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   Blood boiling with anger, Ryuko stomped down the halls of Honnoji Academy with purpose. For weeks, the 18-year old girl had been assaulted by weirdos in a variety of fancy outfits. It wasn’t too out of the norm for her, but what caught her attention was that the uniforms didn’t contain the life fibers that powered the Academy’s uniforms. Lured by discovering the truth and revenge, she set her sight on the fancy looking door at the end of the hall.

   “You have to keep yourself cool-headed Ryuko,” her living, black and red school uniform, Senketsu piped up.

   “I will, alright,” she said without glancing at him. “Just give me a chance to kick the ass of whoever’s responsible for this.”

   “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad for you to learn some manners from her.”

   “Shut it,” she replied, beating her fist against her chest. Flipping her black hair aside, she stopped right in front of the door. Rearing back her leg, she kicked it open, keeping one hand around her scissor blade.

   Ryuko was thrown back the strong scent of perfume that came drifting out of the room. In contrast to the bland white halls of the Academy, the room was a rainbow of delicate fabrics and intricate patterns. A figure could be seen behind a folding screen, examining a billowy dress. Thinking they were the cause of her recent attacks, Ryuko didn’t give a second thought to slamming the door shut behind her.

   “Come out before I drag you out!” Ryuko shouted at the silhouette.

   “How rude,” a mature, female voice replied from behind the screen. “We’re definitely doing to have to do something about that.”

   From behind the blinds appeared the hem of a elaborate, black and white skirt that hung mere inches form the floor. The skirt was attached to a corset covered in lace that led up to a high-rise collar that made a black veil behind the woman’s head. Her grey hair tied up in a neat bun, was streaks with lines of black. An eye with a pitch black iris in the center of the woman’s choker brought a sense of unease as Ryuko looked upon her. The unsettling smile painted on the the mature woman’s face did little to dissuade the strange aura.

   “Oh where are my manners,” the woman said, waving around the glittering rings on her fingers. “My name is Ms. Blanche, an expert in the ways of all things luxurious and proper. Now who are you?”


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