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I feel a little bit evil making you guys decide between 3 doggos!  lol  It wasn't planned, but it did turn out that all 3 choices have a dog/wolf.  

Also, for the spicy print, we are gonna have to do a vote as well this month since we have a couple choices!  That poll will be going up in just a couple minutes, so apologies in advance for the back to back polls Spicy Guild



Oh this one is so tough. I may have to buy the Artemis one. But I realllly want the Hecate one


yeah me too, i want all the godesses


I knoooow, this one is a tough vote! >w< I'm glad that you guys have to pick and not me. lol


I also want all the Goddesses.... I started making a collage on my wall of your Goddess prints and I am LOVING it haha ☺


whichever goddess isn't chosen I will definitely need to get separately ahh


Ummm but I want ALL the goddesses 🤣


No, the evilness is putting Hecate and Artemis in the same poll 😭😭


Aww! I knoooow! It’s hard! I wanted to focus on drawing more then one goddess per month so that we could get more done faster but that has made the polls more difficult! Hopefully we reach the next goal in the next month or 2 and can do more bonus prints!💖💖💖


Haha I knoooow! Drawing more then one goddess per month ha thrown a slight wrench in the “gotta collect em all” for the series. I hear you! Hopefully we reach the next goal in the next month or 2 and can do more bonus prints!💖💖💖


I hear you! Hopefully we reach the next goal in the next month or 2 and can do more bonus prints!💖💖💖


Aww! Haha that is so cool!! Yes, I knowwww! I hear you! Hopefully we reach the next goal in the next month or 2 and can do more bonus prints!💖💖💖


💖💖💖 I hear you! Hopefully we reach the next goal in the next month or 2 and can do more bonus prints soon!