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Happy holidays everyone. It's that time of year to keep warm and drink some hot beverages (except for you in the Southern Hemisphere -- I am jealous of your weather XD). In this frightful weather, I am working hard to create a more painterly style (which is now for sale as an upgrade to Flat Colors and Sketches on my commission form). My grandma has been over all this month and I haven't been doing as much drawing as I'd like. This will change once December rolls around. Anyways, I hope you have a great month and enjoy the weather.

Also keep an eye out as I may be doing a 50%-off Paintings Holiday Sale so I can get better at it. No promises but I wanted you guys to know first.

? Dante & Pantera

New Features & Updates

God of Destruction tier will now feature a Full Color RNG raffle winner every 7 GoDs! This is down from 10 which means a 30% discount on the pieces (instead of having to pay 10 months of pledges or $200 to get a Full Color piece, it's down to 7 months or $140). You guys deserve it!
Another thing to note is since we have cleared 7 GoDs, I will now be drawing two winners. At 14, I will draw 3 winners (and of course, no repeat wins until everyone has had a turn) -- more information below.
Since I am drawing multiple Fanart Hunks a month, Ninelife Knights+ can choose Fanart Hunk "Packs". Each poll option will be a theme such as Spooky Pokémon Boys, King Reptiles, or Smooth Cat Dudes. Vote for the Pack you desire and I'll draw those characters in any order throughout the month (this is kind of a way to make sure I do it, instead of making you guys wait for months).
If anything else is updated throughout the month, I'll post it here.

See below for current projects happening in December!


Special Thanks to November Patrons
Kitten Paupers+
I am grateful for both new and longstanding support so thank you! Your support brings me one step closer to my dream of becoming a full time illustrator and freelance artist.Welcome to new and upgraded patrons:

Nuno Falcon
Dragolord Bellum Aster

Theme & Fanart Hunk Poll
NineLife Knights+
There are some fun ideas I have this month but I'd love your vote to help me figure things out. I will update this post with poll results soon so stay tuned! The Theme poll will determine the theme present in commission streams and God of Destruction monthly artwork. The Fanart Hunks poll will determine which "Pack" of popular characters I will draw. They may vary from sketch to painted artwork. And finally, Personal Art polls will be hosted occasionally too. HD artwork will ALWAYS be posted for Panther Princes in the VIP Lounge in Club Pantera (Discord). *Poll finalists will remain TBD until results come in

Theme: TBD*
Fanart Hunks: TBD*
Personal Art: Personal Art polls will be hosted occasionally to determine the order of OC requests, comics, YCH's and more. Keep an eye out.

King of the Jungle+
Riding Lessons is off to a good start. For all comics, I will post the B&W for all to see but Kings will be able to read them in color and HD. As always, I am down to hear your input on what you think would be good comic ideas. Comics will range from BIG projects to comic strips and more! Expect new pages once to twice a month :3.

Riding Lessons: Chase teaching Dante to ride a motorcycle in of course the sexiest way possible. He might ride more than the bike.
Pantera's Origin Story: Ever wondered how Dante was able to turn into Pantera. Well, here it is. Watch as Pantera gets used to his big, beefy body. I might also do a short animation of Dante changing into Pan sometime owo
Lance's Story: Lance is Chase's half brother and there's been a lot of turmoil in his childhood. In this comic, it will be an interaction where Lance thanks Chase for keeping him afloat along with some awkward sexual tension and potentially some "brotherly love"...
"Cats in Space": I won't spill the beans on this one yet since it may be too big of a project to tackle. But I'll give you a hint: post-apocalyptic, space exploration, warfare, and revenge.

OC Requests & Artwork
Gods of Destruction
Gods of Destruction have the ability to make requests of my characters as well as have the opportunity for a Full Color monthly.OC Requests also can include asking my characters questions if you wish. I'll take as many as I can each month (~3 to 5 sketched or colored pictures). I will get a roster together eventually. As far as monthly Full Colors go, I will select 1 in EVERY 7 GoDs to get a Full Color per month! Once picked, you cannot be again until I get through the entire list of names. Currently, I am doing 2 since we are above 7 GoDs but at 14 GoDs, I will do 3; at 28, 4; 35, 5; etc.

OC Requests: See the God of Destruction Room on Discord
Full Color Winners for December: Wulfesheafod & Goonji



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