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Here's a rough cut of the virus games video, I personally didn't feel it was good enough and was gonna throw it out but movie night this week sort of convinced me to just get it done as is and release it.  

So I'll have it be up to you!  Watch the video (DONT LEAK IT ITS UNFINISHED IN PARTS) and decide if it's good enough to release.  I think I was too effected by all the crap going on in my life at the time so I don't think the writing is as strong, but I might be wrong!  That was the consensus from everyone who's seen it so far!  Let me know!

(Also I was gonna put up the poll yesterday but my landlord randomly decided to fix our roof so I was dealing with that for 12 hours. Good times.)



Dr. Yolo McSwag

I thought it was really good! Slap on a "Covid sucks, we'll make it though. You've got this!" And ship it


First part in the Hunt for Cabela series