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Hey guys!

Finishing a series is hard! I've been writing very slowly. It's literally just hard to write the mind games I've necessitated in Menocht's plot. Everyone is playing 4D chess.

I will still continue to write it, obviously, but I decided that I need to start working on something else as well to reinvigorate my enjoyment of writing.

I want to stress that writing an additional project is not going to negatively impact my progress on Menocht. If anything, I'm hopeful that building up writing momentum will make it easier to write Menocht chapters. It's ultimately not an issue of time. When I sit down to write a single Menocht chapter, it just takes me an eternity, which speaks to other problems. I don't believe in writer's block. It's an excuse people use to not write. Writing requires discipline and dedication. And I'm going to power through.

That being said! I have a new project that is a lot easier for me to write. It's a lot less 4D chess, at least for now, and I've been trying to keep it pretty fast paced. I hope you all find it fun, even if it's pretty different from Menocht.

The rough premise for the first main arc is as follows -- gifted orphan child falls into a tear in the Twining, landing in the monster infested depths, and must survive and find the means to escape.

I am 100% setting it up as the kind of story that could go on for a very long time, following the MC as he explores a world that is wider than he ever imagined and comes of age. High fantasy cultivation setting. If people hate the story and it does poorly, I'd find a way to end it earlier (1-3 books), but hopefully people enjoy it.

It will feature a rational, intelligent, capable, naturally gifted MC. Ideally more decisive and self-motivated than Ian, LOL. The series will focus a lot more on capturing a sense of adventure and exploration than Menocht, and the MC will start at the bottom of cultivation and work his way up. He doesn't stay weak for too long, though. You know me—I like OP MCs too much.

Give it a chance and let me know what you think :) I'll dump the first 10k pretty quickly, and then try to post frequently after that. I've been trying to write a 2k word chapter every day.

I'll post the first chapter in a few minutes.

Thanks all!


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