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Fear of Failure is something that I think most of us are familiar with.  It crops up in all areas of life and unfortunately can hold us back from taking risks, trying new things, or even just being productive!  In this article I want to address this topic specifically in relation to artists but a lot of what I say here might be applicable to other areas of life as well.
First, a standard disclaimer: This topic involves a lot of psychology and I am in no way a psychologist, or mental health professional.  Everything in this article is knowledge I have gained through my own research and experience.  If this is a topic that you struggle with, I definitely recommend working with your own therapist, councilor or life coach.

✨The pdf of the article is attached to this post for you to download and read at your leisure!

Thank you guys so much for your patience!  This topic was extremely personal to me and with everything going on, its not one I wanted to rush through without doing it justice!  

In this article, I tried to include some actionable steps that have helped me with this topic both in the past and steps that I still use ALL THE TIME!  Everyone is different but I hope there might be some things in this article that may help or motivate you as well!  


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Looking forward to reading this, thanks for addressing it! It's a big struggle for me and I'm hoping this'll help me to break through it.


Dear GOD do I relate to that macro-level fear. It has been my #1 stressor for years now. Good article. Still working on giving up the need for control on my next big unknown: crowdfunding! (Hopefully coming next month)


oooh! Nice! Congrats! Yeah, it is such a scary thing buuuuut when you think about it you can only do so much. You do your best and then put it out there and what comes comes!


Yayy! I hope it will be at least somewhat helpful or motivational. It is such a tough struggle!


Thanks for the inspirational article! I agree that there is no better way to toss fears than to just jump into doing something, even if it feels like wasted time! It’s much better than to just self-doubt for an hour! Was feeling like that yesterday and decided to just watch some tutorials until I would feel like drawing again!


Thank you so much Chrissa!! These articles are the #1 reason why I follow you, and support your Patreon !!! All the Best— Angelica G.


You are so welcome! Thank you for saying so! I'm so glad that you like the articles! Sometimes the topics can be challenging! haha


You are very welcome! Sometimes it takes that little extra push of doing something like what you did to start watching tutorials to really get motivated to start drawing! That is actually a fabulous idea that I might steal and start doing when I'm struggling with being paralyzed by doubt. Haha