pulsing sensation she felt through the shaft as her tongue twirled around its tip. Moving faster increased the bright lights glowing from Goldra’s torso. As the light reached an apex of shimmering gold, Goldra let out a bellowing moan to coincide with something releasing from her shaft’s tip.

   Lago was almost pushed back by a gust of air pushing down her throat. Her already sizable form went through another growth spurt to accommodate the influx of added magic. Remaining proportionally the same, her body began to drift up from the pool as it was carried by her ballooning breasts and butt. Just as her hips rose above Goldra’s head, a rope shot through the air to tie itself around her tail and drag her back down to the water’s edge.

   “Nice catch,” Goldra shouted to Marcia.

   “Dammit, didn’t count on that,” the witch said, ignorant of the compliment as she double-checked that her recently summoned pile of rope was properly tied around a metal anchor. “Just as it was getting good too.”

   “What was that?” Loga asked as she hovered through the air.

   “Your dragon lover here gave you an extra helping of magic. Thought it might make things more interesting.”

   “What about me?” Goldra complained. “She’s twice as big now. I like my ladies large, but I need something to get me on her level.”

   Marcia let out a sigh. “Very well,” she said, summoning another rope to twist around Goldra’s tail. “Lago, please assist her with her growth.”

   “How is she supposed to-“

   Goldra was silenced as she felt Loga’s hands against her cheeks. Craning her neck up let her look into Loga’s lustful eyes moments before their lips met. Intertwining their tongues to keep them together, Loga returned Goldra’s earlier favor by sending a breeze of fresh air into her body. The dragon woman’s muscles pulsed with the added magic to help them meet the lofty heights of Lago’s curves. Goldra soon joined her partner mid-air, the rope following her twenty-foot-tall form as she rose up.

   Pulling away from the embrace once she reached a satisfactory size, she slid her hands down to embrace Loga’s mid-section. “Aren’t you just full of surprises?”

   “I wanted to help you,” Loga sheepishly replied. “Besides…I want to go all the way. My body is yearning to see what we can do.” Hanging her arms over Goldra’s shoulders, she leaned into her neck. “Can you help me with that?”

   Goldra shuffled forward to slide her erect member against Loga’s needy womanhood. “My pleasure. Hey wi-, I mean master, everything set down there?”

   “Indeed,” Marcia said, finishing her check of the anchor ropes before returning to her chair. Getting into a comfortable position, she reached into her bag to produce a gold-colored dildo that was remarkably similar to the dick between Goldra’s legs. “Proceed when you are able. I’m more than ready.”

   Receiving permission from their master, the two toys embraced as they groped each other’s bodies. Over the sound of rubber sliding against rubber, a pair of moans parted their lips as Goldra found her mark. Gently pushing her member inside had the two of them shiver with newfound arousal. Keeping each other in a tight grasp, they let themselves give into their desires.

   Putting her blown up muscles to good use, Goldra thrust her hips forward to sink her penis deep inside of Loga. The squeaking noise of Loga’s moans and body further encouraged the dragon woman to increase her speed to meet their needs. Their moans were stifled as the pair locked their lips together in a kiss. Closer than ever before, Marcia watched in awe as their bodies swelled with unbound power.

   Giving each other more air with each thrust and deep kiss, the two toys continued their growth into massive balloons one would see at a parade. The mansion soon became enshrouded by their shadows, Loga’s breasts alone blocking out the entire front entrance with their girth. Had it not been for the ever-brightening glow of Goldra’s body, Marcia would have found herself in complete darkness. Instead, she was gifted the perfect view of the epitome of her creations’ bodies.

   Increasing her own efforts to reach climax alongside the toys, Marcia became caught up in her own desires. The magic keeping the toys aloft began to waiver as the witch grew more obsessed with stimulating herself. Faster and faster the three of them moved, undisturbed by the constant inflation and deflation of Goldra and Loga’s bodies. The balloons swayed and whisked around at incredible speeds, the ropes getting closer to their limit as they tried to keep the two of them from floating off into the sky.

   The astounding sight came to an explosive finale as the participants let out simultaneous cries. Loga and Goldra’s bodies were flooded with air, but that did little to stop their bodies from slowly drifting back down to the water. Marcia’s magic began to leak from various holes in their massive forms, rapidly shrinking down their masses of rubber. As the two toys fell into the water, they were left as nothing more than a pair of immobile piles of gold and purple material.

   Taking a deep breath, Marcia stowed away her dildo and got up from her chair. Approaching the water’s edge, she looked over the remains of her creations. She chewed on her lip, knowing all along that this would be the final fate of the toys when they reached their maximum pleasure. Once again telling herself she was better off alone, she began to make her way back into the house to clean herself up.

   Marcia stopped as she heard something splashing around in the water. Turning around, she watched as a pair of figures climbed their way out of the pool. Upon closer inspection, she could see the feint visage of Loga carrying a breathing heap resembling Goldra. The two of them shared the proportions and looks of their gigantic forms but had been reduced to their starting sizes. Exhausted of her own strength, Loga slumped to the ground to lay alongside her partner.

   Stepping up to her unconscious creations, Marcia still couldn’t believe the two of them had survived. Once the magic in them was taken away, they should have returned to their original, lifeless forms. In the wake of Marcia’s orgasm, her magic had gone wild to give them both permanent lives, alongside flesh and blood bodies. Sliding her hands along the scales of the monstrous women, she remembered this very phenomenon being discussed during her lectures at magic university. The recollection came with a rule among the other witches that any magically crafted beings that became unbound from their master’s magic should be eliminated immediately before they turn on them. Unsure of what to do with the accidents her time of pleasure had left behind, Marcia picked up the former toys and dragged them into the mansion to give herself time to think.


   Marcia awoke from her slumber thanks to the smell of something wonderful wafting in from the kitchen. Dragging herself out of bed, she shuffled out of her room with her blanket still tightly wrapped around herself. Lumbering to the dining table and sitting down, she was met with a plate of eggs and bacon alongside a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice.

   “Thanks,” Marcia said, nodding towards Loga.

   Loga stopped slithering about the kitchen to turn towards Marcia. A classic, white apron covered her body, one of the few articles of clothing that could accommodate her tail. The apron helped to cover up her naughtier bits but did little to hide her bulbous proportions. If the witch looked hard enough, she could even see the outline of the snake woman’s womanhood, a size defect she had never been able to fully shrink down.

   “How is it?” Loga asked, an expectant smile on her face. “I know I’m still getting used to having taste buds, but I think I got it right.”

   Swallowing a mouthful of food, the witch turned to her. “It’s fine. Could use a little more salt though.”

   Marcia’s peaceful morning was interrupted by a bulky limb of golden, scaley muscles wrapping around her head. “Sorry, I’m the one that told her to hold off on that,” Goldra commented, participating in her favorite morning ritual. “You’ve got to watch your sodium intake. Last thing we need is you getting sick because of a poor diet.”

   Freeing herself from Goldra’s grasp, Marcia turned to glare at her. She grimaced at the sight of the torn off sleeves of the dragon woman’s shirt that had been made to show off her biceps. At the very least, she was content that Goldra had relented in keeping on a pair of gym shorts that attempted to keep her package hidden.

   “I’m supposed to be your master, not the other way around,” Marcia said, taking a sip of orange juice to recover from her morning headlock. “I eat whatever I want, whenever I want.”

   “I apologize,” Loga spoke up, “but it appears that your old diet consisted of nothing, but frozen dinners.”

   “So what?” Marcia asked. “I can’t cook. Big deal.”

   Marcia was once again thrown into a grapple with Goldra’s chest pressed against her scalp. “The big deal is that this is a symbiotic relationship. We take care of you, and you take care of us. Sounds like a pretty good setup if you ask me.” Pushing a little closer brought the witch’s attention to a not-so-subtle bulge. “Not to mention the other benefits.”

   With a flick of her finger, Marcia effortlessly pushed back the meat headed dragon woman. “Save it for after I’ve eaten and had my morning coffee. Besides, you know I prefer to go solo.”

   Getting up with the intention of retreating to the privacy of her room, Marcia was stopped as she felt something akin to a pair of overblown beach balls slide down her back. Looking over her shoulder, she was met with Loga’s shimmering eyes. Unable to resist the serpent woman for long, Maria sighed.

   “After you two clean up, head out to the pool,” she said, walking towards her room to gather her things. “I have an experiment or two I want to try.”

   Hearing the unmistakable sound of her creations embracing one another, Marcia managed to turn the corner just as a smile forced itself on her face. She reveled in the newfound feeling of elation she felt. It was the first time she had felt so proud of her mistakes.


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