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  • Sincerity.mp4



Here is something kind of calming that started as a warmup sketch before work today and that I just felt like I had to quickly finish tonight.  

The color pallet is a lot softer then my usual but I hope you like it.  I always get a little afraid of using softer pallets, worried that there isn't enough contrast or it isn't eye catching enough.  So, often, even when I start out with softer colors, I tend to crank up the saturation as I work.  But some of my favorite works that inspire me actually use a lot of softer colors and even desaturated gray-ish colors while still mixing in pastels.  I would love to eventually feel more comfortable in those types of color schemes.

I also wanted to quickly say thank you so much for supporting another month here!  It means so much that you guys believe in my work, so thank you THANK YOU!  And I hope you enjoy the art and resources!  🙏

🌿Remember to grab the gumroad download and codes of Art Pack 50 !🌿

If the images in patreon are having trouble previewing, you can download the images from the bottom of the post.

Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • Timelapse Video (just the sketch and the lineart for this one.  Had some technical difficulties when recording colors.)
  • Raw PSD<<download link
  • Sketch & Lineart (the lineart for this one is pretty minimal)
  • Process Shots




So pretty!! 🤩😍


She looks so pretty! Will you be doing more tutorials in the future?


Thank you! Yes, of course. I schedule 1 tutorial a month. (sometimes I can manage a 2 if I manage to find the time).




Ohhhh lovely!


So pretty and calming 🥰


I like it very much! 😍


I stopped scrolling and gasped, "OH comeon Chrissa, She's beautiful."


The pastel colors make her look ethereal! I love it!

Lia Graf

This is breath taking...the softness, the flow of lines....beautifully done!


Just thought I’d pop back in and say that I’ve made this piece my wallpaper on my iPad which has replaced a drawing of Solas that I had on for probably a year? Which is really big deal btw! I always have Solas as my wallpaper on everything I own 😅 And the reason for it, besides the fact that its just an absolutely gorgeous piece of art, it reminds that I need to also just draw more casual portraits/ drawings and not always produce big pieces that take 10+ hours to create. It also reminds that I should experiment with softer colours and lighting. I know it might seem random but there are few hidden messages in this piece for me that I need to be reminded of on a daily basis and this drawing seems to bring out those reminders. ❤️


Oh wow! Replacing solas as a wallpaper is indeed high praise! Haha! That’s a cool reason too! I’m so glad it can serve as a reminder to experiment and feel free to tackle smaller casual art! 💖💖💖. It makes my day to hear that!