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Happy Friday!
I wanted to give you previews for May's Print and Sticker!  I am really excited how both turned out

 💕 Print Guild: 

  • Elfroot Tea Print

 💗 Sticker Guild: 

  • Instacat Sticker (the heart and freckles are holographic!  eep!)
  • Elfroot Tea Print
  • Welcome Sticker for newly pledged/upgraded patrons

 💖 Spicy Guild: For the spicy guild I am planning on making Poison Ivy the spicy print.  I'm just not 100% finished with the painting yet.  I'll hopefully be finishing up this weekend and get you guys a proper print preview!  I think she'll make a really good print once she is done!  You can go to the 3rd image in this stack to see the Work In Progress so far!

  • Poison Ivy NSFW Print 
  • Instacat Sticker (the heart and freckles are holographic!  eep!) 
  • Elfroot Tea Print
  • Welcome Sticker if you are new to this guild!

💝Collector’s Circle

  • 2 11x14 prints customized to you, and what you want OR I can surprise you
  • Printed coloring page of all lineart from this pack
  • Poison Ivy NSFW Print
  • Elfroot Tea Print
  • Instacat Sticker
  • welcome sticker if you are new to this guild!


When will I receive these prints? These rewards are part of ART PACK 35 released in early May 2020. Sign up or change/stay on your pledge for May to get these rewards. 

Prints and Stickers are mailed out to already pledged patrons by the 10th of the month, and for those that pledge throughout the month, they are mailed out within a couple days of their pledge. 

 Please note that due to Covid, the postal services of many countries is delayed so it might take a little extra time for your rewards to reach you.

Important reminder, the pledge processing has switched to pay upfront, which doesn't change things too much for current patrons but it does mean that there is still time to adjust your pledge if you would like to receive Art Pack 34 Print and Sticker rewards

 I have just a couple Holographic Mist stickers left, so if you would like to pledge for those, you have about a week left to do so.  If you would like to upgrade your pledge for only Art Pack 35 rewards, you can do so by adjusting your pledge at the beginning of May.





I love elfroot tea so much!! The colours are beautiful and there is so much happening. And poison Ivy is going to look amazing I'm sure!