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I draw the Satan girl(Eliza) ”Setsubun version" this time!(The 100th kemonomimi moe girl)  Wow! 

■About Setsubun and mamemaki 

She seems to have been mistaken for a demon in aerial.


※The completed picture has been uploaded

 (This is the part of the screen.)  

(This reward is included in term43 to hand to the person who entered Patreon for from February 1 to February 29) 

It'll be a Bonus reward of Patreon(term43) this time ! 


■Kimono  consept■

White clover = Flower language is "revenge"

(シロツメクサ = 花言葉 ”復讐” )

※White clover flower language is widely known as "promise". However, it also has another flower language that "If you break a promise, you will be revenged".

(  ※シロツメクサは約束という花言葉で広く知られていますが、「もし約束を破ると復讐する」という花言葉もあります。) 

She plans revenge on the God world every day.

( 彼女は神界に対して復讐を日々企んでいます )

So I mixed white clover flowers as a kimono concept.



【 Delivery time of the term reward 】

Detail here!   




Wow, I really didn’t know that white clover translates as revenge from a flower tongue. However, a cool kimono


Thanks♪I was surprised that there was unexpected flower language, too.