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At long last she's finally complete. This one was quite the toughie since the lighting in homegirl's apartment is so weird combined with the fact that all the reference photos of this place are with people in the god damn way of everything lmaooo

I'm also learning that with low light stuff like this, it makes my eyes shift in and out of focus while im working since im still technically recovering from my eye surgery last year (ya boy was legally blind beforehand), so part of me was not excited about workin on it cause it was very frustrating but im proud that I was able to knock it out like this!

h o w e v e r now that she's complete, I can sit back and breathe a sigh of relief and then shift my attention to the newer things ive got in the works. I've included a lil stretch mark bonus of course for those who like that sorta thing, AND my friend Chrish6 ( https://www.deviantart.com/chrish6 ) wrote another thing to go along with this scene too which can be read below. CONTAINS SPOILERS!

Lastly, thank you guys once again for the patience as I got this all put together. I really hope you enjoy her! Stay tuned for more!


V sat at the bar in the Afterlife in the late afternoon, glancing at the people in the tanks slowly dancing as loud industrial music boomed through the speakers. The bartender, Claire Russell, approached him after serving a drink to another customer.

“V, good to see ya! Can I get you anything?” she asked, slapping both hands down on the bar.

“Sure. I’ll take a shot of vodka on the rocks, lime juice, and ginger beer. And top it off with a splash of love, if you don’t mind,” he said.

Claire nodded. “One Jackie Welles coming right up.”

She turned away and got to work mixing the drink. She returned shortly after, sliding the full glass towards him.

“This one’s on the house. For helping me out. Dean would have really appreciated it,” Claire said as V took a swig of his drink.

“You sure?” V asked.

“Of course. It’s the least I could do.”

A ringing sound interrupted their conversation, and V noticed that he was getting a call. Then he noticed who it was from.


Claire looked up. “Is something wrong?”

“No. Maybe. I’m getting a call from a former client,” he explained.

The call was from Elizabeth Peralez, the wife of mayoral candidate Jefferson Peralez. Though V figured that it was impossible for Jefferson to lose now, since the previous Mayor Lucius Rhine had been killed and acting Mayor Weldon Holt was largely disliked.

There were unknown powers at play here that V had uncovered. A group hidden in the shadows had been behind Rhine’s murder, and had convinced the NCPD to cover it up. And that same group had also been spying on the Peralez couple, even altering their memories and behavior.

V had no idea why this was being done, but whoever was behind all this wanted to see Jefferson Peralez as the leader of Night City.

He reluctantly accepted the call. “Mrs. Peralez? What do you want? I thought you told me I was done working for you after our conversation in Japantown.”

V saw Elizabeth from the neck up. It had only been two weeks since he had worked for the couple, but she looked worse for wear. She had heavy bags under her eyes, and her pulled-back hair was messy, disheveled. He supposed he couldn’t blame her.

“V. You…you told Jefferson, didn’t you? You told him everything?” she asked.

He nodded. “I did. He deserved to know what’s been happening.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I knew it. He’s been so paranoid lately. He doesn’t sleep at all. I don’t think he even trusts me anymore.”

“Can’t imagine why. You knew what was going on and hid it from him,” V replied.

“I only wanted to protect him! I–regardless of that…I need your help, V. Something is happening. And you’re the only one I trust to get to the bottom of it,” she explained, her voice slightly panicked.

“Something’s happening? What is it? What’s going on?” he wondered.

“Not over the holo,” she said, her eyes darting around. “Come to our penthouse. Make sure you aren’t being followed.”

“This happening to Jefferson, too? Will you both be there?” V asked.

“No, Jefferson is not currently in Night City. He left a few days ago to go upstate to get more funding for his campaign. It’s only me. Please, V. You’re the only person that can help me. I’ll give you a million Eddies. No, two million!,” Elizabeth pleaded.

V took another drink from his glass then sighed. “Fine. I’ll be there soon.”

Not an hour later, V arrived at the towering building and approached the locked glass doors. He pressed the touch screen underneath the intercom.

“V? Thank god. I’m upstairs, in the lounge,” Elizabeth’s voice crackled over the speakers.

The doors slid open, and V walked down the hallway towards the elevator. Inside, he pressed the button for the penthouse on the 25th floor. The elevator quickly made its way up each story, eventually reaching the top.

Elizabeth wasn’t there to greet him like she was last time. He looked around the hall, not seeing any sign of her. At the end of the hall, the piano was gently playing “Clair de lune” by itself.

He made his way down the hallway then took a right, stepping into the lounge. And that’s when he saw Elizabeth sitting on the couch, looking directly at him.

“WHAT IN THE FUCK???” his voice echoed across the large room.

She was right. Something was happening, indeed. Her thin frame that he was used to seeing had been completely altered. Now, her middle was dominated by a large, pregnant-looking stomach. It pushed out several feet and fanned out to the sides, wider than she was. Elizabeth had unsuccessfully tried to get dressed, wearing a buttoned shirt that strained over her swollen breasts and completely bared her belly. Her stretchy skirt hung around her widened hips.

Elizabeth nodded, lip trembling. “Surprised? How do you think I feel?”

V carefully stepped closer to her, both trying to think of what to say and attempting to get a better look at her. Her pale belly was stretched tight, but V wasn’t surprised. If she was pregnant, she’d easily be the largest that he’d ever seen. Then he saw the bump suddenly shift and bulge, as Elizabeth let out a pained moan.

“What the…what the hell happened to you?” he sputtered.

Elizabeth gently rubbed the side of her massive bump. “It started a week ago. I was violently ill all day. That was until the next morning, when my appetite was just out of control! I just wanted to devour everything I could get my hands on. After that, my stomach started to grow and grow.”

She pressed her arm into the couch and slowly rose, her legs quivering as she got upright. Elizabeth took a step to the side and set her arm on the side of the sofa for support. He couldn’t help but notice that her already round bottom had swelled even more.

“I felt the movement for the first time yesterday. I finally went to see my doctor earlier today, afraid that I might pop if I didn’t. I don’t know how I avoided getting seen by the press. He examined me and told me that I was pregnant with…with octuplets! Seven months along, apparently,” her voice wavered.

“But you weren’t–” V started.

“Pregnant when you saw me before? That’s what I thought, too. But my doctor wasn’t surprised at all. The pregnancy had been in my medical charts for months! And Jefferson and I…well, we haven’t exactly been very intimate this past year. I’m 45 years old, I had our daughter Xochi when I was twenty. This shouldn’t be possible! And I might be going crazy, but I swear I’m bigger now than I was when I woke up!”

Elizabeth gasped as more movement shook her large belly.

“So are you saying what I think you’re implying?” V wondered. He had a hunch where she was going with this.

“That whoever is behind the altered memories and is trying to put Jefferson in office is behind this too?” Elizabeth said.

“Yeah, but…why? What could they possibly gain out of this?” V wondered.

“That’s what I need you to find out.”

V looked out the window at the Night City skyline. “And what does Jefferson think about all this?”

Elizabeth crossed her arms over her bump. “Jefferson doesn’t know. Or maybe he does. Who knows? What if his memories had been changed while he’s been gone so he thinks that I’ve been pregnant this whole time? We haven’t talked about it since he left. And I started growing after he took off.”

“I don’t even know where to start from here. When I looked into this before, the trail just ended. There weren’t any more leads, there was nothing,” V said.

“I need you to try something. Anything. I’m running out of time, V,” Elizabeth pleaded.

V felt like he was fighting shadows. He had no idea what he was up against. This group seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at once.

“I’ll try my best to help. On my word.”

Elizabeth nodded and looked down at her belly as her quickly-growing children kicked and pushed inside. V shook his head and blinked. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but he thought that she looked bigger than she did when he got here. Whatever he did next, he knew he needed to do it fast.

V felt exhausted, but he couldn’t stop now. For once, his exhaustion wasn’t caused by the engram of the bioterrorist that was slowly taking over his mind, but by the lack of sleep stemming from the investigation that he was attempting to get to the bottom of.

He couldn’t take his mind off of the mysterious, rapid pregnancy that Elizabeth Peralez was currently experiencing. If the group that was also spying on them and altering their memories and thoughts was also behind this, V was struggling to piece together why.

Influencing politicians wasn’t some newfound phenomenon, especially in Night City. But impregnating the wife of the politician, and with a pregnancy of this magnitude especially, just didn’t make sense.

He had spent the past two days running around the city, chasing leads that seemed to end as soon as they began. V felt like he was out of options until he had a chance run-in with Rogue at the Afterlife earlier in the day. He gave her some details about the case, as discreetly as he could, and he couldn’t help but notice her eyes perk up.

“You ever hear of Mr. Blue Eyes, V?” she asked, staring him down as she took a sip from her glass.

“This is the first time I’ve heard of him,” V replied.

The two sat alone in Rogue’s booth. When V began to explain the situation, she knew that what they were talking about could only be discussed between the two of them.

Rogue folded her arms. “I’m not surprised. A man like Mr. Blue Eyes spends most of his time in the shadows. When you’ve been in this city as long as I have, you hear whispers of people like him. They’re like puppet masters. If you’re lucky you may even speak to them once or twice.”

“Have you?”

“Once or twice,” she repeated. “Couldn’t tell you a thing about him even if I wanted to, though. The man’s almost like a ghost. But I have a feeling that he’s involved in this. One way or another.”

V sat up, suddenly energized. Rogue wouldn’t lead him on like this. “Okay. So how do I get in touch with this Mr. Blue Eyes? How do I find him?”

Rogue let out a laugh. “Oh, V. I don’t think you’ll be able to track him down. He doesn’t want you to. But if you snoop around like you have been, well, I think it’s only a matter of time before you hear from him.”

“So what do I do? Just wait until I hear from him?” he wondered.

“I don’t see what other choice you have.”

V thanked her for the help and left the bar, hopping on his bike as he called Elizabeth on the holo. The two had talked occasionally since he started the investigation, updating her on his findings whenever he made them.

The video feed was disabled when she picked up. V figured that she was feeling self-conscious.

“Yes, V? What did you find? Tell me you’ve found something! Please, I…I don’t know how much more I can grow!” Elizabeth said, her voice weaker and slightly strained.

“I think I’ve got something. I’m close to figuring this thing out. I know it.”

“Can you stop by? Tell me about it in person. It’s not safe over the holo,” she said.

V wasn’t too far away from the Peralez’s penthouse. “Of course. I’ll be there soon.”

Parking near the monumental apartment building in the City Center, V approached the entrance and hit the button underneath the intercom.

“Elizabeth? It’s me,” he said.

“Thank you!” Elizabeth replied over the speaker. “I’m in the bedroom. It..it’s getting hard to move around right now.”

V entered the building, reaching the elevator and stepping inside once it reached the ground floor. The climb up towards the Peralez’s apartment seemed to drag on and on. He was uncertain of what he’d find once the elevator stopped.

Eventually, the door slid open and V walked inside. Unlike last time, the apartment was quiet. It was an eerie feeling having the soothing piano that played during his other visits become suddenly absent.

The bedroom was further down the hallway. He could see the door from here. V took slow, heavy steps, dreading what was waiting on the other side of the closed bedroom door. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

It took a few moments for Elizabeth to reply.

“Come in,” she spoke up.

As V pushed open the door, he froze in utter shock. Elizabeth had somehow grown even bigger since he last saw her, her belly stretched further and wider than he could imagine. She was lying on her side on the bed, dressed only in an ill-fitting bra and a stretchy pair of silk pants.

V remembered her comment about being unsure how much bigger she could get. Looking at her, he didn’t necessarily disagree. Her stomach’s pale skin had taken on a reddish hue as it stretched tightly around her increasingly cramped womb. Stretch marks etched against her hips and the sides of her belly. Every few seconds, the massive mound that she was attached to would shift with movement.

Elizabeth’s eyes were closed, and she moaned in pain as the life within kicked and pushed against their confines.

“Shit…” V muttered. “Elizabeth? Elizabeth, I’m here. Can I…I don’t know, do anything? To help at all?”

She craned her neck to look at V, wincing as her stomach let out a gnarly rumble. “I’m starving. I think there’s still something in the kitchen. I need to eat. Please, anything that you find, just bring it here.”

There wasn’t much left in the kitchen. Elizabeth must have cleaned the place out over the course of the last few days, though he was able to find a few things that could at least satiate her appetite for now.

He returned to the bedroom as quickly as he could and watched on as the impossibly pregnant woman devoured the snacks that he recovered. She was ravenous, chewing so quickly that she didn’t pay any mind to the crumbs that tumbled down into the cleave of her engorged breasts.

Once she finished, Elizabeth slowly ran a hand down the side of her massive middle. “Okay, so–urgh..”

V stepped closer to her, concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you in–”

“Don’t finish that sentence, please,” Elizabeth said, raising a hand. “Don’t say that word, I really don’t even want to think about it.”

“Sure. Yeah, of course. So what is it?” he asked.

“It’s my back. It’s so tight and sore…I don’t think you’re supposed to carry these many babies to term so quickly,” she sighed, shifting as much as she could to try and alleviate the stress.

Elizabeth glanced up at V. “Could you help? I’m sorry, I know it’s strange to ask…”

“Well, it’s a strange situation all around,” V said.

He gently pressed into Elizabeth’s back with both hands, massaging the tense skin. She couldn’t help but moan, finding some much-needed relief, even if it were only for a moment. As he continued to work, Elizabeth let out a grunt, and he quickly saw why.

Her round belly shifted, the lives within pushed against their confines. One of V’s hands, slowly made it’s way to her bump, and he could feel movement underneath his palm.

“Christ…how can your body handle all of this?” he wondered.

“I’ve been asking myself the same thing. But I don’t think it can handle much more,” she admitted.

“Right. So my lead. I really think I’m onto something. Something big.”

Elizabeth’s pregnant stomach groaned, and she drew her eyes down towards it as it continued to undulate. She nodded, eyes closed. “Let’s talk about this in the lounge. I have to get up to pee anyways.”

Ten minutes had passed, and Elizabeth had finally reached the lounge. She was out of breath, beads of sweat lining her forehead. She waddled slowly towards the couch, her massive, heavy belly wobbling with each step. Elizabeth sat down heavily, hands stroking the underside of her stomach.

“Okay,” she huffed. “What did you find?”

“Mr. Blue Eyes. Do you know him? Have you ever heard of him?” V asked.

Elizabeth squinted, thinking on the name that he had mentioned. “Why?”

“I think he’s behind all of this. Heavily involved, at the very least.”

“Actually, you know what? I think I remember seeing that name before. Mr. Blue Eyes, yes, it’s all coming back to me now! I saw his name on a list of Jefferson’s donors! It’s not exactly a common name,” she said.

“Okay! That’s something. Do you still have that list? Is it here?” V wondered.

Elizabeth thought for a moment. “It should be in my–ahh!”

She suddenly hunched over, clutching at her belly that looked much tighter than it did a moment ago.

Shit, he thought. That was a contraction!

“Elizabeth?” V approached her, wanting to help.

Elizabeth caught her breath, her stomach heaving in and out. “I…I’m fine. I’m fine. It’s just…just a cramp. I just need to walk it off.”

V froze. He had a bad feeling about all of this. “Elizabeth, I think maybe we should–”

“V! I assure you that I’m fine!”

Elizabeth’s legs shook as she strained to lift herself upright. V helped as much as he could with the process. Once she was standing, her hands planted themselves into her back as she plodded back and forth across the room.

“As I was saying, it should be in my office. It’ll be filed away, but you should be able to find it there.”

“Alright. Are you sure that you’re okay?”

“Yes,” she sighed. “Please, just hurry and get the–ARGH!”

Elizabeth grasped at her belly again, and a rush of fluids splashed down from her legs.

Before V could make his next move, a loud BANG shot off right behind him as smoke filled the room. A strong, migraine-like sensation slammed his brain as his vision clouded.

He wasn’t sure how long he was out, but when he came to Elizabeth was gone. A thorough search in her office also proved fruitless. Any file that may have contained information on Mr. Blue Eyes was missing, if there even was anything on him at all.



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