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Hi hi! 🎥🎨Here is a little Timelapse Process Video of the piece Goblin's Bride plus a little podcast style commentary for you!

In this podcast I talk about the dark fantasy genre itself, how to define it (although it can be tough to concretely define), and aspects around character, environment, emotion and psychology that I feel are at the core of the genre.  And then near the end I also speculate a bit on why I think Dark Fantasy has become more popular and mainstream.  

Anyhoo, I haven't really done this type of discussion where I talk about a genre before but it was fun to do and I hope it is an interesting listen, or at the very least my voice can tickle your eardrums and keep you company for 12 minutes!  hehe! 🎧😄



What is Dark Fantasy? Quick Overview and Thoughts

Timelapse Process Video plus a little podcast style commentary for patrons!



Thanks for tickling my eardrums! They enjoyed it. ;) As you were describing the genre, I was thinking of the older shows and movies that would fit it now. My first thought was "Beauty and the Beast", but then, it is still a romance movie overall. Hmmm... But, one that definitely fits is "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". It had so many views, from Buffy, some of the vampires (good ones), witches, etc. (Now I want to go re-watch it... sadly it will take forever with so many episodes.)


I think beauty and the beast, especially in some non-Disney interpretations could fall into the genre of gothic fantasy romance. In fact, there’s quite a few stories that probably fall in that category that are basically beauty and the beast retellings! And yeah, Buffy sounds like a dark fantasy for sure!