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Hey!  I apologize for being a bit absent the past few weeks.  I have found the past couple weeks I've had a slight dip in my emotional/mental health that I am working through so I have needed a bit more quiet time.  That's why I haven't been on social media as much and I haven't been streaming.            

Because of this I haven't been as productive as I would like, so I am putting a pause on Patreon for just this month.  That means that you will not be charged at the end of this month and then Patreon will pick back up as usual next month.  That should give me plenty of time to finish up the art pack and get back on track.

Thanks as always for your support and patience, especially in times where I feel a little down!  It really means a lot to me and helps me keep going! 


Here is a little preview of a redraw I started working on.  Playing with vibrant colors.  

Have a fabulous day!




Always take care of yourself first. Much love to you n kidkittens. Take care!


Do what you need to do. We’ll be here when you get back. 💜 Also the redraw is looking awesome!


Hope you'll feel better soon. We still love you. ❤️


Thank you!!! After this weekend I’ll have a 2 month break from cons, so I think that will help! 💖💖💖