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Happy holidays and merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it!

I wrote a little holiday special that is NON-CANON, I repeat, what follows is not canon material!!! It's an MxM Eury x Ian scene featuring KABEDON. It's supposed to be kinda cute and funny. If you hate MxM do not read! You have been warned!

Additional warning: I've made the special available to all patrons because I love and appreciate all of you, but it does contain some spoilers about future chapters. Read on if that doesn't bother you or come back to this in 2 weeks :)


“Ian, why are you doing that?” Eury asked, looking up from the glossY’s tactical projection.


“It’s not cute.” If Eury tried to get a better look in a scenario, Ian scattered the bones of his pet project before the prince could see...but he had a general idea what Ian was creating.

“What’s not cute?”

Eury groaned and turned away, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You should go somewhere else if you’re trying to keep it a secret.”

“Where else is there to go?” Ian asked. “We’re stuck in a rift.”

Eury snorted. “I mean...yes.”

Ian rolled his eyes. “Eury, I was going to save this for later, but since you already know...here.” The necromancer held up a little kitten.

Eury narrowed his eyes. “It’s made out of bones. It’s not cute.”

“His name is George.” Ian looked up expectantly, a smile stretching across his face.


Ian levitated the little cat over to Eury, its petite form hanging in the air before the prince’s face. Eury sighed and withdrew a silk sash from his void storage, fastening it around George’s neck.

“Better?” Ian asked.

“A bit. Now there’s somewhere else to fix my gaze other than the empty sockets of its skull.”

“They’re not empty,” Ian pouted playfully. “They have soul gems.”

“Ian, if I can see the inside of the skull, the sockets aren’t exactly full.

“George’s eyes are beautiful. Don’t they remind you of someone?”

“What, you?”

Ian chuckled. “I was going to say the lovely nethereal skylights, but that’s an option.”

Eury’s cheeks reddened. “George, go back to your father and uncle.”

Ian nearly choked from laughing so hard. “Who’s his uncle?”

Eury flashed a wry smile. “Who else but Bluebird?”

The necromancer shook his head. “I thought we were Bluebird’s parents. You can’t be both Bluebird’s and George’s mother if Bluebird is George’s uncle.”

Euryphel felt the onset of a headache. “Ian...who made me the mother, anyway? On second thought I should be their father, not you.” The prince grinned. “After all, I’m the one who’s in charge.”

Ian rolled his eyes. “Who’s the strong, domineering necromancer, practitioner of the darkest of the arts?”

“You’re delusional if you think you’re domineering off the battlefield,” Eury snorted.

Ian held up a finger. “I have my moments.”


Ian grinned deviously. “I kissed Maria.”

Euryphel took in a deep breath. “Ian–”

“I might have been slightly high, but I initiated!”

“Ian, you were probably more than slightly high. Doesn’t count.”

Ian cocked an eyebrow. “You really think I’m just a submissive milquetoast?”

“Way to escalate,” Euryphel drawled. “That’s not what I’m saying at all.”

Ian got up and walked over, petting George on the head. “Huh. That’s what it sounded like.”

“Hey, George is mine,” Eury interjected, tugging the kitten away into his arms.

“Oh really? He’s yours now?” Ian murmured, stalking forward.

Y’jeni, what on earth... Euryphel’s thoughts were in turmoil. He’s not even this intense in duels with Ezenti.

A wall of bone materialized behind the prince. With a swift movement that Eury was extremely unprepared for, Ian pulled the prince into a kabedon, smacking a hand against the wall while standing imposingly over him, somehow taller than Eury remembered.

He’s probably just standing on a platform of bones, Eury assured himself, trying to still his heart.

“Damn, you’re really into this sort of thing, aren’t you?” Ian whispered, his voice low and throaty. “Your heart’s racing.”

Eury was frozen and unable to move. Ian, what the fuck!

“Are you sure you wouldn’t be into someone like Maria?” Ian continued, his head drifting closer to the prince’s. “She did what I’m doing to you now to me, in spirit. Unfortunately the walls were full of paint, and we couldn’t use our practice at the gala, so we–”

You’re going to regret this, but it won’t feel the same in a scenario, Eury though. Before Ian could finish, Eury dropped George, hooked his fingers behind the necromancer’s neck, and pushed his hand against his shoulder, sliding him around so that their positions were reversed, Ian’s back to the wall of bone.

For a moment, Ian looked as surprised as Eury had been, his gaze as empty as George’s skull. He rebounded a moment later with a light sigh and cold smirk. “Eury...what are you doing? Payback?”

The prince grinned and leaned in, confidence he didn’t feel oozing from his expression. “Ian...there’s very little to do around here. Just water, rocks, and sharks. Haven’t you ever wanted to try something...different?”

Ian chuckled roughly. “Eury...you’re serious?”

The prince rolled his eyes. “Ian...I’ve been in nonstop meetings for weeks, sleeping only a few hours a night on regimented shifts.”

Ian squirmed beneath him. “Is that just a fancy way of saying you’re horny?”

Eury felt like dying of shame, but held fast to his facade by raising an eyebrow suggestively. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Eury, I...” Ian frowned, his eyes wide. “I’ve never done something like this...I was just joking before.”

Eury shook his head and bit his lip. “I’ve never done something like this either.” He had always wanted to, but people were always watching.

“I’m not sure...”

The prince nodded and turned his head away. “If you’re uncomfortable...”

“I...” Ian made a pained expression. “We can try, just this once. There’s nothing better to do here, and what happens in the rift, stays in the rift.”

Eury hadn’t expected Ian to agree. He nuzzled his head forward in excitement and left a light kiss on Ian’s jaw. He pulled back and narrowed his eyes. Ian swallowed, obviously nervous.

“We’re not going to do anything too crazy,” Eury murmured. He grazed the fingers of his right hand across Ian’s chest, the right hand still firm in kabedon. “As the eldest, I’ll take good care of you.”

“It feels like you’ve done this before,” Ian whispered.

If only. “Maybe,” Eury replied. “You’ll have to judge for yourself.”

Ian squirmed again but Eury pressed his draping fingers into the necromancer’s chest, planting him against the wall.

“Your arm’s shaking,” Ian murmured.

“Quiet,” Eury breathed as he brought his head forward again, leaving a light kiss on Ian’s neck.

“That tickles,” Ian said, recoiling.

Eury sighed. Damn, he’s really not into this. “...Sorry.”

“No, wait,” Ian huffed. “Sorry, it’s just...you’re a guy.”

“Close your eyes,” the prince whispered.

Ian abided without hesitation.

Eury guided the necromancer’s hands to his hair, snaking the man’s fingers through long, silky strands. Eury released the kabedon and cupped Ian’s face with both hands, uncertainty blooming across his features.

“I can still see you with my eyes closed, Eury,” Ian said under his breath. “What are you waiting for?”

Before Eury could respond, Ian’s head came forward a few inches, his nose touching the prince’s. While Eury was nearly dying from sensory overload, Ian angled Eury’s head slightly downward with his right hand while gripping the man’s shirt with the left.

With the slightest of movements, Eury’s lips were on Ian’s. The kiss lasted for only a second, but Eury came back for another just a moment later, his eyes closing in ecstasy.

Eury let the last kiss linger for a second, then coughed and stepped back. Ian opened his eyes and ran his fingers along his lips.

“That was better than I thought,” Ian said.

At least I’ll have this much to remember you by when you’re gone, Eury thought. Though now when I think of the future...maybe it would’ve been better if it never happened at all. Less painful.

More lonely.

The prince picked up George again and cradled him in his arms like a newborn. “Is George going to disappear when you do?”

“No, he’s a gift,” Ian replied. “George is yours even after I’m gone.”

Eury nodded. “Okay.” He walked unsteadily to the side of the bone platform, his mind still in a haze of hormones.

“Do you want some help with that boner?” Ian asked from behind.

The prince nearly jumped out of shock, his head whipping around. “Excuse me?”

Ian snorted. “Look, I’m a necromancer, master of all things related to bones. And flesh, for that matter. I can get rid of your boner for you.”

Eury blinked. “That’s a kind offer, but I’ll manage.”

Indeed, ten scenarios later he managed to calm down enough mentally to relax and his body took care of the rest.



Petition to have this chapter be canon


Ian is pretty OOC as soon as he agrees to experiment haha which is why I wouldn't have it be canon, but also we need to understand the very real financial ramifications of making something like this canon. Many people would unsub and no longer support the story. Just something worth pointing out!