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Hey how's it going everyone?  Good?  Alright everyone gather 'round while I tell you how this video is going.  Here's a cool promo thing:

Wow what a kooky cast of characters the Kreal Brothers have met.  This looks like it's going to be one wacky adventure.  Let's meet each of them, eh?

The Film Prick: A huge youtuber known for his lengthy film criticism and contriversial takes.  He was sucked into Harvester whilst pointing out the various plotholes for a new essay.

JJVlogz: An up and coming vlogger who claims to be fourteen years old (?).  Although he is very short, no body believes that is actually his age.  He loves all the trends, the fortnite, the dabs, all of it.  He was sucked into Harvester after he was informed there were nude scenes in the game.

Veronica: Veronica was sucked into Harvester along with her son when he booted up the game to play for his channel "MinelordEnderCraft97".  She doesn't really know anything about youtube and thinks all of it is quote "pretty lame, dude".  Her son has been missing for 2 years and she has spent most of that time searching for him in between dealing with the other two with her.

I wonder what's in store for the Kreal brothers and their new friends?  Knowing Harvester, they're probably in store for some serious danger!

Also Jack King-Spooner is composing some spooky tunes for this next one!  Everything he has sent over so far has been amazing and I'm really excited to share this video with everyone.  Please go support Jack by buying his game at this link: https://jackspinoza.itch.io/dujanah !  His work is amazing !

That's all I want to reveal right now so I don't spoil too much but I hope this gives you enough to be excited for!  New video out soon within the next couple of weeks, it's about 60% complete.  Hang tight!

Thank you all for your support.  As always check the Discord for daily updates on what I'm doing/what games we are playing/movie nights and all sorts of fun stuff.  I'll post another link here:  Kreal Discord Link. 

Take care everyone, see you in September!



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