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Recording of Outcast has finished up and I have begun to animate the intro and various other assets for the video before diving into voiceovers over the next few days.  Thought I would write up a tiny update on how it's going.  First some cool screens:

Most folks only play the area pictured above for their reviews and let's plays so I'm going to try to use footage of this area as little as possible.  I mean look at what people are missing if you play the entire game:

It's a surprisingly varied game despite the lack of character models ( lots of palette swaps through out the game) .

Anyway on for animation stuff:  This video is the beginning of what I'll be referring to as Season 2 of Krealplays just to sort of designate the shift in style.  It will mostly stay the same except for these aspects:

Krealplays will now be taking place in a set location rather than Kreal just floating in a green void.  This will give it more character in my opinion.

We'll also be playing the games on a set machine: The Krealputer, proven and tested not to explode even after playing every Tex Murphy game.

The Krealputer of course, runs KT-DOS, the optimum operating system for pure Gamers.

When the Krealputer is displaying things other than web browsers and gameplay I'll try to keep the animations in full color.  (Only within the computer monitor to sort of seperate it and make it pop in the room)  Above is a rough mock up of what computer graphics will look like.

And the biggest news of all: Full Body Kreal.  I finally went ahead and drew up a style of body for the Kreal character so I am able to animate myself around the room etc etc. The Krealplays are evolving how will we ever stop them?

Anyways, the next time I'll be posting on here will be the release of the video!  Hopefully it won't blow up in my face!

Love you all,




I really love this post, it shows how thoughtful you are not just about what you're saying but about how you're saying it. Keep it coming! :D


well i am a new patron and i have to say i am not disappointed :) keep going m8 you have a good process that makes some awesome stuff, all the best G.