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Hi guys!  I'm still in the process of working on this dtiys piece that incorporates multiple dtiys characters, but I thought I would share the lineart and sketches with you... plus a couple other sketches.  



I finally started a YouTube channel.  You maybe saw already from discord, but after getting so many questions on how I livestream with my ipad, so I made a little tutorial.  I am going to try and make more art related and tips  videos to upload to youtube.  People have been suggesting that I start a proper youtube channel for years, so I'm going to give it a try!  
If you have any video suggestions or requests, let me know!  Hopefully this will help me get better and faster at making and editing videos so I can make more tutorials for you guys as well!

Art Pack Summary Coming Soon

Its another month with quite a bit of art, rewards, and the drawing poses tutorial!   I will work on getting the art pack 34 summary posted asap.  Hopefully after work today!


I just wanted to give a little shout out to all you amazing folks who have been so positive and supporting of each other on the discord server.  I can't be involved in every conversation that happens over there since I sleep at the same time as a lot of you are awake, and chatting, but it really warms my heart every time I open up discord to see such nice conversations happening!  



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