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Hello wonderful patreon pals!  Things have been rough for the art community.  I personally have had a pretty significant blow to my own mental health due to everything that's been going on lately.  It is a reason I haven't streamed this weekend.  I'm sorry if you missed me!  

If you are not struggling around the AI art situation and stuff, then this video might not be for you.

I felt the need to make some sort of video both empathizing with other artists out there who are struggling like I am with all of this and also to try and offer a little encouragement and thoughts.  I don't know how helpful it is, but right now it's the best I can think to do because I see so many comments and posts from fellow artists having a really hard time.  




In this video I wanted to speak to artists like me who are CURRENTLY dealing with the very real and sometimes deadly mental health impacts that this whole situation is bringing up. Take care and keep drawing. There are many concerns and opinions on AI Art and many videos being made about said subject that are much more eloquent at laying out the legal, and ethical concerns then I am. Here are a couple videos that go into those specifics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u1CeiSHqwY&t=2s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjSxFAGP9Ss&t=3s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON ►► https://www.patreon.com/chrissabug MOAR LINKS ►► https://beacons.ai/chrissabug TWITCH ►► https://www.twitch.tv/chrissabug --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Epidemic Sound https://share.epidemicsound.com/9n9eai Tags: motivation inspiration digital art speedpaint timelapse fantasy art advice artist digital clip studio paint independent artist hustle burnout artblock #artblock #burnout #mentalhealth #AIArt #AI



I am sorry that you have been extra stressed with all of this! I wish I could help by saying something inspirational, but I am sure you have heard all the comments about AI by now. All I have is, "Of course we missed you!"


It may not do much, but a big heartfelt hug for you :(

Lia Graf

I understand, truly do. Peace and comfort to you, warmth of soul and mind. I look at all that's going on and just don't have words. More non artists are understanding, but it's still hard and harsh. Thing is, I can see using AI for reference, as you'd do with photos of places, poses, etc. but when it's used to just take and claim, that's just, well, bullshit. NO. And the comments...disgusting. Many are quietly fighting, not budging, not giving up. Thank YOU for speaking out, for offering what you can. I keep my sub with you because I believe in you, in what you do. It's a joy to receive of your art and yourself. Please, self care as you can, rest, hydrate, eat something, nap if needed.


Yes, this is really a strong blow to the entire art community, I really sympathize with you and all the artists now.


I have been seriously struggling with the Dark Thoughts and feeling like there is no point in trying. I too have not had any luck finding professional Mental Health assistance. It is hard to find someone at all let alone someone you can connect with. I feel that I am in total agreement with you regarding the whole AI situation, in my heart I feel as if the one thing I have ever been good at, my only passion is being stolen by a Bot with a few prompts…… UGH! Now I am rambling, I apologize. Please don’t give up you have been such a help and an inspiration to me. Thank You and Big Loving Hugs 🤗 to you.


I try to look at it like if I give up, the bots win. I don't know if that's the healthy way to look at it, but it's helped me a bit. Plus I'm just getting good, I can't give up now! I've wanted to be an amazing artist since I was a child, but never felt I could. I know I can now, and part of that is thanks to you Chrissa ❤️


I know it's quite easy to get caputred by all these AI-horrorsecnerios out there, but personally I think it's too early to realy tell how big the impact of all this is going to be. Don't get me wrong, I see the potential danger of it. But there have been countless times a new technolgy was hyped just to be forgotten pretty soon, because it didn't work/was used the way everyone expected it to. I also wonder when big Franchises will start leagal fights because of AIs massproducing designs for sale without any legal bases. Maybe you and I can't protect our art from being fed to the AI, but I think companys like Disney or Nintendo could cause these programms a lot of copyright issues. But what is even more important to me is the fact that I'm a 100% sure that AI-"art" will nerver be accepted by the artcommunity. A lot of artist seem to forget that usually the majority of their followers and costumers are some kind of creatives themselves. And I'm convinced that none of these would want a soulless "Frankenstein"-piece instead of a real piece of art. Maybe some artist will be replacedby AI, maybe the hype will die soon and real artist will return to companies and a normal amount of joboffers. I guess none of us is a fortuneteller so we just have to wait and see. But in any case the lable "handdrawn" will get a whole new value. Sorry for this wall of text, but I just can't keep it short and simple when it comes to this topic...


Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful comments and all your support. It really does mean a lot.


Hey, that's a really interesting story and a cool perspective. Like I said, I don't deny that it is some people's artistic expression. And I'm not one of those people that say that it is all bad. Even before I knew much about it I played with it and thought some of the images it spit out were interesting and would be interesting to paint on top of. I do think that in can be empowering to individuals. There's no denying that. I do think it will change the industry entirely, but we don't quite know how yet but for some of us it is easy to see how things might go in a way where companies don't really need artists (or programmers, or writers) anymore and it feels like a really uncertain future. But like I said, we don't know and I didn't specifically speak to my own fears in the video, since that's not what the video was meant to be about. This video was really meant to be speaking to other artists out there who might have been experiencing some of the same dark thought spirals around it like I have.


Hey thanks for your thought out comment. No need to apologize. It is a big topic. That is a good thing to keep in mind for sure! While I have certainly been experiencing my own worries and fears, the fact that many of my own community is creatives, is part of the reason I thought to make the video. Since I have seen and gotten messages from some folks who are really struggling in this moment. Of course I have my own fears around how the industry might be impacted, what makes me the most emotional around the whole topic is hearing seeing those messages and posts coming from the community and knowing what a big blow this feels like to so many people, especially many young artists.


Aww Tiff! That's a good fighting spirit! haha I mean, I think it is always a good idea to keep moving forward and improving for sure! You got this!


Oof Maggie I totally feel this. I know in my own journey, it has been like: I finally manage to get an appointment with someone for mental health and we just don't connect well. It is really tough. And I definitely feel you when it comes to the passion being taken by bots. It is tough to deal with but we can keep drawing ourselves! Maybe even put more focus on drawing FOR OURSELVES to get as much joy out of it as we can! You don't give up either! Hugs!


much love to you all!! Stay strong! <3


Much love to everyone! So much love I fill your pockets. Then I find your functional skirts with pockets and fill them too. ❤️✨🍂☕ "This controlled burn is almost over Chrissa. Plenty of room for our new unique artistic growth." 🥰 RAGE yoga, GIVE IT TO ME!!!