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Writing Prompt: Satsuki visits Honnouji's farming club, gets tricked into sampling their famous milk products and gets changed into an anthro cow.

   The rumors swirling around the livestock club made Satsuki want to decline their invitation, but as the student council president she was obliged to pay them a visit. Upon entering the club’s barn, she was greeted with friendly smiles in opposition to her stern grimace. Unfazed by her cold stare, the members were quick to offer her a bottle of their famous milk to show how their progress. Graciously accepting the bottle, Satsuki put it to her lips and drank.

   As the drops poured down her throat, her fingers went numb. Watching the bottle roll out of her hand and smash against the ground, she saw her fingers harden into hoof-like digits. She witnessed the same changes as her feet burst out of her shoes as they became cloven hooves. Swinging about her bovine tail and wiggling her flattened ears she turned back to the club members to see sinister looks plastered on their faces.

   Fumbling with her hooved fingers to try and draw her sword, she stared past her developing cow muzzle to see her body grow. Her uniform was burst apart by a combination of her layer of fat around her belly and her bosom receiving a noticeable jump in size. Grimacing at the feeling of her tail swinging against her fattened up rear, her worry only grew as she watched another lump emerge from below her stomach.

   An orb of bright pink flesh peeked its way out beneath her stomach to show off four, plump teats hanging off of it. Giving her new udder a small tweak produced a stream of milk that sent a mix of shame and pleasure through her body. Unable to control herself, she broke out into a series of loud moos as she attempted to milk her swollen udder and breasts. Watching the student council president debase herself to satisfy her new body, the livestock club members rolled out a milking machine. Their plan to overthrow the student council and take over the academy was close to becoming reality.


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