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  • MorningCuppa.mp4



The mid-morning sun warmed Ebba's face in contrast to the chilly air of the stone castle.  She was perched against a windowsill on the second level just outside her chambers while enjoying her cup of coffee between morning training and her daily guard duties.  
The window and view was nothing spectacular when compared with other parts of the castle, but this was one of her favorite spots, thanks to it perfectly overlooking the training courtyard.  The courtyard in which her charge, the Crown Princess of Arida, was practicing her morning casting lessons.  
Even when on a short "break" (as if a personal guard ever was afforded a proper break from their duties), Ebba could keep a protective eye on the princess.  Even as adults, royalty, especially royalty destined to rule an entire nation, needed constant protection.

Ebba took a long sip of the warm bitter liquid as her eyes flitted from watching the princess' movements to scanning the courtyard for any potential threats.  Noticing nothing out of place, Ebba's gaze slid back to her charge, letting herself admire the grace and power of the Princess' movements.  Ebba felt desire coil in her lower belly and her face heated.  
She quickly polished off the rest of her coffee.  Best to not linger and let her thoughts wander too much, she decided as she set the mug on the sill and started back towards the stairs that led down to the courtyard.  If the princess asked about why Ebba's cheeks and ears were so pink, she would have to blame it on the hot drink.

Well well well... Keeping an eye on the Princess, hmmmm?  Haha.  Its been a while since writing a little scene like this, but it is a fun little character exploration.  Whenever I sit down to actually write little bit to go a long with an illustration, I remember how much I love it!  

Want to see more Ebba?

Ebba and her Cat

Pastel Ebba

Ebba Character Exploration  

Ebba 1st Encounter

Before Practice

Sunrise Smooch

Elven Fighter

Fighter (sketch and Ink)

Young Fighter

Rewards for this piece (attached to bottom of post):

  • Full Res Art
  • Timelapse Video
  • Raw PSD<<download link=""></download>
  • Sketch & Lineart
  • Process Shots




Exactly what I though after finishing this entertaining moment. "Keeping an eye on the Princess, hmmmm? HAha". A simple rest with coffee but it turns out to be SO much more. AWESOME CHRISSAAA!!!!! and I love your new "steps.jpg" layout

Lia Graf

Nicely done! Thank you!


Woooo more Ebba!


Soo... when can we expect the book?