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Social Media is a huge blessing and a curse.  It opens up possibilities for independent artists and small business owners to grow and get their work out there, but at the same time it can be a beast that can eat your creativity and mental health alive if you aren’t careful.  I’ve experienced this first hand.
I’m going to try and tackle this topic from 2 angles:
1) Strategies that have helped social media work for me
while simultaneously
2) Letting go of the power social media has over me so that I don’t lose myself in the process.
It is a tricky topic that I think about a lot and still struggle with, but I do feel like I have gotten closer and closer to where I want to be in this area, so I hope that at least some of what I write in this article might be helpful to you too!  Let’s get into it!

The pdf of the article is attached to this post for you to download and read at your leisure!

I'm sure there will be some familiar points in this article but I hope it gives you some additional and helpful insights and ideas!

Read Past Articles:



Lia Graf

Something that often keeps me from stepping into social media with what I draw, ty!


YW! I hope it helps! Depending on your goals, I think it is good to share your art on social media but you do have to be careful! It’s easy to be tempted to make a certain type of art just because it’s trending and have your creativity impacted. But at the same time, it can be really encouraging and inspiring. Definitely a double edged sword!


This is so helpful Chrissa - full of good reminders! 🤩🙏🏻👌🏻


I’m looking forward to reading this later. I have been struggling with this more and more of late. I wonder if I am becoming less of an artist and more of a “content creator”.


I hear you! That's exactly how I feel sometimes. I think you can be both an artist and a content creator... but if you are being pushed into more of the content creation side of things because you feel like you have to but you aren't happy that you have been pushed that direction, then it becomes a problem and can hinder artistic creativity and just time spent creating artwork. Hopefully the article will offer some helpful tips and reminders. 🙏