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Hey no preview stuff today like video or screenshots and possibly none until it comes out because we're moving into massive spoiler territory if I let more of it seen.  We're coming up on 11 minutes on the rough edit right now and it's looking good (albeit a bit long).  You think this one should be split into multiple parts if it ends up being 30 minutes or longer?  Let me know in the comments, really struggling to decide.

It's also movie night tonight!  We're watching 13 Ghosts here in the discord: https://discord.gg/CUzZB4K at 10 PM EST!  Come and watch some more spooky october flicks with us in voice!

Exactly 2 weeks until halloween.  I'm going to have it out on halloween I swear on my life, I will not let you down.  Okay I lied here's 2 screens since I'm excited for this one:

See everyone tonight for movie night!



I personally wouldnt mind a 30 minute vid. Though im not familiar with the way youtube recommends work, how would splitting it affect the views?

Anders O.H Moberg

I'd love a chunky episode.. but yah, agreeing with the folks, look into if it makes a difference for da Algoritm