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Regarding EA's new policy on mods, you've probably seen more than one creator writing something similar to what I'm about to say.

I feel very frustrated, it is not fair that because of some bad apples EA has come to this, harming the rest of us.

There are many creators whose only or main source of income is early access on Patreon, and I am seeing many of them even considering leaving. By now, this is not my case, since my intention when I started creating CC was not making money (although I am very grateful, Patreon has become a great financial help).

Luckily, a long time ago I created a blog where I publish my content, and yes, you can see that I use advertising (Google Ads) there to receive a little income. This advertising is not harmful, but I would like to try to make it less invasive and make the experience on my page better for you.

In short, this month I will publish the last CC that I had planned as early access, while we wait for EA to clarify if it will continue to be legal or not to use it. As of the 15th of this month, if EA finally says we can't use Early Access anymore,my idea is to publish my content on my blog publicly, and leave Patreon only for those who want to help me.

I am infinitely grateful for your support, I never thought that my work would bear fruit and that I could receive such good feedback from you. I hope that this new policy does not break everything we have created as a community.

And that's all, thanks for reading and thanks for supporting me. I will work hard to make my blog beautiful and comfortable for you


Annie Bu

I think those creators who permanently locked all CC behind pay walls is that triggered a lot of simmers as well as creators. One bad egg and the whole barrel goes down. Some of these people when you ultimately chip in their so called content weren’t even much different every time they throw it out there. Yeah :(