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Hi dears!
I am moved to SWEDEN!  PHEW!  Its been an adjustment that I'm still figuring out, that's for sure, but I'm glad that I'm finally moved.  I still don't have my full computer setup, but it is coming eventually.

Reward News!

I wanted to touch base with you guys, specifically my Collector Patrons (those of you that get the printed goodies, not just the small art print).  I mentioned this before, but that reward tier is going to need some adjusting.  On top of that, I'm not in a position at the moment to fulfill that tier.  I don't have my full printer and my stock of other prints with me yet.  

So, I would love to give you some options.  If you would like, you can move yourself down to the $10 per month tier to still get all of the digital rewards, and the small print.  You can also stay in the $30 tier if you want to continue supporting at that higher level, but please know for now that I won't be able to send you print rewards for this upcoming art pack outside of the small card.  I am so sorry for the trouble.

Streaming this week!

In other news, this week I am going to try and put together SOME sort of streaming setup.  I have all day to figure that out tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be online chatting with you guys again, finally!

Away again at the beginning of December

This feels like it has come up out of no where, but I had a vacation to Thailand the first 2 weeks of December booked before I even knew I was moving to Sweden, so that has come up so suddenly as November comes to a close.  So, yes, I will be somewhat absent again at the first part of December.  I'll do my best to get rewards all ready to send out before I go!  

I'm excited for warm weather and lots of pole dance practice (its a pole dance train-cation!), but I feel like I haven't gotten much chance to settle down after moving.  I will be relieved when the last half of December comes around and I can hunker down in my apartment with nowhere to go!  Haha!

All-in-all I'm really excited for this week to focus on my art again.  I feel like it has been so long since I sat down and produced much of anything.  I know I have been busy with the move, and maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself, but as an artist, it can be discouraging to realize you haven't gotten to create much of anything for a while.  

Here is a WIP of something I just started.  I have had this idea  of doing a #drawthisinyourstyle "master works" edition.  Basically doing a draw this in your style challenge, but instead of doing a version of images other instagram artists have created, going way back and drawing old masterwork paintings in your style.

What do you think about that idea?  Do you think it will catch on?  :)

Thank you as always for your support!  I'm hoping this new chapter in my life will lead to more creativity and art moving forward!
