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It's sad, Kara looks so cute in the rectangle frame glasses, but there's no way she'd ever wear them because they're the same ones her mom wears (she is terrified of becoming her mother). I think if she had to choose, she'd likely go with aviators. They're unique, they have that sort of 80s department of defense vibe, and they're very distinct from her mom's glasses.

Small note: Kara's little sprigs of hair aren't really on one particular side of her head, I just make them switch position whenever her head turns. It's actually one of my biggest concerns when it comes to doing say, a Kara figure. In drawings and even in digital 3D assets, there's ways to just make the spring swap like that, but on a figure it's going to be completely static, so I'm going to need to figure out a way to make it work someday. For now though, the impossible sprig is the standard!



Paul Sugzdinis

What about those droopy looking ones like witch hunter Robin?