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Hello lovelies, how are y'all doing out there in these crazy times? I hope you're doing well! ๐ŸŒธ

In the past, when this Patreon was much smaller, I used to share longer blog-style updates on how things are going in my life, both on the art front and generally. Over time, I got the idea that people weren't interested in long blog posts from me.

I also feel a bit guilty about talking about myself too much. To grow online and be a "social media" person, you sometimes have to lean into narcissistic tendencies, and personally, I really hate that thought. So, I started withdrawing more and more of this personal content, like blog posts, and tried to focus more on providing art, tutorials, and resources instead. I shifted the focus away from me personally and more onto my work, and trying to help you guys.  I guess I didn't and still kind of don't feel very worthy to talk about myself, which sounds a little sad. (a bit of imposter syndrome, maybe?)

But now, I worry that it has made me a bit less approachable and impersonal here, which is the opposite of what I want. Maybe I'm overthinking all of this, but that's my train of thought! ๐Ÿค”

There are things that happen throughout the months that I want to update you guys on. So, I would like to try returning to doing some monthly blog updates like this, covering stuff on the art front and my personal life story. I'll do my best to include pictures and take you along on this journey with me. ๐Ÿ“ธโœจ

(and of course if blogs like this aren't your thing, feel free to ignore these posts and enjoy all of the other rewards available here!  This is just for those that are interested)

So anyway, with that intro out of the way, let's get into some of the big updates that happened in June!

The biggest update that happened, I already mentioned in the Rewards Index, and that is that I finally quit my dayjob! ๐Ÿฅณ It has been a long journey to get here!  For those of you that don't know, over the past 4.5 years, I have been working at a small game studio doing  2D art and Animations.

When we first moved here, I had been planning to do the independent art thing, but that all changed when my husband's company suddenly filed for bankruptcy only 2 weeks after we moved here!  Talk about a terrifying shakeup after uprooting our whole life and moving across an ocean!!  ๐Ÿ˜ฑSo, I panicked and started applying for jobs so that we could have a little more stability.

But then...

even when I got an offer, I actually turned them down for various reasons.  But they convinced me to join for "just one game/6 months."  In fact, I think there are even posts here on patreon from that time where I say "oh, I have this temporary job so I might be a little quiet here, but once it's over, I'll get back to full-time arting".  HAH!  nearly 5 years later....  That tends to be how it happens isn't it?  We get comfortable and stay in a situation for "just a little bit longer" until nearly 5 years go by.  

Has that kind of thing happened to you?  I'd love to hear about it so I don't feel like the only one!  lol

So when I say "FINALLY", It is because my relationship with this studio has been a continuous "I'll be quitting soon" but then I still hang on for "just a bit longer".

I don't regret hanging on for so long at all.  I made some of the best friends at this studio, was able to maintain some security while I built up my independent art on the side, and got to work on some frustrating projects and some really fun projects. So I am very grateful for my time there.

This spring/summer was finally time to leave though and it feels right, although scary being untethered.

So that is probably the biggest update!

What does that mean for the future here on patreon?

WELL, I am hoping it will mean a bit more quality work that I can do here.  Although I was already working every waking moment, so I'm also hoping to give myself a bit more balance, self-care, and downtime in my life.  Maybe a day off every once and a while but I haven't managed that yet in the past couple weeks.

Another update from leaving my day-job is that I no longer need to be tied to the city, so I am starting to look around at properties in the Swedish countryside to potentially move.  I'm sure that will be a bit of a bumpy process once it gets going, but I'll try my best to document it.  ๐Ÿก๐ŸŒณ

๐ŸŒŸMy dream is multifaceted and if you tune into streams, you may have heard me talk about it.

I want to find a house that is in the countryside, close to nature, maybe at the edge of a forest, that has enough land for a small homestead.   ๐Ÿก๐ŸŒณ

It would have a large garden/food forest, a few chickens, a couple cats, AND enough space to convert something like a barn into an art studio and have either a guest cottage or extra rooms in the main house so that I could eventually host artist residency programs a couple times a year to a couple artists that wish to come, stay and work on their art projects in a peaceful environment, with studio space, close to nature.  ๐ŸŽจ๐ŸŒฟ

With the digitization of our world, I have been feeling more and more a craving to connect with tangible experiences, and I would love to live in a place that feels a little like stepping back into "real" life close to nature where you can focus on the tangible experience of creating.  And I once that place is created, I would love to be able to share it with other creatives who want to come and experience it too.๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒˆ

It feels like a big dream that will take a lot of work to get there but it also feels achievable.  Maybe not in the short term, but in the long term.  The first steps on my end are to finish a couple renovations in my current flat so that it will hopefully sell for a bit more and that money can go into a countryside property.  I would love to have a much smaller mortgage so that I don't have to stress out as much about the high cost of living that I currently feel right now in the city.  ๐Ÿ’ฐ

Just  a couple years ago I would have classified myself as preferring the city, but now I think I'm a bit worn out of the hustle and bustle of it all.  What about you guys?  Are you a city or a countryside type of person?๐Ÿ™๏ธ๐ŸŒ„

Anyway, it will all be a big journey and I'm not yet sure when it will kick off fully, but I'm excited to bring you along for the ride.  Maybe I will finally start doing vlogs!  Maybe! ๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿค”

Until then, I have been enjoying growing potted plants on my balcony and of course  there's always a lot to do on the art business front.  I had planned to not take on any client work this summer so that I could dedicate myself fully to patreon and having some downtime to recover after wrapping up some big projects, but that's not really how things tend to work out.  I got a couple client offers that were so up my alley that I couldn't say no. ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ’ผ So as usual I am juggling some client work with independent art and resources that I make for here on patreon.

ANYHOO, there's always more to say, but this is already so long that I'll save it for another update.  ๐Ÿ˜…

๐ŸŒˆโœจI want to encourage you all to not be afraid to DREAM BIG and then TAKE LITTLE STEPS CONSISTANTLY towards that dream.  I truly think that the key to "manifesting" dreaming is CONSISTANCY.  Take action towards it every day, even if it is just a little something.  A small step is already 100 percent more progress towards that dream then if you hadn't taken any step at all!!

Alright, love you guys to bits and thank you so much for keeping me company on this wild journey!  If you made it this far, I commend you!!  I would say that future blogs will be more concise, but I am a long winded person, and I make no promises on that front!  lol  
Hugs hugs everyone and we'll speak more soon!

Chrissa XOXO



Thank you so much for sharing these big events with us. Congratulations for the big stepโ€ฆ I have to admit that you work a lot in order to keep the posts here with us although you had a day job. So I want to thank you again for all the love you give us. I too had to search for a job to maintain stability 6 months after being independant. I know itโ€™s tiring and time consuming. I love you ๐Ÿ˜˜


Thank you Shariffa! Those kind words mean more than you know!! And yeah, I think that having to pick up a job to maintain stability is a part of so many artist journeys that we really don't talk about enough. I feel like we often talk bout how amazing it is when people make the leap but not what happens when that leap doesn't work out right away. Hugs hugs to you!


Thanks for sharing! I wish you all the luck in the world moving forward. And I look forward to reading about your journey!


"Over-thinking it"? Nah! HAHA I know you have a lot of ideas and that things are new with the self-employed situation. All I can say or suggest is to enjoy the ride! Don't bite off too much for yourself (altho I understand the idea of "safety"). Remember to smell the roses along the way (or hug big trees)! :-) You know I have the dream of getting some land and a cabin in the mountains. I have always loved that nature area. But yes, civilization has some pluses too - like groceries and restaurants if/when needed. I do need to head up there someday... not sure why I am postponing, perhaps the "going alone" is slowing me down. Hmmm... Anyway, good luck with everything! Have fun and remember to RELAX and ENJOY yourself too! :-)


Well wishes Chrissa ๐Ÿ’œ I hope you find many treasures on your walks ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒธ


Love hearing about your dreams. My husband and I live on a small acreage outside of the city limits but driving distance to a couple of small towns. We have a large garden and a lovely flock of chickens. Our property does back up to a highway but with trees we donโ€™t notice it much. And we have wooded properties all around. We call it Butterbean Acres. I will try to share photos sometime. Enjoy this new adventure and I canโ€™t wait for more stories. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Lia Graf

Congrats and best of luck! /CHEERS YOU ON!!!

Aria Hern

Love hearing life updates :) and I have similar aspirations! I really want to have a property where I can host artists residencies too!


Hah! I would NEVER overthink anything. ๐Ÿ˜‚. Thanks! Yeah, Iโ€™m trying to find that balance. After so long of juggling so many things, I have gotten so used the chaos that taking any time to smell the roses is so foreign to me and takes some effort to actually do! Yeah, the inconvenience of not having grocery stores and restaurants minutes away is definitely a drawback. I can totally understand hesitating going up to view properties alone. It is all quite intimidating and even more if you are solo! If I was going it solo, I dunno if I would follow through in the same way. What I might do is do something crazy and dumb and just buy a place sight unseen because I donโ€™t want to bother with going to view it alone! Itโ€™s kinda what happened with moving here. But for such a huge thing like buying property, itโ€™s probably a good idea to actually look at it in person before jumping in


Oh wow Maggie! That is so cool!! Your property sounds absolutely lovely!! I would love to see some photos of butterbean acres if you want to share!


Oh thank you Aria! And that is so cool! It is such a beautiful dream, and I feel like it is more and more needed. Like I said in the post about everything being more and more digital, I really think that our community and society in general is in desperate need of places that feel more REAL, and allow people to express themselves in human ways.


Definitely interested! But I understand your doubts about it for sure. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป I've read part but am a little busy so I'll definitely return for the rest when time/the pressured mind allows haha. Thanks for sharing anyway! Always nice to get more of a behind the scenes look.


It's also simply just scary to leave the 'comfortable' space, even if it doesn't satisfy as much anymore, because at least "we know it", undertaking big steps are always at least partly unknown, which makes us second-guess and hesitate. ๐Ÿ˜ŠI hope that if you go for it, you'll forget about those doubts very soon once you get there, because it does sound cool!


Yeah, I have thought about that but you can only "see" so much in photos, and you know they only show the best things. Really gotta go check it out. It is probably a silly idea... so far away and how much would I use it. I could always rent for less. Then again, I may need that secluded spot when stuff hits the fan. HAHA ;)


Yes, very true! I used to travel alone so I shouldn't really worry about it. But that was a long time ago and I am not as fit (or crazy) as I used to be! Thanks for the feedback - lots to think about.


You are a very approachable person! Whenever I see you on streams or when you replied to comments, that's the feeling I have of you. And it's ok to share with us what you feel comfortable sharing. I really don't mind long posts like this! I'm so happy that you're getting closer to your dream! You worked hard to get here! For my part, I'm more of a suburb person. I live where there's lots of trees and parks. Tons of roads for bicycles and close to bus lines. But close enough to my job and other things I might need from the city. My backyard is quiet, filled with only the sounds of birds and tree leaves brush by the wind. My home is small but it's mine! There's nothing I enjoy more than sitting on my porch and draw there the whole afternoon. โค๏ธ


congrats! aw man I'd kill to do an artist residency with you!


That is good to hear! I know I overthink it sometimes! haha! I want to be approachable and make this a cozy place as much as I am able! The suburbs can be nice. I grew up kind of in the suburbs and it is a good mix of convenience with a little bit more space and quiet. Definitely a good middle ground! And omg! Sitting on your porch and drawing sounds divine!! I would love to see a pic of your pretty back yard or porch if you ever want to share!


Thanks Katie! I want to host artist residencies so bad! It might take some time to get it all set up but EVENTUALLY I gotta make it happen!

Brittney Klein

Love seeing "inside" the artist so to speak! Look forward to reading updates on your journey to reconnect to the world!


Thank you Brittney!! Iโ€™m excited to share! I imagine there will be many bumps along the way, but it is all part of the ride!

Brittney Klein

If it's not too nosey can I ask where yall moved too before there? I haven't been with you long enough to know lol!


Oh! I should have mentioned!! I was in Seattle before. I grew up in Utah,USA, then moved to Seattle as an adult. It was about 5ish years there before I moved to Sweden!

Brittney Klein

Oh that's awesome! Do you enjoy living in another country? I've always wondered what it'd be like to live somewhere over there in Europe!


Yeah, I quite like it. I knew pretty early on that I wanted to at least try living and working in Europe eventually and Sweden always stood out because of the high standard of living and it being somewhat of a game industry and tech hub in Europe. It also happens to be one of the countries that is a little easier to get permanent residency and eventually citizenship if you come in on a work visa. Sweden specifically is quite a calm and peaceful place, which I think is probably good for my personality and anxiety levels. Haha There are upsides and downsides of course. Generally, things are less expensive in the US then here, and salaries are a little more even across the board here, which means that compared to the US, they are lower for jobs like tech jobs but higher for entry level jobs or post office type jobs. So it was a really big paycut for my husband when we moved here, but we were aiming more for the experience and the lifestyle of living and working here. BUT, there are benefits like more worker protections, universal healthcare, lots of greenspaces, no need for a car if you are near enough to a city, lots of time off of work (if you aren't running your own business). And then of course, it is nice living close to other places in europe and reach places like Paris, and Rome in a 2 hour plane ride for a long weekend. Anyhoo, I'm rambling a bit, but if you ever get the chance, I think it is a good idea to try even if is just a seasonal thing to live and work in another country. It just gives a different perspective to how things are done and get accomplished in a different culture. e

Brittney Klein

It all honestly sounds amazing. I'd love to see and experience all the different cultures around the world, especially in Europe! There's soo many deep roots that still exist in European cultures. Thank you for sharing with me ๐Ÿ˜Š

SwellerSpade0 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-14 17:22:25 In 2020, we were hurting for money and I was offered a job through one of my husband's friend's Mom and it was a temp job for 6 months or so. That turned into 18 months and then I got another position elsewhere that ends next month >.> So I've been in a temp job for 3 years and wow was it surprising. I enjoy what I do but it's stressful and I'm looking forward to the break. it's crazy how life throws things at you!
2023-07-14 00:00:27 In 2020, we were hurting for money and I was offered a job through one of my husband's friend's Mom and it was a temp job for 6 months or so. That turned into 18 months and then I got another position elsewhere that ends next month >.> So I've been in a temp job for 3 years and wow was it surprising. I enjoy what I do but it's stressful and I'm looking forward to the break. it's crazy how life throws things at you!

In 2020, we were hurting for money and I was offered a job through one of my husband's friend's Mom and it was a temp job for 6 months or so. That turned into 18 months and then I got another position elsewhere that ends next month >.> So I've been in a temp job for 3 years and wow was it surprising. I enjoy what I do but it's stressful and I'm looking forward to the break. it's crazy how life throws things at you!


Wow! It is wild how that happens! It sounds like you did a really good job and they liked your work! I hope that your break will be restful after a long and stressful stretch!