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   Satsuki sat at the head of the dining room table, trying to take the edge off with a cup of tea. After everything she had been through with her mother and the life fibers, she realized it was going to take some time getting used to the various changes. One of the first things that had to be replaced was her wardrobe, her old school uniform as close of a replacement as she could find after losing Junketsu. The pristine white outfit paired well with her long, black hair that reached down to the hem of her button-down shirt. Shifting her legs around for comfort, she felt a slight tug in the fabric owing to the minor weight she had put on after defeating the life fibers. However, her body weight was the least of her concern at the moment.

   Peeking over the edge of her cup, she locked eyes with her sister sitting on the opposite end of the table. Ryuko Matoi completely ignored the tea cup placed in front of her, passing the time messing with the bright streak of red mixed in with her short black hair. Satsuki couldn’t blame her, she had been through the same battle as her and come out losing one of her closest friends. Even now, the sight of the black jacket and old uniform Ryuko had worn during their first meeting was a far cry from Senketsu.

   Satsuki was content to let her sister take her time to grow closer. She was the one who had invited her to her abode with the hopes of establishing a semblance of familial bonding between the two of them. While she had hoped that something would have clicked during that time, their common likes were almost non-existent. The only time the two of them seemed to meet up was whenever it was time to eat.

   Right on schedule, one of the wait staff wheeled in their lunch. Placing a set of platter sin front of Satsuki and Ryuko, they waited for Satsuki to thank them before they took their leave. Lifting up the cover, Satsuki was treated to a typical lunch of a small, roasted pheasant alongside some greens. Picking up her fork and knife, she prepared to meticulously carve into the meal. She paused as she realized that her sister had yet to touch her food.

   “Are you not hungry?” Satsuki asked, having to speak up to be heard from across the table.

   “I am, but…” Ryuko trailed off, poking the food with her fork while making no attempt to eat it.

   “Is it not warm enough? Do you need more spice? Just ask and the wait staff can prepare something more to your taste.”

   Ryuko let out an unimpressed huff. “No offense, but I doubt you have anything I’d like.”

   Satsuki raised her eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

   “This kind of stuff looks nice, but it’s nowhere near as tasty as the food Mako’s mom cooks. Not to mention, I’m still hungry after eating these things. I feel like I’m going to starve to death.”

   Satsuki thought for a moment. Putting down her utensils, she clapped her hands together to summon one of the butlers. “Tell me whatever you want and the kitchen staff will make it as quickly as possible.”

   “You don’t have to do that,” Ryuko said. “Besides, wouldn’t feel right having them make something just for me.”

   “If that is the case, I’ll have whatever you order as well,” Satsuki replied.

   “Anything at all?” Ryuko asked, a hint of a smile on her face.

   “Anything. The original purpose I invited you to live here was to foster our relationship. If eating your favorite food helps with that, I see no reason to deny your request.”

   With a cocky grin, Ryuko rubbed her hands together. “Okay. Then I’ll have a dozen croquettes. No, make it two dozen.”

   “What kind Ms. Matoi?” the butler asked.

   “Surprise me. It’ll make it more fun.”

   “Very well, I will have the same,” Satsuki said, watching the butler bow and leave the room.

   Very little time passed before the butler returned, showing the sheer skill of the Kiryuin kitchen staff. Bringing in similar platters, Satsuki raised an eyebrow as she noticed the covers seem to barely fit on the plates. The reason was made apparent as the staff placed the first platter in front of Ryuko and took off the top to reveal a pile of overstuffed croquettes that looked ready to collapse at a moment’s notice. While Satsuki was left curious as to why the staff would create such an overindulgent meal, she couldn’t deny that it seemed to appease her sister.

   Carefully jabbing her fork into the top croquette, Satsuki was enamored with the smell that rose from the gash alongside a few droplets of grease. Cutting the croquette into a bite-sized piece, she brought it to her mouth and ate it. Letting the flavor mull over in her mouth, she was indeed correct in assuming the lack of nutritional value in the meal. However, she found it hard to argue against the flavor that graced her tongue as the fried meat tumbled down her throat.

   Preparing her fork and knife to go in for another helping, she stopped to glance across the table. She paused in quiet awe as she watched Ryuko tear through the pile of croquettes like a savage beast. Ryuko’s utensils remained untouched a she stuffed her face, leaving behind grease and crumbs on her fingers to be licked up. While the method was unsavory, it helped her to devour the meal at lightning speed. Looking at Ryuko’s diminishing pile and comparing it to her own, Satsuki took a moment to consider a new way to approach the meal.

   Putting aside her utensils, Satsuki grabbed a croquette between her hands and brought it to her mouth. Sinking her teeth into the fried meat, her taste buds rejoiced at the greasy flavor that spread through her mouth. Adopting some of her sister’s appetite, she devoured the croquette faster than she ever thought possible. Only now becoming aware of how hungry she was, she grabbed a second croquette from the top of the pile and continued her indulgent meal.

   Satsuki’s resolve began to waiver as she reached the bottom of the pile. With only a few croquettes left, it took considerable effort just to grab one off the plate, let alone take another bite. Lifting the croquette up to her mouth, she recoiled at the feeling of fullness that had overtaken her. Putting down the greasy meat, she glanced down to see the sizable food baby that had taken up residence in her mid-section. Rubbing the protrusion in an effort to ease her digestion, she almost didn’t notice Ryuko walk up beside her.

   “Pretty good, huh?” Ryuko asked, patting her own distended gut. “Went a little overboard myself. It’s been way too long since I had a meal like that.”

   “It is good, but I don’t think I can take another bite,” Satsuki replied, gesturing towards the leftover croquettes laid before her.

   “Come on,” Ryuko said, pulling up a chair beside her, “you can’t tell me that’s all you can do. Give it one more big bite. Last thing you want is for food this good to go to waste.”

   Motivated by her sister’s expectant look and the lingering flavor on her tongue, Satsuki forced herself to pick up the croquette again. Taking slow, deliberate bites, she managed to gradually work her way through it. Licking the leftover crumbs from her fingers, she slumped back in her chair and rubbed the part of her belly that was trying to break free from her jacket.

   “That was…delicious,” Satsuki said, dabbing her face with a napkin.

   “Told you,” Ryuko said. “Alright if I have the rest?”

   “It’s all yours,” Satsuki replied, watching her sister effortlessly eat the last two croquettes. “I was going to go for a run after lunch, but I don’t think I can move much in this state.”

   “Then why don’t we veg out on the couch and watch some TV?” Ryuko suggested, mouth still hard at work finishing off the croquettes. “I’ve passed by that huge entertainment center several times just wandering this place and I’ve never seen you use it.”

   Satsuki let out a sigh. “Our mother detested frivolous uses of time. That was just a hold over for guests.”

   Swallowing the rest of the meal, Ryuko grabbed Satsuki by the arm and started dragging her out of the room. “All the more reason to do it then, right?” she asked, looking over her shoulder.

   Rather than argue with her, Satsuki nodded her head and followed along to spend a lazy afternoon bonding with her sister.


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