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  • RequiemofThornsTimelapse_60sec.mp4



As a Graveborn, Cecia could not be any prouder of her own existence.
She cares little for her previous life, and even less for the circumstances of her death. To her, nothing matters more than her own everlasting existence. Her pride has never faltered, not even for a moment.

I had the pleasure of being commissioned by AFK Arena to draw one of their characters for an upcoming game release, and the style and character design of the game is just GORGEOUS! 😍

This one is the rush job that I mentioned earlier.  I don't usually take on rush jobs because I don't like pushing other projects already on my plate, but I've worked with this agency before and they are always super nice to work with, plus they come to me with the coolest games and give me a lot of freedom!  All in all a win if you don't count my lack of sleep!  😅

Anyhoo, they gave me a choice of which character I wanted to draw and all of the designs were SO good that it was kinda tough to choose, but I felt like Cecia just really fit my current vibe!  Powerful, Sexy, Thorny powers, and a slightly dead skintone (she is "graveborn," 🧟‍♀️), yes please!😂

I hope you like my rendition of her!  Keep an eye on my instagram and twitter the coming days for her official post!  🎨📱


Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • TimelapseVideo
  • PSD
  • Sketch
  • Lineart
  • Process Shots
  • Wallpapers


All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3



Lia Graf

Just such a glow up, each and every piece...it's such a wonder to watch you grow! Grats on the gig and glad it worked out well for you! /CHEERS you on


Looks great! (As always) I hope they give you a copy of the game too! :)