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Here is a speedpaint with a little podcast talking about how I unconsciously keep myself overbusy to avoid sadness.  

Its not really an advice podcast, but more about telling you guys about my personal experience.  maybe it will give some insights about what's going on with me and maybe if you experience this too, know that you aren't alone.  

If this kind of talk isn't really something you are interested in, you can just mute the video and watch the timelaps.  

the  piece: 

❤ Enjoy ❤


Overworking to Distract from Sadness/Ghost of Sorrow Timelapse + minipodcast

Here is a casual voiceover podcast and timelapse for patrons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON ►► https://www.patreon.com/chrissabug MOAR LINKS ►► https://beacons.ai/chrissabug TWITCH ►► https://www.twitch.tv/chrissabug -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------



It may seem like a downer but it resonates quite the oppsite way at least with me today :) I know exactly what you mean. Stopping the wheel for a day without any guilt is really hard. I put way to much pressure on myself to often^^ But I guess it is important to except the imperfection in oneself and kind of face those bad moments in a neutral way as they come and go and see what they may teach about oneself. At least that's what I try do to :) So no, not alone

Lia Graf

What you shared...you're not alone. I see this also in my Twitter feed, my Facebook feed, artists, creators who are just doing what they can to tread water until they can pull themselves out of the deep end. May you reach your shore. -- Lia, who also is having this very thing


Its good to hear that it isn't too much of a downer. haha But yeah, it is a tough challenge. I think you have a really good point about accepting it in a neutral way. Sometimes it feels like a battle of getting too caught up in the emotion vs trying to avoid the emotion, but if you can accept it and observe, that seems like a more healthy option.


I see this all over as well. Thank you for your wonderful words and wishing for you to reach your shore as well!


You are definitely not alone, but taking the time to stop, rest and recharge is very important. It's something I've been actively teaching myself without feeling restless and guilty for not being productive. So far not much success but hopefully with time it becomes easier. Take care Chrissa <3 also happy to hear you might transition to doing only one job soon-ish


I feel this wholly and completely. The stress of everything is too much so you want something you can focus on to make you feel some control while everything else takes so much effort to process. I am on that journey too. This year I made no resolutions I could fail at, I just wanted to feel better. I started by physically healing me and taking better care of my health, then my mind, relationships and creating peace. It’s a struggle, you are not going through this alone! Sending healing energy to you so you can find your peace.


Well I'm doing this ^^" it is quite effective plus it made me make so much progress in just a year.


I totally agree. It is so tough to learn how to do! I'm glad that you are consciously working on it as well! I hope that over time it gets better for both of us! haha!!


YES! Exactly! When you overwork it feels like you have some level of control! I totally feel this! I'm glad to hear that you are focusing on healing and taking steps to feel better. Thank you for the energy ! I hope we can both continue to heal and find peace!


This wasn't a downer at all. I feel this and relate to it. Over the last year and a half, if I'm not working, I find myself over thinking and sad. You are not alone Chrissa. Sending so much love your way!! ❤️❤️❤️