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I am always grateful to you all

This time only(Black Friday 2021) is very special,

I perform the discount sale (all 25%off) of Gumroad by the Black Friday limited time offer!

( 日頃の感謝も兼ねまして、今回特別にブラックフライデー期間限定で

Gumroadの割引セール(25%off)を実施します! )


★Offer Code : ihBFGS21

(Expiration date of Code)

25th/November. ~  30th/November.(The Japan time)

(有効期限  11月30日まで)

Everybody can use this code again and again.



■My Gumroad 

( https://gumroad.com/ikemurahiroichi )

Please enter the code above when purchasing!

( 上記のコードを購入の際に打ち込んでください. )