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   It was just another day for the Kanzuki household as the staff made their rounds keeping things up to the prestigious family’s high standards. The sounds of chains being dragged across the floor, punches being thrown, and something heavy repeatedly slamming into the ground didn’t so much as startle the servants. Everyone on staff had grown used to Karin’s daily training regimen with the designated freeloader of the Kanzuki family.

   Karin’s heels sunk into the fabric of the padded floor of her training room. She effortlessly flowed from one attack to another, her blonde ringlet styled hair being kept in check by her bright blue bow. Able to maintain her defensive stance, she managed to keep her red and white jacket spotless even as her black stocking clad legs lifted up her skirt to deliver a counter blow.

   Karin’s kick found its mark, only to be bounced back from the mass of belly fat belonging to her opponent. While he was mostly unharmed, the impact still sent Birdie reeling backwards with his blonde mohawk waving around wildly. The leather outfit containing his pudgy body barely withstood Karin’s onslaught of attacks. Wiping away a drop of spit from his beard, Birdie made a leaping attack at her in the hopes of ending the fight.

   Mere inches from Birdie’s hands reaching her, Karin spun to the side and unleashed a counterattack with her open palm. The hefty fighter was sent flying through the air smashing into a wall that was well acquainted with his bruised and beaten form. Clutching his aching head, he managed to stand up on his wobbling feet just as she approached him with the spirit of battle in her eyes.

   “I give! I give!” Birdie shouted, getting on his knees and putting his hands together. “You win alright.”

   “You should know by now that your residence at the estate is dependent on your ability to keep up with me,” Karin commented as she waved her golden locks back and forth. “Failure to do so will result in severe punishment.”

   “I’m just a little hungry is all,” he replied, rubbing his distended belly. “Takes a lot of fuel to keep up with ya.”

   Karin thought for a moment, considering the pleading look in Birdie’s eyes. “I suppose you are correct. Very well, we shall have a short meal break.”

   With a clap of her hands, Karin called for a number of servants to walk in with several food carts. While she helped herself to a glass of water and half a sandwich, Birdie made a complete glutton of himself as he ate through a foot-long sandwich in a matter seconds. Handing off the licked clean plate, he let out a rude burp before moving onto his next course.

   “How are you able to do that?” Karin asked, unable to hide her curious gaze.

   “Takes a lot of food to keep this body going,” he replied, giving his belly a slap before swallowing a doughnut whole.

   “I may not follow the same regiment, but I will say I am impressed by the results. Loss of maneuverability aside, your girth makes for the perfect punching bag. Most of the bodyguards that volunteered as my training partners would have given up by now.” Putting her fingers to her chin, she lowered her head in thought. “Given the proper training to deal with the extra mass a fighter could perhaps…”

   A gnarly burp from Birdie interrupted Karin’s studios mood. “Pardon me miss,” Birdie said, clutching onto his plate of hamburgers as if his life depended on it.

   “Apology accepted, IF you agree to help me with something.”

   “Miss, I already spar with you day in and day out. I don’t’ think I could take much more of it without you sending me to the infirmary.”

   “No, what we have already will suffice,” she said, sitting down next to him. “I would like you to show me your training methods.”

   “I beg your pardon?”

   “I want to try out your way of fighting. There is quite a lot of potential in combining the Kanzuki family fighting style alongside your considerable girth.”

   “I dunno,” he replied, scratching his beard. “Little lady like you might not be able to take it. Not to mention, I don’t think-“

   Karin held up her hand. “Agree to this and I will consider increasing your food budget in exchange for decreasing our training time.”

   Birdie took on a wide grin. “I think we have a deal then. When do you want to start?”

   “Now seems about right,” Karin answered, sliding away the plate of hot wings from in front of Birdie and pulling it over to herself. “Apologies, but I’m going to need to bulk up as much as I can.”

   The look of disappointment on Birdie’s face was overcome with a smirk. “We’ll see about that.”

   Birdie resumed his feast, constantly looking back to watch Karin eat. He let out a mocking huff between bites as he watched her daintily chew on the fried meat. By the time he got through most of the feast, she had barely managed to finish off her plate. Stopping to wipe a few stray drops of sauce from her lips, she paused to massage her overstuffed belly. Prodding the round orb brought forth a small burp she was too slow to stifle.

   “Excuse me,” she said, wiping off a stray drop of sauce.

   Birdie shook his head. “If you’re going to be practicing my style, you’re going to have to do better than that. Give me another one.”

   “A bit uncouth, but very well.” Karin followed her teacher’s advice and let her fingers tap along her stomach. Opening her mouth wide, she let loose with a much louder burp that earned an approving nod from Birdie. “How was that?”

   “You might just make it yet,” he commented, reaching down for the last plate of food only for Karin to pull it away.

   “Sorry, but I’m going to BWWOOOORP need all the food I can get,” she said, helping herself to the plate of miniature sausages. “Let me finish this plate and we’ll go for another round. No objections I assume?”

   Birdie opened his mouth to protest, only to recall who was the one that bought all of his meals. “Yeah, just take it easy this time all right?”

   “I’ll do my best, but make no promises” she said, popping another meaty morsel in her mouth.


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