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Hello fabulous patreon pals!  Here is the speedpaint process with a podcast for the artwork Necromancer

In this speedpaint podcast we dive into the connection between art block and negative thoughts, how they feed each other and touch on roughly what happens in the brain according to brain scans when we have negative thoughts.  It is a topic that is so fascinating to me and has helped me make some sense of why it can be so dang hard to get your hand to draw the way you want it to when you are having a negative day.  I also talk a bit about my little routine to try and set up a positive drawing session.

Also, just a little disclaimer that I'm obviously not a doctor or scientist, so think of this podcast as a little commentary or casual conversation.  I'm not making any hard claims or diagnosis!  I'm just a silly artist with an interest in the brain, mental health, and wellness.

After you listen though, I would love to hear if you have any techniques or resources that you have found helpful with combatting negative thoughts!

Happy watching and listening!🖤


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  • TimelapseVideo
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All rewards and downloads from this patreon page are for personal and educational use only.  Redistributing in any form is not permitted.  I'm a relatively small artist who puts a lot of work into sharing this work and providing as much value in these rewards as I can and when they are taken and used for unauthorized purposes it hurts me and my ability to provide for myself and my cat.  Thank you for supporting and respecting independent artists <3


🎬Speedpaint Podcast// Negative Thoughts, Art Block and the Brain

Timelapse Process Video with podcast discussing art block, negative thoughts and the brain for Patrons



I never had a very long, serious art block, but I'm also not a proffessional artist, so I guess there is sligtly less preasure as my lievellyhood is not depandat on wether I create or not. I have had however many moments/days that I felt not good enough/lacking creativity or motivation, not learning quick enough or not spending enough time on drawing...for me the combination of not beeing a pro and having those thought/feelings very often is a big deal on its own because I then ask myself " If im feeling this one so early on in the game, what does the pro's go trough'' . What helps me the most is just taking a few days off and not beeting myself up for not drawing. Also trying to go to places that can be inspiring. One thing that works really well is attending an gesture drawing session, I have two options where I live, one is onlline on a weekly basis and the secon is once a month and its live. Eventhough I want to cancell it to the last moment and deeply regret going the first few minutes :D at the end Im really happy I did it. I dont have to think about the subject, I get to train my skill and afterwords chat with other ppl that like to do the same thing. I really like dr. Amen's podcasts btw he has such a big knowledge and is so nice to listen to......the only thing that saddens me deeply is his view on coffee;D Also that Necromancer piece just blew my mind!


This is coming at a time that has never been harder for me, so this is really relevant. Thank you x


Ooh, that idea of going to a gesture drawing class is really good!! I think you are on to something about going to inspiring places to help kickstart that creativity! I have only listened to one interview of his but I need to check out his podcast and books! Hah, and yeah, hearing about what coffee does to the brain was pretty sad! Lol. I had already switched to mostly decaf because the caffeine was making my anxiety worse, but still. 😂 And thank you!! Im glad you like the piece!


I've been stuck in a depressive rut of art block (and life block) since losing a loved one this year, and it's actually really interesting and helpful to know how negative thoughts impact our brains! Thanks for sharing this knowledge you found ♥️


I'm so sorry to hear about you losing a loved one Bella. Yeah, grief makes such a big impact. I know that learning how it affects our brains was kind of helpful and a little comforting for me to learn so I was excited to share it. Sending you lots of love this holiday season.