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Hello guys!  

I know I have been kind of absent from everywhere internet related the last few weeks.  A lot of potential life transition craziness is going on, and it has kept me from being able to really engage a lot with my online peeps.  For that, I am sorry.  I will be letting you know about this life transition once it is actually official (likely sometime this week)... although I think I may have mentioned it briefly on a past stream so, some of you already knooooow.

Art Pack 17 is basically done and I will be posting the summary for that TOMORROW.  

I am also cramming a bit to get this Overwatch girls poster done fore Rose City Comic Con.  So... I will likely still be a little bit inactive util this is complete.  I was going to stream it, but I am rushing so much to get it done in time for printing, that I will probably just skip streaming this so I can work faster in silence.  

Sorry for missing out on so much streaming lately.  I do want to get back to streaming more regularly, but things just keep coming up that pull me away.  Such is life, I guess.  

For now, here is a cropped preview of what I'm working on!  Aaaaand, keep your eyes peeled tomorrow for the art pack summary.  

THANK YOU as always for your continued support!  Whenever things get crazy and I get anxious and have irrational thoughts  like scaling back on the "art thing", your support really pulls me back.  (Don't worry, I'm not even CLOSE to giving up on art or anything like that... its just silly anxious thoughts that I think most artists have that come up when times get tough.)  

My point is that it really helps to have you guys here not just for financial support but also for your kind comments, and that you even follow my work and are looking forward to what art I'll produce next.  It means a lot to me.  So THANK YOU!
