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  • Third Eye 60sec.mp4



"On this night, by candlelight,
I activate my Witch's Sight"

🔮Happy Sunday everyone!  I hope you have had a relaxing weekend.  Coming to you with another witchy meditation inspired artwork!  (4K and Cellphone Wallpapers also included below!! Enjoy!!)

This one is all about the 3rd eye or mind's eye.  This feels kind of perfect, considering the "apple aphantasia" discourse is going around on twitter again.  It is so interesting to hear the different ways people experience their mind's eye.  For me, when I am not concentrating or trying too hard, I have always been able to imagine pretty vivid images, 3d and moving objects, scenes and color.  BUT when I am thinking about it and am TRYING to envision things, I have a harder time with it.  I do feel like as I've gotten older this ability to see things clearly in my mind's eye has weakened a bit so in visualizations and meditations I have been trying to strengthen that ability again.  

When it comes to seeing supernatural things or anythign like that, I'll admit that I have no experience with it.  I have family members who do, but I myself have never actually seen anything even close to that realm.  But I do enjoy imagining and practicing anyway because it makes mundane life a little more interesting sometimes.

What about you?  How easy or difficult is it for you to visualize things in your mind's eye?  Have you ever seen anything not quite of this realm?


If the images in patreon are having trouble previewing, you can download the images from the bottom of the post.

Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • Process Shots
  • TimelapseVideo
  • Raw PSD<<download link
  • Sketch
  • Lineart
  • Wallpapers



Addays Fernandez



LOOOOVE this!!! Wonderful job!!! 😍😍


Ohhhh i love everything about this! The colors, hair style, outfit everything is so lovely!


So Beautiful!


It's interesting that you said "as you got older" you lost some of your ability. I have always wondered if kids tend to see "things" (like imaginary friends, etc) because they haven't been corrupted by life, or told "what is real". Something interesting to think about. Hmmm


Yeah, that is super interesting to think about. You saying that actually brought up a super distinct memory of when I was a child and told my dad about something that I was SURE that I had seen IRL, not in a dream, and him telling me that he is pretty sure it must have been a dream. But I was convinced that it definitely wasn't a dream. Now a days, I have no clue if what I saw was in a dream or not, but it is curious to think about.


Love this!! Love all of it, colors, energy, the inner eye and... The hands, love the hands. Congratulations it's beautiful 😍😍😍😍

Lia Graf

Oh WOW...breathtakingly beautiful...such a level of power! Soooo many details to get lost in...nicely done! As for the apple imagery, I'm on the low end...either nothing or barely anything. If asked about an apple or something, I have words instead: small, round, red, green, yellow, tart, sweet etc. Words associated with the item. I've always had a huge problem creating from scratch but inspiration from someone else happens all the time. It's extremely frustrating not being able to see what you feel in your gut to draw.




LOVE ITTTTTTTTT. The lines in the hand are so intriguing leading into the lines on the eyelids and cheeks, and the witch's forehead eye just draws you in - this piece does such a good job of keeping your eye moving to see more and more details. I can't quite place the feeling this piece gives me but can't stop looking at it. &lt;3


Thank you so much! That is super interesting. I am curious how strong your internal dialogue is. This isn't based off of anything really, but I wonder since you have such a tie to words if your internal voice is louder as well.


I believe that you saw what you saw. Not sure if it was in a sleep state or not, but it was real to you! :-) But overall, I do think that people "filter out" what they don't want to see. This can range from criticism, political views, and the magic from other dimensions.


I love it, of course purple is my favorite color and I love the concept as well. It reminds me of intuition as well, which I've learned to trust/listen to more over the years. Sometimes it feels like some kind of mystic/super power of its own, picking up some kind of signal from outside, and it's often correct, it's really interesting. I'm gonna look at it a bit more carefully now. :D


I'm getting a kind of aura/radar pulse vibe from the lines around her now, which is also a really awesome touch. 🙏🏻 Reminds me of the move 'calm mind' in Pokémon, which has an animation of a drop falling and some circles spreading out, such cool imagery 🥰